birth control pills The undoubted priority of modern medicineis to care about preserving women's health, including reproductive health. However, our country occupies a leading position in the number of abortions. But abortion is a real operation, the possible consequences of which may include infertility, miscarriage, menstrual irregularities, and even the death of the mother. It is much easier to take care of reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy than to take such risks. Modern medicine offers to preserve a woman's health in order to give birth to a healthy baby in the future. New generation contraceptive pills will help with this.

Necessity of protection

The newest contraceptives are the mostvaried, a doctor will help you choose the right one for your age, individual characteristics of your body and your rhythm of life. Modern birth control pills have a minimum content of hormones and the fewest side effects. The latest contraceptives can be used by young girls who have not given birth, teenagers, and women with several sexual partners. Artificially synthesized sex hormones included in birth control pills provide the highest efficiency in preventing pregnancy among all possible contraceptives at 98%. After stopping taking hormones, all changes in the female body stop, the latter quickly recovers and the planned pregnancy does not take long to happen. In addition to the immediate effect, hormonal contraceptives improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and have a beneficial effect on the general well-being of a woman.consultation with a doctor

Fears and prejudices

Unfortunately, in today's world of publicly available information, experts have to contend with many myths and fears about birth control pills. Here are some of them:

  • Ignorance of the principles of operation of methodsprevention of unwanted pregnancy. In the female mind, the possible harm of contraceptives is often greatly exaggerated. Familiar and not so people share terrible rumors and details about the dangers of drugs, often not just exaggerated, but implausible. However, the doubt creeps in, and already on the contraceptive pill is definitely put a cross. Do not believe everything you hear or read. It is enough to apply to a competent gynecologist who will dispel unreasonable fears and fears.
  • The banal laziness. However horrible this may sound, many women do not want to waste time, energy and resources on the selection of optimal contraceptives, hoping for a partner, luck and still not clear on what. Just think, can you trust your health to chance? If there is no possibility to select a pill, you can put a spiral. A couple of hours in a chair at a gynecologist and protection for two years from an unwanted pregnancy is ensured. Is not this better than hope at random?
  • Confidence in the rhythm method of contraception. Yes, this method is also relatively good, but not absolutely safe, because for accurate planning a woman should have a very stable menstrual cycle. In addition, it is rather difficult to adjust appointments only for safe days.
  • Fear of using contraceptives during the period of feedingthe chest. In fact, birth control pills can not damage a child's health, at the worst, you can choose a non-hormonal contraceptive.
  • Disdainful attitude towards one's ownhealth cannot ensure a good pregnancy and successful delivery. Therefore, you should not indulge your laziness or fears, but choose the appropriate method of protection against unwanted pregnancy for your body. In this article, we will consider the new generation of contraceptive pills.

    Purpose and Action

    Birth control pills are prescribed by a doctor,therefore, you should not buy the first drug you like based on advertising. You should definitely consult a gynecologist, because everything is important in prescribing a drug: age, regularity of sexual life, number of partners, and the state of the body. Before prescribing, the doctor will definitely require the results of a hormone test in order to choose the right means of protection based on this data. Hormonal contraceptive pills are divided into two groups:

    • combined oral contraceptives (COCs),
    • uncombined oral contraceptives (mini-pili).

    The first ones contain progestins andethinyl estradiol - artificially synthesized hormones. They inhibit ovulation and change the structure of the inner mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. This makes implantation of the embryo impossible, even if the egg is fertilized. In addition, COCs affect the thickening of mucus in the cervical canal, which makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterine cavity. COCs provide multi-stage protection against unwanted pregnancy. In modern conditions, this is the most reliable and preferred contraceptive method. Non-combined oral contraceptives contain only progestogens. They do not affect the woman's body in any way, so they are recommended during breastfeeding. Mini-pills act as follows: they thicken cervical mucus and change the structure of the inner mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, preventing implantation of the embryo.prescription and action of birth control pills

    Advantages of a new generation of hormones

    The advantages of birth control pills are as follows:

    • highly effective contraceptive effect;
    • normalization of the menstrual cycle in women with irregular periodicity;
    • reduction of blood loss;
    • elimination of manifestations of PMS and painful sensations during menstruation;
    • prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
    • a decrease in the likelihood of developing endometriosis and a cancerous ovarian tumor;
    • a significant reduction in the risk of developing infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
    • positive effect on nails, skin, hair;
    • prevention of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy.

