A garden plot and a garden for many residentsof a modern metropolis, regardless of their age, often become the only opportunity to plunge into the silence of country life and enjoy the peace in the bosom of nature. After all, it is so nice to go out onto the porch of your favorite dacha on a warm May morning, sit down in a wicker chair and slowly savor the aromatic invigorating coffee, anticipating other pleasant moments of the day off. But a country house and a small garden plot are not only a great opportunity to spend time with your family in the fresh air, but also a wonderful reason to do something with your own hands, giving the yard originality and a special individual chic. We, women, love to live among beautiful things, so we are happy to improve any space around us, using the most original ideas for this. This also applies to the design of the dacha, which we are happy to improve with our own hands. Often the range of goods for the garden and dacha interior presented in specialized stores disappoints both in appearance and in the rather high cost. It is not pleasant to think that such street decorations and serial products can be found in almost every yard, because we want individuality in everything. In this case, it is worth paying attention to how you can diversify the usual landscape of the dacha and garden with your own hands, using a minimum of funds and a sea of imagination. The materials that many craftswomen use to create their unique crafts are striking in their simplicity and cheapness. After all, they often lie right under our feet, getting in the way and gathering dust in vain. But the results of creativity are pleasing to the eye, bring benefits and make you bring to life more and more new ideas with your own hands, coming up with unique decorations for the garden. So how can you make the appearance of your favorite dacha even more beautiful? How else to surprise your neighbors? How to turn the decor of a garden plot from standard to creative? Folk craftsmen have long found the answers to all these questions. DIY garden crafts are not just unique garden decor. Such hand-made does not limit the flight of fantasy, gives an opportunity for self-expression and unusual use of practically waste material. What do modern owners of fazendas make garden decorations from? With the help of what primitive materials are interesting products for a personal plot and a summer residence obtained?
Decor of car tires
These are used car partsобретают вторую жизнь, становясь отличным материалом для украшения дачи своими руками. Во что может превратиться бывшее колесо? Такие простые поделки, как бордюры и маленькие клумбочки из покрышек, — это уже не то. А вот идеи с дизайнерскими кашпо — это нечто достойное внимания. По окружности диска старого колеса делается зигзагообразная прорезь. Покрышка выворачивается наизнанку и превращается в диковинный цветок. Немного малярных работ, и оригинальное кашпо для дачного цветника готово! Небольшие по площади садовые участки требуют нестандартных решений. Ограниченные размеры территорий не позволяют выращивать на них большое число цветов, и мы вечно оказываемся перед непростым выбором, ведь хочется посадить и один, и другой, и третий вид. Выходом из такой ситуации могут стать многоуровневые клумбы из старых автопокрышек. Свои внешним видом эти поделки напоминают конус или пирамиду с закругленными краями, выглядят они весьма эффектно, а создаются своими руками очень просто. Вам потребуется три шины разного диаметра и небольшая пластиковая или плетеная емкость для верхушки. В каждой покрышке убираются боковые части, затем наиболее широкая из них устанавливается на выбранном для будущей клумбы месте и набивается землей. Сверху ставится вторая и так далее. На самую вершину конструкции необходимо поместить пластмассовый таз или круглую плетеную корзину. Теперь ваша импровизированная клумба готова к высадке растений или посеву семян. Чтобы вид этой садовой поделки был более эстетичным и красиво вписался в садовый интерьер, ее можно покрасить в любой цвет по вашему усмотрению или вообще превратить в веселую радугу. Интересно и необычно выглядят цветники-автопокрышки, расположенные на разном уровне и обложенные декоративным камнем. Создание такой поделки для дачи займет больше времени, ведь вам предстоит работать с цементным раствором. Зато в результате вы получите удивительно красивые клумбы, внешний вид которых ничем не напомнит о том, что в их основе лежат обычные старые покрышки. Вот так просто своими руками и создается неповторимый интерьер дачного сада. Многие мастерицы при помощи старых шин большого диаметра создают небольшие живописные водоемы, а кое-кто даже умудряется сделать мини-бассейн. Все зависит от того, сколько времени и сил вы готовы потратить на преображение дачного участка, с каким именно материалом предпочитаете работать. Если вам на помощь придут мужчины вашей семьи, то такой компании окажется по силам и изготовление садовой мебели из тех же старых покрышек. Стулья своими руками сделать очень просто: разрезаете шину пополам и низу каждой части придаете устойчивости, прикручивая его болтами к дощечке. Получившиеся мебельные поделки можно покрасить и использовать для посиделок в саду. А еще покрышки могут трансформироваться в лебедей! Такие изделия по своему исполнению очень простые, поэтому их легко изготовить своими руками каждой дачнице. Всего-то и труда, что сделать разрезы в нужных местах резины и, опять же, вывернуть ее наизнанку. Еще одна покрышка-трансформер, немного белой краски — и в вашем саду поселятся две горделивые птицы. Да какие красавицы! Все гостям непременно захочется устроить фотосессию рядом с этим чудом садового дизайна, тем самым они по достоинству оценят ваши оригинальные и интересные идеи. Собственно говоря, по такой технологии можно сделать и другие поделки своими руками в виде зверей и птиц: слоников, осликов, жирафов, попугаев, черепах, крокодилов. Чем не садовая скульптура? А можно старую покрышку приспособить под качели, сделать оригинальную грядку, клумбу на ножке и даже гамак, который можно использовать для отдыха в саду, не опасаясь, что дождь, жаркое солнце или вечерняя влага непоправимо испортят его внешний вид.
