intense sweating Increased sweating in medicine is calledthe term hyperhidrosis. Doctors say that about 17% of all people face this trouble. And do you know what is most interesting? Almost all of them are residents of cities, not villages. It's hard to say why, but the fact remains. Probably, there is no need to say that excessive sweating complicates a person's life. So, it is necessary to get rid of it. But in order for you to do this, you need to approach the problem thoroughly. And the very first thing that needs to be done is to find the root of the problem.

Causes of severe sweating

Excessive sweating can be of two types -general and localized. With the general, everything is clear - sweat all parts of the body without exception. A localized sweating is characteristic only for individual parts of the body - the face, head, feet, hands, armpits. Incidentally, it is the localized increased sweating that most often indicates problems in the body. There are a number of diseases, the symptoms of which may be increased sweating. Moreover - sometimes it is this that causes the doctor to suspect this or that disease. So, the main causes of severe sweating associated with health:

  • Diabetes

In diabetes, in most cases, the armpits and / or palms sweat very much. The sooner this disease is diagnosed, the more a person has the chance to live a normal full life.

  • Cardiovascular diseases

In the event that a person has a generalsweating, you can suspect problems with blood vessels. And if sweating is observed at night, then the probability of heart problems is high. Especially if sweat is sticky and cold - in this case, you can not delay, immediately go to a cardiologist.

  • Tuberculosis

If you started to sweat heavily in the palm of your hand, youfeel tired, quickly become tired, and even more so if in addition to all this you can not get rid of a cough, you need to visit a doctor - in some cases this may indicate the presence of tuberculosis.

  • Pneumonia

Strong sweating can also be in the case,if a person has pneumonia. Although in this case it is quite easy to suspect that something is amiss, since besides sweating there will be a number of other symptoms - cough, fever, shortness of breath. The doctor can easily diagnose the disease.

  • Problems with the endocrine system

Sometimes the reasons for which theprofuse sweating, are associated with the endocrine system. And if more specifically - with a violation of the hormonal background, whatever it is called. The endocrinologist will examine the person and, if necessary, prescribe an examination that will help to identify why this problem has arisen at all. Of course, not always the reasons for very strong sweating are associated with various diseases. For example, a strong sweating can occur in a child of adolescence, in the elderly, as well as in long periods of pregnancy. Or, in the end, there is no reason at all - a banal feature of your body. Although, as a rule, in this case a person suffers from a wet body all his life, beginning with adolescence. But if the problem has arisen suddenly, do not be lazy and yet go to the doctor. At least for my own comfort. intense sweating of the body

General recommendations for sweating

So, what to do if the sweating is verystrong? Well, if the cause is one or another disease, it is necessary to tackle its treatment. Get rid of the disease, get rid of a very strong sweating. In the same case, if the cause is just your physiological peculiarity, getting rid of sweating is your task.

  • General Hygiene

Be sure to observe basic hygieneregulations. Shower take at least two times a day, remove the vegetation from the armpits. Of course, these measures will not be relieved from sweating, but will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant smell.

  • Clothes and footwear

Very carefully watch your clothes -First, change the underwear after each shower. Secondly, choose clothing made from natural materials and not too tight. And if you are very sweaty feet, then socks must be changed at any opportunity. Yes, and shoes should be made of natural materials, so that the skin can "breathe".

  • Deodorants

Do not forget about deodorants - they alsocan serve a good service. But do not get carried away too much - no more than twice a day. After all, zinc and aluminum contained in deodorants do not have the most favorable effect on the skin condition.

Traditional ways to deal with sweat

For today, cosmetologists offerseveral traditional ways to treat very severe sweating. Doctors also help to choose a treatment for a particular person, taking into account many factors.

  • Botox injections

This method of treating sweating isconducting in a problem zone of a special substance - Botox. It completely suppresses the normal activity of the sweat glands. Simply put, a person who suffers even from very strong sweating, after all these injections, completely forgets about the problem. True, only about half a year. Yes, and this procedure is not so cheap - that's why you should not queue to do it.

  • Ionophoresis

Ionophoresis is nothing but familiar to everyone withchildhood electrophoresis. Remember? The principle of action is the same - special drugs are introduced into the problem areas of the skin with the aid of a current. In principle, the method is quite effective, but in the case of very abundant sweating it is unlikely to be effective enough. The result of treatment will last about two months.

  • Surgical intervention

In the most severe cases, the doctor can takedecision on the need for surgical intervention. There are several techniques for carrying out such an operation, but the essence boils down to the following: the doctor damages the sweat glands. which means they just stop functioning. But remember that this is the most extreme measure and just so, according to your desire, no doctor to do the operation just so it will not - do not once again experiment with your body. very strong sweating

People's means of combating the problem

In addition to traditional methods of treatment is not necessaryrefuse and the people's recipes. The main thing - do not forget to closely monitor those components that are part of the recipe that you liked - an allergic reaction to you to anything.

  • Means with a strong sweating of the feet

If you are faced with such an attack, assweaty feet, you can try the following. First of all try soda baths - in the evening, before going to bed, dissolve in three liters of warm water half a glass of baking soda and hold in the solution feet feet for 15 minutes. Make such a bath you need at least a week. In most cases, this measure allows you to significantly reduce sweating of the feet. In addition, birch leaves help well, and you can use both fresh and dry ones. Leaves scald with boiling water, cool and attach to the foot and between the fingers. This procedure should be done once a day until the sweating retreats.

  • Means with a strong sweating of the palms

If you are vexed by wet hands, tryget rid of them as follows. Pour three tablespoons of oak bark with a glass of water and boil for about five minutes. leave to infuse for about an hour. Then heat a glass of water, mix it with the decoction of the bark and hold the palms for at least 10 minutes. This procedure is sufficient to do once a day, for a week, no less. If this remedy did not help, try making a honey-soda ointment. Melt two tablespoons of any natural honey on a water bath, add a teaspoon of baking soda and mix thoroughly. After the mixture has cooled, apply a thin layer on clean hands and leave it for about 20 minutes. This procedure is ideally done twice a day, for five days. Remember that to achieve the result you need to show some patience and, of course, regular treatment. From one-time procedures of no use, alas, will not. But do not despair - there is absolutely nothing impossible and you will always succeed. We advise you to read:

