contraceptive pimples Today medicine is moving with leaps and bounds. At the present time, a very effective anti-acne remedy is known. These are hormonal contraceptives. They help to eliminate the cause of unpleasant rashes on the face. Often the reason is too active work of hormones. Of course, we should not exclude other possible causes: an allergic reaction, an improperly chosen diet. In any case, do not independently appoint a contraceptive pill for acne. To begin, you should go to see a doctor who will help you choose the right drug.

How Contraceptives Solve Acne Problems

For the production of subcutaneous fat meet hormonesandrogens. During the adrenal period, the adrenal glands are very active and all androgens are activated. That's why women of childbearing age have problems with appearance, acne on the face, back and other parts of the body. Contraceptive pills can suppress excessive hormone activity. Fat will not be produced in too much quantity, and the skin will remain in a normal state. Usually, the use of birth control pills is prescribed only if the acne has a light and medium degree of severity. In doing so, you must follow certain conditions:

  • the patient's age is more than 15 years,
  • the menstrual cycle has already begun,
  • a woman does not want to have children, but has an active sex life.
  • Effect after using contraceptivestablets will not show up right away. It may take several months for the skin to look normal. In most cases, the effect of taking the drug is good and the patients really like the result of the treatment. If the fight against acne is delayed, then along with the reception of contraceptives, a course of antibiotics is usually prescribed. But this happens only in especially neglected cases. If the situation is serious enough, the patient will need to take tests to identify the concomitant disease. To hand over analyzes it is necessary, after all the diseases causing spots, are serious enough. For example, it can be polycystic ovary. This is a very dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment. getting rid of acne by using a contraceptive

    Risks and benefits of hormonal treatment for acne

    Such treatment of skin has already passeda lot of clinical trials that showed that the treatment gives a positive effect: redness and inflammation foci disappear, pores become narrower, the skin acquires a normal healthy hue. But, nevertheless, nevertheless there are also side effects:

  • you may experience pain when you urinate;
  • periodic headaches;
  • high pressure;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • protracted depression.
  • Contraceptive pills can not be used fortreatment of people suffering from diabetes, heart disease or having cancerous inflammation. Also, they can not be taken strictly by nursing and pregnant women. Such treatment is not recommended for smoking people and suffering from obesity. hormonal treatment for acne

    Recommendations for the use of birth control pills

    The body needs to be treated with the mind, otherwise you can cause yourself more serious harm than just acne. Therefore during treatment it is necessary to adhere to several useful recommendations:

  • First, do not self-medicate. Especially in the hormonal sphere. There is a great risk to do something wrong here. Therefore, the treatment should be prescribed only by an experienced specialist. It is not necessary to search for recipes to combat inflammatory skin processes on the Internet, drugs have side effects and are not suitable for everyone.
  • Secondly, do not forget that curepimples can be using less risky methods that do not violate the overall hormonal background of the body. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to try to sit on a special diet, do anti-inflammatory masks. And only if these methods do not give a positive result, you can take for treatment with birth control pills. But only after a full medical examination.
  • Thirdly, a sharp refusal to take hormonalcontraceptives can cause the emergence of new inflammatory processes. This is due to the fact that the body has to start work on a new hormonal level. We need to give him time to rebuild. Therefore, do not panic ahead of time and try new more effective ways of treatment.
  • From all of the above, we can conclude: the treatment of acne with hormonal contraceptives is indeed possible. Moreover, it gives good results. But it should be used with great care and only after the doctor gives permission for such treatment.

