Valentine's DayA day when even the most timid and indecisivea person in love can confess his feelings without words. A holiday that does not involve pompous celebrations or noisy fun. But, nevertheless, for anyone who knows firsthand what love is, February 14 is a holiday associated with the expectation of something special, romantic and bright. Despite the fact that in our country Valentine's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently, we have happily adopted this bright tradition, making it an occasion to once again tell those who are dear to us about our feelings. If you believe in folk signs, even birds choose a mate for themselves on this day and begin courting their other half. Doves are one of the symbols of this holiday, because they are an example of fidelity, because they choose a mate for themselves once and for life.

Who is Saint Valentine?

The history of Valentine's Day goes back toглубокое прошлое, когда боги, как говорили в то время, жили среди людей. Чтобы искоренить пережитки языческих верований, в 496 году Папа Римский Геласий I распорядился дать празднику в честь богини любви Юноны и бога плотских утех Фавна другое название и совершенно изменить его смысл. Так появился День святого Валентина. Однако, согласно историческим фактам, святых мучеников с этим именем было трое. Первый являлся священником и врачом во времена правления императора Клавдия II, второй — итальянским епископом, а третий даже претендовал на папский престол и проповедовал достоинства брачных уз как воплощения христианской любви. Но до сих пор достоверных сведений о том, в честь кого конкретно получил свое название День святого Валентина, к сожалению, нет. Как нет и твердой уверенности в том, что он на самом деле должен символизировать, ведь Валентин часто изображается на иконах как врачеватель. Так что история возникновения дня влюбленных и связанное с этим правильное его толкование до конца человечеству неизвестна. Поскольку достоверных сведений сохранилось совсем мало, то за многие столетия существования этого праздника имя святого Валентина обросло множеством легенд, прекрасных и романтичных, как и сам этот день. Какие из них являются истинными или наиболее похожими на правду, сейчас сказать трудно. Но одну из легенд можно услышать чаще других. Возможно, что именно так все и было, ведь ее главный герой был реальной исторической личностью, одним из трех святых, в честь которых, возможно,  День святого Валентина и получил свое название. Жил этот покровитель влюбленных, как уже говорилось выше, в Италии во время правления императора Клавдия II, и был он истовым христианином и священником. Император Клавдий запрещал своим легионерам вступать в брак, чтобы мысли о возлюбленной и оставленном семейном очаге не отвлекали его солдат от единственного поистине мужского занятия — войны. Но любовь — волшебное чувство, она не выбирает время и место, чтобы постучаться в сердца людей. И Валентин втайне от императора соединял сердца влюбленных, венчая и скрепляя их узами брака. Узнав об этом, Клавдий приказал посадить священника в темницу и назначил день казни. Одна из легенд рассказывает, что в тюремных стенах его самого опалило это прекрасное чувство. Валентин влюбился в дочь известного сановника, и в ночь перед казнью он признался ей в своих чувствах, подписав письмо «Твой Валентин». А 14 февраля взошел на плаху с именем возлюбленной на устах. Согласно другой легенде, Валентин был римским патрицием, тайно принявшим христианство и обратившим в него слуг. Во время обряда венчания и сам Валентин, и новобрачные были арестованы. Однако патриция вскоре отпустили, а вот его слуг ждала казнь. Желая поддержать своих брата и сестру во Христе, Валентин написал каждому из них послания с красными сердцами — символами любви. Он лично принес эти письма в темницу и уговорил стражу обменять жизни влюбленных на его собственную. Самопожертвование римлянина, как говорится в легенде, нашло отклик в сердцах многих его соотечественников: они не забыли смелого поступка патриция. А час его мученической смерти стал известен в мире как День святого Валентина. Возможно, что все это только догадки, но история праздника 14 февраля с тех пор связанна с именем знаменитого святого, погибшего во имя права влюбленных быть вместе и ставшего покровителем всех, чьи сердца полны этого волшебного чувства. Valentine's Day

Rituals and traditions of the day of lovers

The traditions of Valentine's Day are very interesting.Many of them have come to us from ancient times, and some are quite modern. Different countries around the world celebrate Valentine's Day in their own way, but everywhere February 14 is considered a particularly good date for concluding marriages. People are sure that the vows at the altar on this day have almost magical powers, and married life will be very happy. It is difficult to say whether this is really true, but it is quite possible that a couple who became husband and wife on Valentine's Day, thereby really gives themselves a certain attitude in the future to remain faithful, respect and treat each other with special trepidation. There was also a statement that it is on Valentine's Day that it is quite acceptable for a woman to ask her beloved man to marry her. In some countries, it is customary to give unmarried women items of clothing on Valentine's Day. If such an offering is favorably accepted, it means that the woman agrees to marry the giver. Some signs are associated with birds. They say that if a girl sees a goldfinch on Valentine's Day, she will have a successful marriage with a rich man from a noble family. Many men tried to be near the house where their lady love lived from early morning on February 14. After all, it was believed that the first young man a girl saw on Valentine's Day should become her husband. For several centuries, in some European countries, unmarried girls gather together on Valentine's Day, write notes with their names and put them in a box. Then young men join them and begin to take out the cherished leaves from the box one by one, choosing a partner for the whole coming year. On Valentine's Day, in many countries, it was customary to tell fortunes to find out the name of the future husband or wife. Fortune telling on two halves of a nutshell with burning candles fixed in them is especially popular in Europe. On Valentine's Day, they are lowered into the water and watched: if the shells float together, the relationship will be successful, and if they turn over or float in different directions, the marriage will not work out. To find out the name of the betrothed, young girls come to bodies of water on February 14 and submerge sheets of paper with men's names prepared in advance under water (if it is not frozen). The sheet that floats first will reveal the name of the future husband.

