medicines with menopause Climax is a process that occurs in the bodywomen after the release of the hormone estrogen. As a rule, menopause occurs in women older than 50 years. But his early symptoms are accompanied by women, whose age is slightly older than 45 years. By the age of 50, the level of the hormone estrogen is significantly lower in the woman's body, the menstrual cycle ends. But menopause can occur before this age. Here a considerable role is played by both heredity and the way of life of a woman. But the sex life, childbirth, the time of the onset of menstruation at the onset of menopause does not affect. Existing medicines with menopause can significantly alleviate the condition of a woman in the climacteric period, eliminate all the inconveniences caused by this period. So, what is the best drug to choose and how should it be taken? What else should I know?

Early menopause and symptoms of menopause

There is also such a thing as the early menopause. This means that the climacteric period can occur much earlier than at the age of 50 years. Why can this happen? The following factors can lead to early menopause:

  • Stressful situations;
  • gynecological operations;
  • infections transferred during puberty;
  • removal of ovaries;
  • other serious diseases;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • physical exhaustion.

What are the symptoms of menopause? It is worth saying that the manifestation of menopausal symptoms only indicates that the female body and women's health are normal. Changes in the body in the climacteric period is the result of hormonal changes. Symptoms of both early and normal menopause are approximately the same. So, all the symptoms can be divided into several clearly expressed signs:

  • Early signs. These include hot flashes, mood swings, sweating, insomnia.
  • Medium-temporal signs. They include possible problems of the urinary tract, violation of sexual desire, dryness in the vagina.
  • Late. The late signs of the climacteric period include osteoporosis, heart and vascular disease.
  • Despite the fact that the climacteric periodis a natural process, modern medicine has nevertheless developed special remedies for menopause that can alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of this period. consultation with gynecologist

    Treatment of climacteric symptoms

    Modern drugs with menopause cansignificantly relieve the condition of a woman during menopause. Which medications are able to minimize the symptoms of menopause? Hormone replacement therapy is now considered the most common method of treating menopause. Such therapy implies replenishment of the missing hormone by means of tablets, gels, capsules and patches. It is recommended to start hormone replacement therapy in the first five years after the onset of menopause, otherwise the treatment will not yield any positive results. The dosage of a hormone and duration of reception is calculated by the doctor. For each woman, the treatment is purely individual, individual indicators are taken into account. An important role is played by the woman's age, her complaints, individual health, concomitant diseases. As with any treatment, hormone replacement therapy has its own contraindications. So, it is contraindicated in women who have cancer of the uterus, mammary glands or ovaries, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, which has a kidney or liver disease. But in these cases it is possible to use another method of treating menopause. These are phytoestrogens, the treatment of which is an alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

    What is phytoestrogens? A little bit about vitamins

    Phytoestrogens are understood as naturalsubstances that make up plants. Their molecular structure in composition resembles the molecular structure of an animal and a human. Modern medicine has developed a number of herbal preparations that should be taken with menopause, based on phytoestrogens. Such herbal preparations are simply a salvation for women who are contraindicated with hormone replacement therapy, or for those who refuse it. Of course, phytoestrogens are not as active as the hormone estrogen, which is produced in the female body, but nevertheless, with a long and correct intake of drugs, as well as plant foods, meat and milk, the concentration of phytoestrogens is markedly increased. By the way, when treating menopause, do not forget about vitamins. Vitamins can saturate the female body with missing or necessary substances, which will contribute to strengthening the body as a whole. The most necessary vitamins in the climacteric should include the following:

    • Retinol (vitamin A) - improves the function of the ovaries, the condition of mucous membranes and skin.
    • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - stimulates the function of the gonads, thereby reducing the manifestation of climacteric symptoms.
    • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - helps to reduce swelling of tissues, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
    • Vitamin D - helps strengthen bones and assimilate calcium. This is very important in menopause, because in this period the bones become thin and very fragile.
    • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - affects the skin condition, as well as the general physical condition of a woman, supports the function of the immune system and the nervous.
    • Thiamine (vitamin B1) - regulates the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
    • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and folic acid (vitamin B9) - contribute to the reduction of certain forms of disorders of the nervous system, regulate the tone of the nervous system.

    All these vitamins are recommended for use incomplex, where all the necessary useful elements for women are presented in maximum doses. Now there are also vitamin complexes designed specifically for women who are in the climacteric period. Vitamin preparations based on herbs should be avoided, which can be contraindicated and will do more harm to health than good. correct remedies for menopause

    What drugs should be taken with menopause?

