treatment of a boil under a mouse Inflamed skin area with purulent contentsis called furuncle. Furuncles can be of various sizes and can be placed in different places. Most often these are places with hair, especially those where friction occurs: neck, chest, armpits, groin, loin and so on. In determining the diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the furuncle under the arm is very similar to hydradenitis (purulent inflammation of the sweat glands). Hyderadenitis is the formation of abscesses in the armpit, inguinal folds and anus. It is necessary to be able to distinguish furuncles (sometimes they are called chirii) from nodular erythema, scrofulous dermis, deep trichophytosis.

Causes of furuncles

Most often, the originators of furunclesare infectious bacterium agents that penetrate the hair follicle and provoke the formation of an inflammatory process characterized by severe pain, swelling and redness. Because of the accompanying discomforting sensations, the first signs of the development of the disease are very difficult not to notice. At the initial stage of the appearance of a boil, fever may rise. When red strips appear that lead to the lymph nodes, strong painful sensations when a boil breaks out, a person should urgently consult a doctor to find out the causes of the furuncle and cure it. chiri under armpit treatment

Self-treatment of boils

Self-treatment and dissection of the boilit is contraindicated, as this can lead to serious complications, one of which can be the spreading of abscesses all over the human body and even the infection of blood. Inflammation spreads throughout the hair area, capturing sweat glands and connective tissue. In this case, the elastic and collagen fibers contained in the affected area are completely destroyed. It is worth noting that you can not squeeze out chiria on your own, as this can lead to the rupture of the collagenized ring. But it is the bundle of these fibers that prevents the penetration of the developing infection into the body. More often furuncles are formed in the axillary zone, since it is there that the skin undergoes permanent deformation. This site is highly sensitive, so any discomfort caused by furuncle formation will cause more pain.

Why boils appear under the armpits

The most likely causes of furuncle formation are the following:

  • Low immunity.
  • Endocrine disorders in the human body, including diabetes mellitus.
  • Chronic staphylococci and streptococci in the body.
  • Slight lesions on the skin.
  • The use of foreign objects for personal hygiene, including those infected, for example, sponges.
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene.
  • Visiting institutions with high humidity and a large number of people, for example, public baths or saunas.
  • Inadequate skin care.
  • Fungus of the skin.
  • Severe sweating.
  • Hammered sebaceous ducts.
  • Very often boils occur due to highsebidity of the skin or its dryness, and also because of a deficiency of vitamin and mineral substances necessary for the human body. This is why treatment should begin with a change in diet. The defeat occurs according to the following scheme: the microorganism penetrates into the skin pores, where it takes root in the sebaceous glands, multiplies and provokes inflammation. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the patient should consult a dermatologist who, when studying the pattern of furuncle development, will be able to accurately diagnose and determine the cause of his appearance. The general symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • In the armpit there are feelings of discomfort.
  • A couple of days, touching the affected area begins to deliver pain.
  • It is possible to grope a dense immobile knot.
  • Around the affected area the skin becomes red.
  • Three days later the white head pops out, which after a while is opened and leaves a wound.
  • In general, a person's condition remains in fullorder, it does not lose its efficiency. Without treatment, the symptoms disappear after about a week, but doctors strongly recommend conducting the necessary examination. treatment of a furuncle in a surgeon

    How treatment should be treated

    To cure the emerging chirii, doctorsuse different methods and means, which are selected depending on the stage at which the disease is located, without fail considering the reasons for its manifestation. Treatment should include the observance of personal hygiene, it is necessary to limit contact with the lesion. To cure chiri, you need to use antiseptic lotions. When the boil opens, the affected area will have to be treated with special ointments, solutions, without forgetting to remove the pus to prevent the development of furunculosis. In severely neglected cases, when complications occur, surgical intervention can not be avoided. To start to treat chiri it is necessary immediately after their formation. The process of treatment is a very difficult task, because there is a risk of earning a complication. Purulent maxillary sinusitis or chronic furunculosis - this is what can lead to untimely treatment of boils. A sufficient number of troubles threatens to bring any of these diseases, so timely specialist help is needed. What to do with the boil that appeared under the arm? It is necessary to know that immediate treatment is required. Only a doctor can treat a boil. And it is worth noting that due to the fact that the armpits differ sensitivity, the chiria leaves after curing traces, scars and scars, and they do not pass through life and remain forever. To make furuncles heal faster, doctors recommend using ichthyol compresses. They contribute to the acceleration of development processes, maturation and the rapid opening of boils. When the boil is opened, the purulent core should be cleaned with a cotton-wool soaked in alcohol. After the pus was removed, the resulting wound should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. To treat the wound, it is necessary and for the next few days. To avoid relapse, you need a few more days to use compresses.

    Folk methods of treatment of boils

    Deciding to treat boils in folk ways, it is worthknow that they help to remove the abscess much faster, but the reasons for their formation they do not clean. Therefore, it is worth taking the methods for complete curing. In the event that the chiria continues to appear after treatment, it indicates that the disease has developed furunculosis. It is an acute purulent disease, manifested in the appearance of boils throughout the human body. To cure furunculosis, you need to spend a lot more time than with the treatment of a furuncle. How to treat furunculosis? To eliminate the causes of this disease, it is necessary to appoint a course of treatment, which can be prescribed only by a doctor. You need to treat properly selected antibiotics. This is the most reliable and effective way for today. And despite the fact that it is still possible to cure furunculosis, it is better to prevent it and prevent it. For example, in the event that a cut, a crack or any other wound has occurred on the skin, the wounded should be urgently disinfected. It is necessary to try to avoid superfluous overheating or hypothermia of the skin. Round the clock you need to monitor the amount of vitamins consumed, it's not a secret that healthy human immunity is the best protection of the human body. If a person has chiria under his arm or in another place, then we can conclude that human immunity is not able to cope with inflammation on its own. That is why it is necessary to start the treatment of furuncles with complete restoration of the body and maintenance of immunity. Treatment of any disease begins with an accurate identification of the cause of the disease. If the carrier is a bacterium, then antibacterial drugs that are appropriate for a particular person will be needed. Next, you need to revise the diet and adjust it, removing from it refined foods, sweets and sugar. It is recommended to replace them with fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. It is necessary to increase water consumption to 2 liters per day. To help skin integument, the following means should be used:

  • Affected area and chiria can be treated with boric or salicylic alcohol.
  • The skin can be lubricated with antiseptic ointments.
  • The faster burning of the boil is promoted by birch tar and liniment of Vishnevsky.
  • Better and faster healing is facilitated by methyluracil ointment.
  • We should not forget about the general health-improving treatment,including daily physical exercises, the removal of places with foci of chronic infections, the intake of vitamin preparations or mineral complexes, as well as autoimmune blood transfusion. Treatment of a person is outpatient, even a sick leave is not issued. It is necessary in the event that a furuncle has passed in the complicated form and surgical intervention has been required. Surgical removal of the boil occurs under local anesthesia. During the operation, the furuncle is opened, the pus removed, the local administration of the antibiotic and the application of the sutures (if necessary). It is important to remember that it is best to prevent furuncles - observe personal hygiene, handle any cuts and abrasions, do not use sharp objects, for example, to cleanse the ear canals, and so on. With frequent appearance of boils, you need to seek medical advice and must pass tests to determine the causes.