Plastic bottles as a material for country creativity
We Europeans are nothing compared to us!They carefully put used bottles in special garbage containers. And we don’t throw them there — we put our crazy hands to them. And what do we get as a result? We have unusual crafts for the garden: hanging flower pots, borders for flower beds and garden beds, almost crystal balls and pyramids, exotic palm trees, mosaics from bottle caps, as well as miniature hedgehog flower beds, pig flower beds and flower beds in the form of birds. Love for swans has long been inherent in people, because these beautiful proud birds can leave no one indifferent, from kids who enjoy listening to Andersen’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” to adults, for whom the loyalty of the white-winged couple is a symbol of pure and sincere relationships. Perhaps this is why many DIY garden crafts look like swans. The previous section described how to make such flowerpots from tires, and now you will learn how to create something similar from five-liter plastic bottles, and you will be surprised by the simplicity of the idea and the ease of its implementation. Giving the garden an individual touch with the help of unusual and very romantic flowerbeds is not at all a difficult task. So, from the materials you will need:
- several plastic bottles with a capacity of five liters,
- metal rod or thick wire, stranded three times,
- metal grid,
- putty,
- transparent polyethylene film,
- putty knife,
- medical bandage,
- sandpaper,
- clean paint brushes,
- primer,
- enamel paints (white, orange and black).
First, take a plastic bottle andTurn it into a container where you can later pour soil and plant flowers. The easiest way to do this is with a knife or garden shears, cutting off one side of the bottle. The resulting blank should be given a more rounded shape so that it resembles a swan's body. To do this, fill it with wet sand. Now take a rod or wire, bend it so that you get something like a long neck, and insert it inside the bottle, making a hole in the lid. Now dilute some of the putty, laying it on polyethylene in a five-centimeter layer. Place the bottom of the blank on the resulting mixture, press it down a little from above, and spread the rest along the outer walls with a rubber spatula moistened with water. To give the shape of a swan's neck, you need to roll rollers from the putty, press them into a metal rod or wire and strengthen them by wrapping them with a wet bandage. After you have molded the head and beak of the future swan, evaluate the proportions of the neck. If necessary, make a thickening where it passes into the body - this will give the garden product a resemblance to a real bird. Now cover the entire workpiece with putty, smoothing out the unevenness with a brush and hands moistened with water. The layer of the mixture should be quite thick, because pieces of metal mesh should be pressed into it, which will become the basis for the wings and tail. Putty applied evenly will help to give them the necessary shape. That's it, this is where the main part of the work on creating an author's craft for the dacha is finished. You can start making a figurine of the second bird (for pairing). Now the putty should dry well. This will take two or three days, and you should place the products in a well-ventilated place, but protected from direct sunlight. When the drying process is complete, use sandpaper to give the figures smoothness. Before painting, cover the swans with a primer - this way the enamel will lay more evenly. Then draw the eyes and beak on the birds, pour soil instead of sand and plant your favorite flowers. This pair of swans will become a real highlight of your dacha. And how nice that it will be made with your own hands! Other items in the form of decorative dragonflies, butterflies and bees are cut out of plastic bottles, bird feeders and lampshades are made. Depending on your imagination. Some make flower pots and scarecrows for birds from these containers, and some make an oasis with palm trees. All these plastic crafts, made with your own hands, act as original elements of garden decor. They are only rivaled by wooden decorations.
