removal of adipocytes on the faceA wen (common name for lipoma) isa subcutaneous formation that usually appears in loose connective tissue. Lipoma has a soft, loose consistency. Mostly, fairly small neoplasms (from 1 to 3 cm) are encountered. But there are known cases of the development of large lipomas, the size of a chicken egg (from 10 cm and more). Lipomas are most often white or flesh-colored. They usually arise due to metabolic disorders in the body.

How to understand that you have a wen

It is possible to distinguish a lipoma from another formationby its mobility and painlessness. Lipomas do not have malignant (cancerous) cells, so they do not degenerate into a tumor. Therefore, such formations are a problem only from an aesthetic point of view. What representative of the fair sex would want to walk around with such a good thing on her head? The most common places for lipomas to be localized are the following parts of the face: upper and lower eyelids, forehead, lip area and cheeks. Can't figure out if it is an inflamed pimple or a lipoma that needs to be removed immediately? Touch the neoplasm with your fingers. If the seal is smooth, elastic to the touch and moves slightly when pressed, then you have a lipoma on your face. In order to make sure that this formation is still a lipoma, you need to undergo a medical examination. At the hospital, you may be offered a puncture of several lipomas, which is done using a special thin needle. As a result of this procedure, the contents are removed and sent for histological examination. Usually, the puncture is completely painless for the patient and lasts only a few minutes. In order for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, the fair sex may need an ultrasound examination of the lump. Thanks to the ultrasound, it is possible to detect the accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin. Only after this will it be possible to surgically or laser remove all lipomas. Why do you need to do all this? Very often, a lipoma is confused with an atheroma, which appears due to excess accumulation of sebum. Which, in turn, leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands, thereby forming a "lump" on the skin. However, these are fundamentally different diseases. In the second case, the lump is related to cysts. And therefore, the removal of neoplasms is completely different. Only a doctor can be trusted with the treatment of lipoma. Many patients try to get rid of the annoying formation on their own. However, this leads to sad consequences. By puncturing the skin in non-sterile conditions, they introduce an infection. And after a couple of months, the lipoma appears again. Believe me, alcohol does not cope with most of the bacteria that surround us. In addition, after such procedures, unsightly wounds remain on the face, which take a very long time to heal and lead to the formation of to remove a grease on the face

How to get rid of wen

Removal of lipomas on the face can be carried outin two ways: medicinal or surgical. In the first case, during the operation, the doctor punctures the lipoma with a special needle and injects medications through it. After which the lipoma begins to gradually dissolve, and then disappears completely. This method of treatment is effective only when the size of the lipoma on the face does not exceed 3 cm. All other formations are treated exclusively surgically. Surgical treatment is performed under local anesthesia, so you will not feel pain during the procedure. Your face will just go a little numb. If the lipoma is large, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. After general anesthesia, the patient must be in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor, but this lasts no more than 2 days. This is necessary for the doctor to make sure that the removal of the neoplasm was successful. After a traditional operation, unfortunately, the patient often has scars that adversely affect his personal life. Women feel especially bad if the lipoma was removed on the face. The fair sex begins to be embarrassed by their reflection in the mirror. But there is a way out! In recent years, modern medicine has widely used the endoscopic method. Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to accurately track the progress of the operation and avoid scarring. During the procedure, the doctor makes a small incision in the skin, into which an endoscope is inserted. In this case, the incision is made not on the lipoma itself, but not far from it, in a less noticeable place. Using a special instrument, the doctor separates the lipoma from adjacent tissues and removes it.

Remove wen in the home

You can try to get rid of the lipomafolk methods, but only if the seal has reached a relatively small size. Remember: this should only be done in extreme cases, when there is no way to go to a clinic to have the lipoma removed. So, there are many different recipes that are available and easy to use:

  • Compress of soap and onions

It won't take long to prepare this remedy.time and effort. Plus, almost all girls have the necessary ingredients at home. Those who want to get rid of a lipoma should grind laundry soap and an onion, previously baked in the oven, on a coarse grater. This compress will need to be changed 2 times a day. It is recommended to do it until complete healing.

  • Compress of a golden mustache

To get rid of a lipoma, you should takea fresh leaf of the plant and crush it until juice is formed. Then apply it to the formation, cover it with polyethylene on top and wrap the place with a towel or bandage. On the eyelids or moving parts of the face, you can fix it, for example, with a plaster. After 12 hours, replace the leaf and do a similar procedure. The course usually lasts no more than 2 weeks.

  • Ointment from garlic

To prepare a healing ointment,you need to take young garlic, grind it thoroughly in a mortar. After it turns into a homogeneous gruel, you should add vegetable oil to the resulting garlic mass. We do everything in a 1:1 ratio. Then mix the mixture and gently rub it into the seal. Such an ointment is considered, perhaps, one of the most effective folk remedies for lipomas. After several such procedures, the lipoma completely disappears. However, such removal is fraught with burns on the skin.

  • Juice of celandine

When using this product, you should know:that the plant can also cause a burn, like garlic. Therefore, it should be used with caution. It is best to buy ready-made celandine juice, which is sold in any pharmacy. The product should be carefully applied to the wen that you want to remove. The procedure is allowed to be carried out no more than 2 times a day. After that, Vishnevsky ointment should be applied to the area treated with celandine. A piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad should be applied on top, then you will need to fix it with a bandage. The bandage with ointment should be changed at least 2-3 times a day. This should be done for 4 days.

  • Ointment from wheat grains

In this case, the ointment is not so dangerous, thereforeEven girls with sensitive skin can use it. You will need to take wheat grains, grind them and add boiled water to them. Mix the contents until smooth. Put the resulting gruel on gauze or bandage, wrap it. Apply gauze to the formation and cover with polyethylene on top. Perform the procedure 3 times a day.remove grease on the face

Precautions in the treatment of folk remedies

If you still decide to choose one ofthe above methods, be especially careful during the procedures. Check your skin for sensitivity each time. In some cases, an allergy to one of the ingredients may occur. Therefore, test the resulting mixture on the elbow. If the treated lipoma begins to increase in size, urgently contact a dermatologist. Perhaps you have a more serious disease than you thought at first glance. And any thermal or chemical impact on the tumor leads to sad consequences, including death. Removal of a malignant tumor should be carried out immediately.

Prevention of the disease: how to avoid relapse

Removing the lipoma is just the beginning.After you get rid of lipomas, take care of your diet. It should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is very important to reduce the consumption of fatty foods (fatty meats or fish, butter, margarine, lard, etc.) to a minimum. Green tea is useful, as it removes toxins from the body. After adjusting your lifestyle, many patients notice that lipomas dissolve and disappear on their own. You should also exercise, walk at least an hour a day in the fresh air, take a contrast shower twice a day. Your face should be wiped with special tonics and lotions, use higher-quality creams and cosmetics. Wash your face with herbal infusions. Chamomile, oak bark, yarrow are great for this. And if you follow all the above tips, you will never remember what a lipoma is again.