    Modern medicine has developed a number of tools that can help with menopause. What tablets should men drink with menopause? These funds include the following:

  • Extrovel. Before taking this medication it is recommended to get a doctor's consultation. The drug helps to eliminate the hormone deficiency of estrogen, normalizes the homeopathic picture, corrects the emotional state of a woman who is in the climacteric period. Among other things, exstrol is an excellent tool for the prevention of osteoporosis, and it is also able to eliminate the deficiency of vitamins in the body.
  • Climadinone. Before using this medication, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment. Climadinone can be presented both in drops and in tablets. It is able to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, to compensate for the lack of estrogen.
  • Approximately the same action is possessed by such a preparation as femiwell (contains vitamin E, soy protein, soy extract and red clover).
  • Among the vitamin complexes that can alleviatesymptoms of menopause, menopause, ice cream formula "Menopause". Such vitamin complexes can reduce tides, make up for the lack of estrogen, the general condition is much better.
  • Help with menopause and such homeopathicdrugs like climaxan, remens, climacterium hel, climaticplant. These funds are represented by different manufacturers, all of which promise to alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause.
  • tablets for taking during menopause

    Traditional medicine in the fight against climacteric symptoms

    Unpleasant symptoms of menopause can be overcome withhelp with various fees and herbs. Before you start to eliminate symptoms of menopause through traditional medicine, consult your doctor. Perhaps you are contraindicated with any elements and components of such broths that will cause harm and only worsen the condition. All broths and phytogeographs are divided into multicomponent and small-component. So, it is recommended to take about 2 months to receive multicomponent decoctions, after which to switch to small components. The entire course of treatment should alternate formulations in this sequence. Multicomponent herbal preparations Herb wormwood, herb veronica, violet tri-colored, yarrow, birch leaves, licorice and peony rhizomes, corn stigmas. All these components must be taken in equal quantities. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes in a water bath, and then pour for 2 hours in a thermos bottle. After that, the broth must be filtered. You should divide the resulting broth into 3 doses and drink during the day half an hour after eating. For the preparation of the next broth, it will take the ore of oregano, the rhizomes of elecampane, the herb of the motherwort and the turns, the flowers of marigold and chamomile, the fennel fruits. The ingredients listed are crushed and taken in equal proportions. Next, the broth is prepared, as in the previous case, and is used in the same way. Malocomponent herbal preparations and baths Yarrow herb, rhizome of peony, sage, three-color violet. The ingredients listed are taken in equal proportions and pulverized. One and a half tablespoons of the collection are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and heated for 10 minutes in a water bath. Next, you need to put the collection in a thermos, where you should leave it for 1 hour. After it is necessary to strain the solution, it is recommended to use it after a meal in the preheated form. The ready solution is drunk 3 times a day in equal parts. Grasshopper herb, herb veronica and oregano, calendula flowers. The proportions are the same, everything must be crushed. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured into 350 ml of boiling water, and then sent for 3 hours in a thermos bottle. It should be used in the same way as in the previous case. If you are afraid to take herbal preparations and treat them skeptically, it is better to take herbal baths. To get rid of the neurotic condition and constant insomnia will help the bath on the basis of the roots of valerian. It is necessary to pour 100 g of ground valerian root with boiling water and send to gas for at least 15 minutes. A ready-made broth is filtered and poured into a pre-prepared bath. This bath is recommended to take at least 10 minutes before going to bed. Two times a week is enough. Exactly the same effect can be achieved thanks to the ready-made alcoholic tincture of valerian, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. 10 liters of water will need 2 bubbles of tincture. Such a bath contributes, among other things, to lowering blood pressure. To get rid of insomnia in the climacteric period will allow a bath with the addition of lime color. It is enough one handful of flowers from which to prepare a decoction. You should pour a handful of flowers with boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, and then add to the bath. This bath will provide you with a sound sleep. Able to help with menopause and a bath based on thyme creeping herb (1 part), yarrow (1 part), common oregano (1 part), root of ayr marsh (1 part), sage (2 parts), pine kidney (2 parts), stems and leaves of wormwood bitter (2 parts). It is necessary to grind all the ingredients. Then take 10 tablespoons of the collection and pour 3 liters of boiling water. The solution is sent to gas, where it is boiled for 30 minutes. After the solution has cooled, it should be added to the bath. It is recommended to take 15 minutes.

    What conclusions need to be drawn?

    As it became clear, there is a hugethe number of drugs and drugs that can help during the menopause and alleviate its symptoms. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist who will choose the treatment that suits you, taking into account your individual indicators and characteristics. The intake of herbal remedies with menopause also requires special attention. Do not forget that herbs that benefit one can harm others. To treat menopause through traditional medicine should be treated with extreme caution. If the intake of herbal preparations can be harmful, then herbal baths will only improve your health and general condition. Admission of hormonal drugs should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise the condition may worsen, and the drug may simply not be suitable. A significant role is played by nutrition during menopause. It must necessarily be rational and balanced. Try to eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible. Replenish the lack of vitamins are specially developed vitamin-mineral complexes. Vitamin complexes, designed for women during the menopause, already contain all the necessary trace elements. It is important to understand that menopause is a natural process, which should be prepared in advance. The climacteric period should not become a serious stress for your body. Live a full life, give up bad habits, start playing sports - do whatever the heart desires. Strong to you health.

