cocoa face mask Cocoa powder - affordable and multifunctionalproduct. Firstly, it is possible to weld a delicious warming drink from it, secondly, to use it in baking, thirdly, to save with its help the fading skin of the face. In its composition a huge amount of useful vitamins and various trace elements, including it contains antioxidants, caffeine and a very large number of various useful substances. In addition, cocoa powder can be bought in almost any store and easily and easily prepare a useful "treat" for your skin. Cocoa facial mask will suit any type of skin, depending on the complementing ingredients, it can be moisturizing, nourishing, exfoliating and so on. But it is important to remember that in some cases it is better to be safe if you have a suspicion that some of the components of the mask can cause allergies. Check this before cosmetic procedure, applying a small amount of the controversial ingredient on the inner surface of the ulnar fold, wait a few minutes; if no redness, itching, irritation does not appear at the place of contact of the future mask with the skin, you can not be afraid of allergies. Otherwise, choose some other recipe. Before applying a mask of cocoa, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of the skin with soapy water or any suitable means. During the procedure, it is best to relax and lie down, rather than do household chores, so the mask will prove more effective. After removing the mixture from the face it makes sense to apply a thin layer of any nourishing or moisturizing cream. If possible, remove the mask is filtered water, especially for exfoliating compounds. Please note: for cosmetic masks, only natural cocoa powder is suitable, no instant mixtures can be used in similar procedures. useful cocoa face mask

Recipes masks with cocoa

  • Exfoliating maskCompany: a third of a glass of cocoa, a quarter of a glass of liquid honey, two tablespoons of white or cane (brown) sugar. Mix the ingredients, apply massaging circular motions. Leave the mixture for ten minutes.
  • Masking MaskCompany: a third of a glass of cocoa, half a cup of liquid honey, two large spoons of cream and a half spoons of oatmeal. Apply on face, leave for at least fifteen minutes, wash with contrast (warm, and then sufficiently cold water, make sure that the contrast is not too strong for the first time, increase with time).
  • Cleansing Mask Composition: on a large spoonful of cocoa and ground coffee, a little warm milk. Mix the loose ingredients and dilute with milk to the state of gruel. Apply on face and for ten to fifteen minutes. Remove the mixture with not too cold water. It should be noted that this compound is best suited for combination skin. But it can be used for any other.
  • Anti-aging mask Composition: three large spoons of cocoa, two large spoons of warm liquid honey, a spoonful of natural yogurt, a capsule of vitamin E. Mix, put on the skin for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Then wash off and put a nourishing or soothing cream.
  • Universal mask Composition: three large spoons of cocoa, two large spoons of any cosmetic clay and yogurt, a teaspoon of coconut oil and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients, put on for fifteen minutes. Very gently wash off, making sure that the mixture does not hit the eyes.
  • Anti-aging mask Composition: a large spoonful of cocoa, as much freshly brewed green or white tea, a little honey. Mix, if necessary add water. Apply and leave for ten to twenty minutes. Wash gently. With regular use, this composition works wonders.
  • Mask for oily face skin Composition: on a tablespoon of cocoa and oatmeal, a little defatted yogurt or yogurt. Mix the loose ingredients and dilute to the state of the gruel. Apply to face. After some time, rinse with chilled water.
  • Simple mask Ingredients: cocoa, water. Dilute with water until powder is obtained. Apply, leave for ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. This option is suitable for any skin; if your skin is very dry, you can replace the water with milk.
  • Mask for oily skin Ingredients: two teaspoons of green or white clay, cocoa and Herculean flakes, a little chilled white or green tea. Mix the dry ingredients and dissolve them to the state of the mash. Apply weight to the skin for ten to twenty minutes. To wash. This mask quickly and efficiently removes excess gloss.
  • Mask from irritations Composition: two tablespoons of homogenized cheese, a spoonful of cocoa, two tablespoons of grated chocolate, a little cinnamon. Heat all the ingredients in a water bath, without forgetting to stir, until uniform. Remove from heat, cool, apply on the face with a brush. After seventeen to twenty minutes, rinse gently with warm water. Ideally, use this mask once a week. (Homogenized cheese is the maximum chopped cheese mass).
  • Toning mask Ingredients: on a tablespoon of cocoa and any fruit pulp, a little water. Dilute cocoa water, add the flesh. Apply for half an hour, wash with not quite cold water. If you have oily skin, you better fit a mask with the flesh of cranberries or cherries.
  • Caring mask Composition: two small spoons of cocoa, a small cup of well-brewed green tea or coffee, half a teaspoon of avocado oil or olive oil, a small spoonful of honey, a handful of ground oatmeal. Cacao dilute hot coffee or tea, mix thoroughly. Add oil and honey, fill up the crumbled flakes. Apply plenty on the skin of the neck and face, leave for ten to twenty minutes. Remove with a cotton disc or napkin. Rinse your face with warm water, treat with lotion or tonic.
  • Mask for oily skin Ingredients: a tablespoon of Hercules flakes, as much low-fat cottage cheese, two small spoons of cocoa, a little kefir. Mix the ingredients, add kefir, to make a kashka. Abundantly put on the face, leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash with not too cool water.
  • Mask for dry and normal skin Ingredients: a little water, two or three teaspoons of sour cream and cocoa, egg yolk. Dilute cocoa with warm water, add the remaining ingredients. Apply on neck and face, remove with warm water after about twenty minutes.
  • It is worth noting that cocoa is very useful forreception inside. First, it is more necessary for preserving the youth of antioxidants than in anything else. Secondly, it makes sense to prefer a cup of cocoa to a piece of chocolate, since the drink is much less saturated with fat. Thirdly, there is theobromine in cocoa, it has invigorating properties, but it acts much softer than caffeine. Therefore, it can be recommended to people who, for some reason, are contraindicated in coffee. In addition, despite the high caloric content, cocoa does not threaten obesity - mainly due to the fact that even a small cup of this drink successfully satisfies hunger; which makes it, by the way, an ideal breakfast for both adults and children.