    Combined contraceptive pillsare usually divided by the level of hormone content into micro-dosed, low-dose, medium-dose, high-dose. Micro-dosed are the best option for young women who have not yet given birth and have regular sexual intercourse (once a week or more often). This is an excellent remedy for those who have never used hormonal drugs. The smallest amount of hormones in birth control pills minimizes the likelihood of side effects. Among micro-dosed drugs, Mercilon, Tri-Merci, Lindinet, Yarina, Novinet, Miniziston, Logest, Jess with an antiandrogenic effect are especially popular. If micro-dosed drugs have no effect, then low-dose drugs are prescribed. They can also be recommended for women of late reproductive age. In such birth control pills, some side effects may be more likely to appear. Low-dose drugs include Janine and Belara with antiandrogenic action, Lindinet-30, Marvelon, Silest, Rigevidon, Miniziston 30, Microgynon, Regulon, Femoden.benefits of birth control pills

    High-dosage means and mini-saws

    For women who have given birth and women of late reproductive ageperiod, but with regular sexual activity, medium-dose contraceptive pills are considered optimal. They have a high level of protection and normalize the menstrual cycle: Trikvilar, Chloe, Demulen, Diana-35, Triziston, Milvane, Tri-regol. High-dose hormonal contraceptive pills are prescribed exclusively by a doctor for treatment. They are suitable for women with children, women of late reproductive age who have regular sexual activity, if medium-dose drugs have not brought results. These include Trikvilar Triziston, Ovidon, Non-Ovlon. As for the possible side effects of COCs, it should be noted:

    • in 3-5% of cases, an increase in blood pressure or worsening of existing hypertension;
    • if the patient has gallstones, there may be an increase in the occurrence of biliary colic;
    • violation of the menstrual cycle in the first months, perhaps even its absence, after 2-3 months the cycle is normalized;
    • a feeling of tension or pain in the mammary glands, passes after several doses of the drug;
    • in rare cases, severe headaches;
    • in women after 40 years, there may be attacks of nausea, even passing into vomiting, so it is recommended to take the pill before bedtime.

    If the contraceptives are chosen correctly, then the riskthe manifestation of side effects is reduced to a minimum. Contrary to popular belief, hormonal pills do not affect weight gain. This is facilitated by low levels of physical activity and improper diet. If women have contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives, mini-pills are prescribed. The latter are aimed at women who have given birth and at women of late reproductive age who are sexually active on a regular basis. Mini-pills have fewer side effects, but are inferior in effectiveness to COCs. These include Norcolut, Mikrnor, Laktinet, Mikrolute, Exluton, Charozetta.

    The best option

    When selecting means of protection against unwantedpregnancy, the gynecologist will definitely pay attention to the woman's phenotype. The phenotype should be understood as the general appearance, volume and condition of the mammary glands, skin type, duration of the menstrual cycle, nature of menstruation, body weight, tendency to obesity. Depending on the indicators, the phenotype is distinguished:

    • estrogenic - estrogens predominate,
    • gestagenic - gestagens and androgens predominate,
    • balanced - gestagens and estrogens in approximately equal quantities.

    The estrogenic phenotype is characterized by extremefeminine appearance, abundant vaginal and menstrual discharge, prolonged menstrual cycle, moderate obesity. For the estrogenic phenotype, it is advisable to take Norinil, Anteovin, Vigevidon, Minulet, Miniziston. For the gestagenic phenotype, the signs are opposite: small volume of the mammary glands, unfeminine appearance, short duration of the menstrual cycle, scanty periods, oily skin. For such patients, Chloe, Belara, Bisecurin, Midiana, Non-Ovlon, Diane, Ovidon, Yarina, Janine, Jess, Klayra will be effective. The balanced type is characterized by average indicators of the above-mentioned signs. In such cases, Regulon, Marvelon, Triziston, Trikvilar, Mercilon, Microgynon, Tri-merci are best suited. We hope that all the recommendations provided will allow you to quickly choose the best method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, safe and reliable for you.