Wooden decorations for infield
If a summer resident-designer is friends with carpenterstools, he is capable of creating more traditional garden decorations. These are all kinds of wood products: picket fences, trellises, flower boxes, benches, decorative carts, houses, mills and wells. And if he is a real master, he will also build a beautiful gazebo, since this structure is absolutely necessary for any dacha. But all this applies more to men, because it is very difficult for us, the fairer sex, to cope with a saw or a plane. But we are quite capable of becoming a designer and a generator of ideas if our husband takes on the hard work. A simpler option is wicker weaving. However, for garden decoration, they often use not real vines, but branches of any tree suitable for these purposes. They are used to build wattle fences and baskets-pots. But enthusiastic decorators do not stop there, inventing more and more new products designed to diversify the garden plot of any dacha, give it individuality and bring in traditional village elements. You can also implement the simplest ideas for garden decor made of wood. You do not need to have great physical strength or special carpentry skills. Almost every woman can cope with the task. You just need to show a little imagination, and old wood and vine products, a pile of dusty junk in the basement, will still serve as a beautiful entourage for your dacha. Surely there are many wicker baskets of different sizes in the house. They were once used to collect mushrooms and berries, but over time, holes appeared here and there and the handles broke off. So why not use this unnecessary junk to create a cascade of unusual flower beds of different sizes? To implement this idea, you only need to choose a suitable place, it is advisable to place the baskets with soil on elevations, so they will look more beautiful. You can paint your improvised stands in all the colors of the rainbow, making the garden interior cheerful and festive. Do you have old wooden chairs? Great, restore them a little with varnish, and they will serve as excellent stands for large flower pots, quite appropriate for a summer house and garden. To do this, you need to cut round holes of the required diameter in the seats and insert containers with plants into them. Such a wooden structure will not only be an unusual decorative element, but will also provide ease of watering and caring for flowers. This is how updated and improved chairs will look, you just need to devote a little time to implementing such a simple idea.
Other ideas for garden decor
Other options should not be ignored either.garden decor. For example, a garden scarecrow can easily become an interesting sculpture. Large stones of suitable shape can be turned into original figures (turtles, ladybugs). You just need to paint them accordingly, and interesting decorations for your garden yard are ready. Wooden blocks with bowls on them depict a giant family of boletus mushrooms. You can build an original decorative fence from round, long and pointed logs. If you paint it in different colors, you will get funny pencils. You can also transform household metal or plastic barrels with coloring. Through simple manipulations and a simple drawing, turn them into funny teddy bears. To do this, you will only have to modify some elements. Other interesting ideas for garden landscapes are using polyurethane foam as a material for sculpture, an old boot as a flower pot, or a kitchen sink as a flower bed. In the first case, you can make hedgehogs and turtles, and the second option will be a wonderful decoration for a garden path and porch steps. An old kitchen sink in the form of a flower bed with bright flowers growing on it will please the eye, and not irritate with its unsightly appearance. If you have children, build a bright and safe sandbox for them from a tire. You can easily make a caterpillar tunnel: for this, you need to dig several large tires into the ground one after another, paint them in bright colors and draw a funny insect face, gluing horns on top or sticking wires. All kids love to play "fishing". Please them with a small pond made of a tire, where you can place plastic fish with magnets from popular sets. Imagine the joy of a child who will happily play near such an improvised pond on a hot summer day. In addition to the above-described ways to diversify a garden on a summer cottage plot, there are many more interesting landscape improvements, and quite simple and very interesting ones. After all, the well, in which the creative ideas of summer residents-creators are constantly replenished and updated, is truly inexhaustible. The imagination and enthusiasm of creative people are limitless. And most importantly, handicrafts in the garden, made with your own hands, bring incomparable pleasure from the implementation of your own ideas and the process of working on them. There is another important plus in homemade outdoor decorations, which is that the materials used are abundant in any summer cottage, so you can not be afraid to experiment. You still will not spoil anything worthwhile, but you will be able to fully realize your creative potential, combining rest in the bosom of nature with interesting work. We advise you to read: