causes of the appearance of a breast cyst In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly common to pay more attention toattention to their health. People play sports, avoid unhealthy food and other things that are harmful to health. These are the trends of the new time. Being healthy is fashionable. Especially more attention is paid to the state of health in purely male and purely female issues. For example, you can often find various promotions, seminars and other events that are designed to talk about such a problem as breast disease. After all, this is one of the main components of women's health. And today we will talk about such a common disease in recent times as a breast cyst in women. More and more representatives of the fair sex are turning to specialists with such a problem. That is why further on we will talk in more detail about this difficult phenomenon, which simply cannot be overlooked. So, a breast cyst.

What is a breast cyst?

There are statistics according to whichapproximately 35-40% of women of different ages suffer from some diseases associated with the mammary glands. These pathologies can be divided into two main groups: inflammatory and tumor. The latter includes breast cancer in women. But that's not what we're talking about now. So, a mammary gland cyst is a kind of capsule that forms in the space of the ducts of the mammary glands. These ducts are designed to carry out lactation during the birth of a child. The capsule located inside is filled with liquid. Depending on the time of occurrence, this liquid can be of different colors. Over time and if the case is neglected, purulent and other inflammatory phenomena occur. As a rule, a cyst is a benign neoplasm. But in some cases it can be malignant. However, the likelihood of such a turn is very small. In this case, there can be several cysts in the mammary gland at once. This phenomenon is called polycystic disease. Over time, cysts can grow together into one large formation. A distinction is also made between typical and atypical cysts. The first has smooth and even walls, and is much easier to treat. But an atypical breast cyst has an irregular shape, and its walls can grow. This situation significantly complicates treatment. A cyst can appear in one breast or in both at once. Most often, only one breast is affected at the onset of the disease.self-examination of breasts

Why does the disease occur?

Quite often, a breast cyst can occurwith fibrocystic mastopathy. The risk group includes nulliparous women aged 35-55. The absence of children definitely has a negative impact on women's physical health. But the main reason is a hormonal imbalance in women. Of course, it is easy to guess that such a failure can occur for many reasons. During the failure itself, there is excessive production of the female hormone estrogen. A cyst can be provoked by both taking hormonal contraceptives and using hormone replacement therapy. It is prescribed to women during menopause, which can also be a cause. There is another pattern, based on which a breast cyst occurs in every 3-4 representatives of the fairer sex suffering from mastopathy. As already mentioned, age can also be a risk factor. This includes women after 30 years. The disease can be provoked by excess weight, addiction to alcohol and smoking, stress or a major nervous shock, ovarian disease, thyroid disease and some other aspects. It is amazing, but an abortion performed by a woman can almost instantly trigger the process of formation of a breast cyst. This is a serious stress for any female organism.diagnosis of the disease

How to recognize the ailment?

It must be said that this disease isfor a very long time, it may not manifest itself at all, and even more so, it may not bother a woman with any unpleasant sensations or symptoms. At the initial stage, a breast cyst is almost invisible. At the very beginning, self-diagnosis can help. You need to regularly conduct an independent examination of your breasts, feel and touch them, notice the slightest changes in the density and structure of the tissue. With development, the breast cyst becomes more noticeable and tangible, and the signs are obvious. When pressing or just in a calm state, you can feel a burning sensation, itching, pulling or aching pain. Palpation will certainly show seals and irregularities in the mammary gland. In half of the cases, some discharge from the nipples may be observed. You should also pay attention to this symptom. If the neoplasm is mature enough, then visible changes in the shape of the breast are possible. It can become larger or acquire an asymmetrical shape. Skin color may change. For example, the epidermis may turn red or blue. In any case, you should not postpone a visit to a mammologist if something is bothering you in the chest area, the above-mentioned symptoms appear. It is also important to go to preventive appointments with a doctor from time to time.the doctor's consultation

Diagnosis and treatment

Identify a medium to large sized cystcan be done by palpation. It can be done independently, but it is better to consult a doctor. Small cysts are not felt at all when palpated. Therefore, it is important to undergo mammography or ultrasound. In rare cases, an MRI of the mammary gland may be prescribed. But, as a rule, mammography and ultrasound are enough. If papillomas are detected, then a biopsy test will be required. This will help to identify or refute the presence of breast cancer. As for therapy, there cannot and should not be any self-treatment. This will not only not help in solving the problem, but will also bring it to such a degree that it will no longer be possible to do without surgical intervention. To begin with, the doctor must diagnose the woman's hormonal background, determine the stage of the disease, what condition the mammary gland is in. After this, treatment is prescribed. In each individual case, it is individual. It also happens that over time, a cyst of the mammary gland resolves on its own. This happens, but very rarely, so you should not really count on it. On your part, you need to do everything possible to prevent further development of the disease and worsening of the situation. So, you should avoid too tight underwear. It should be as comfortable as possible. The presence of bones in it is not welcome. The chest should not be compressed or somehow constrained. You also need to protect the mammary glands from blows, injuries and any physical impacts from the outside. It is not recommended to massage the breasts, knead them. You need to be more careful in sports, do not burden yourself, do not lift weights and do not engage in too much physical activity. An important point is stress and mental state. It has been proven that this mood and emotional state are of great importance in recovery from absolutely any disease. A woman should not feel depressed, should not be in a depressed mood. For a while (maybe forever) you will have to forget about solariums and sunbathing, which significantly accelerate the development of the disease and can even provoke the formation of a malignant tumor. All that remains is to wish women health and a competent attitude to their well-being. You need to pay attention to any changes in your body. And at the slightest suspicion, immediately contact a specialist. This will allow you to fully enjoy life, feel good and be a happy person. Health and good luck!