Several ways to celebrate on February 14

Like any other holiday, Saint's DayValentine's Day requires advance preparation. You are not the only one who may come up with the idea of ​​spending the evening over a candlelit dinner in a restaurant or going skating with your beloved. And so that you do not have to make excuses because all the tables in the restaurant are occupied, it is best to make a reservation in advance. But it is not necessary to follow stereotypes and go to a restaurant on this day. If you give free rein to your imagination, you can surprise your beloved and make February 14 the holiday that will become the brightest and most wonderful memory. Let's see what options there are to make the holiday magical and unforgettable. First, a few ideas for those who have been in a relationship for a long time or are already a married couple. For them, Valentine's Day is a way to refresh their feelings and fill them with new colors. What if you remember the place where you first met or confessed your love and go there, taking with you a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses? Just imagine those wonderful and such important events in your life, feel and savor each of them in your memory. And again, like the first time, confess your feelings to each other. Book a hotel room and spend Valentine's Day without leaving the shade of your bedroom. A real celebration of passion. By the way, you can also order dinner right in bed and congratulate each other, alternating toasts with kisses; sometimes kisses can say much more about love than words. Rent a house outside the city and, comfortably settled by a real fireplace with mugs of hot mulled wine, just be together. Far from everyday worries and problems. Such a holiday can be especially relevant for those who have children. And you will give grandparents the opportunity to once again enjoy communicating with their grandchildren. Some ideas will suit any couple, regardless of whether they have been together for some time or that everything is just beginning. Play, hide from your loved one. Yes, yes, there is no reservation or catch here. Let him feel like Pinkerton or a knight who, having solved several riddles, must find his beloved. Valentines, small heart-shaped cards, will guide him in your footsteps with clues. By the way, a gift for ingenuity and persistence can be sex in an unusual place. He has been looking for you for so long and deserves a reward! Arrange a joint photo shoot. And not a simple one, but a costume one. Let your loved one see how multifaceted and charming you are. How wonderful you look in the image of a forest nymph or an arrogant empress. If you are relaxed enough, the photo shoot can well be erotic. And this costume party can end with passionate sex. And the photos left as a keepsake will not let you forget the feelings of that day for many years.St. Valentine's Day

What should I give you? ..

On Valentine's Day it is customary to give gifts to each to a friend, one way or another connected with the symbols of this holiday. The most important symbol is the heart. Valentines are sweet declarations of love and friendship. The very fact of the origin of these messages is interesting: the Duke of Orleans, while in prison, wrote passionate confessions to his beloved wife. They are presented not only by lovers to each other - they can be given to friends, acquaintances as a sign of your special affection. But if you are a couple or just dream of becoming one, you will not give valentines, which are sold in abundance in kiosks. You will write them yourself and will definitely want to please your beloved with something special. Before Valentine's Day, there is always a large selection of various chocolate sets and cakes made in the shape of a heart. Suitable for a romantic evening by candlelight, if you decided that your gift should be sweet. And if you want to make an original gift, you will have to fantasize.

  • Give your half a T-shirt with somean interesting inscription. Or with a simple confession of love. It is even better to decorate a T-shirt with your joint photo, so that, putting it on, warmed to the heart of the memories.
  • The key from the heart in the hands of a loved one is thatcan be more romantic! You can buy a chain and a pendant in the form of a key in a jewelry store and give them together with a valentine, where you confess your feelings.
  • Give a set of bells. The ringing of each of them can become a substitute for words for you two. So the ringing of one bell can say: "I miss you so much", the other - "What happiness, that we are together", the third - "Let's make peace" after the quarrel. Sometimes it's so hard to say with words!
  • If you decide to make an offer on this dayhands and hearts, then your choice is a ring. There will be no limit to the joy of your beloved. This is the best day for the indecisive, because on this holiday - February 14 - on your side is St. Valentine himself. So, buy the ring and be happy!

February 14 is a holiday that gives an opportunityremember everything that makes us happy. Give love and attention to those who are dear to us. And even in the most severe February frosts and snowstorms you will not freeze if your heart is warmed by love. Love and take care of each other all year round, cherish your feelings and do not be afraid to tell each other how much you love. Sometimes, for happiness, someone lacks your recognition. Happy Valentine's Day! We recommend reading:

