The art of confectionery is a delicate matter that requiresfrom a master with a light hand, certain skills and a lot of experience behind him. However, cooks are not born (although this happens) - they become them. You just need to put in maximum effort and find the right source of information. This is exactly what our site is for: we share with our readers the secrets of delicious pastries, hot dishes, holiday appetizers, all kinds of sauces, desserts, salads, drinks. The list can be continued indefinitely, because every day a new and previously unknown dish appears in cooking. In the process of their work, chefs discover unusual combinations, develop signature dishes and present them to the world. Today we will dwell on desserts in more detail. Chocolate cake is a real gift for those with a sweet tooth of any age. Only a lover of flour and sweets truly understands what it means to taste the most delicate, aromatic delicacy. Try a piece, and your bad mood will be gone. Of course, if you don’t feel like cooking at all, the easiest way is to buy a cake at the nearest supermarket or pastry shop. But can homemade baking compare to store-bought? We do not encourage spending a lot of time in the kitchen, because today many simply cannot afford such a “luxury”. A delicate dessert can be made in just ten minutes. Are you interested? Then let's look at a few quick recipes.
Cake "Chocolate pancake" on milk with rum
Every housewife knows that the procedurepancakes are very easy to make and do not take much time. That is why the dish is very popular all over the world - it is served with cottage cheese, sour cream, red caviar, fish, homemade cream, honey and fruit jam. Pancakes can be made in advance, and a dessert based on them - in your free time, quickly and easily. As practice shows, you can assemble a chocolate cake from thin delicate products, how exactly this is done and what is needed for this, the following recipe will tell you. Ingredients: For pancakes:
- 300 grams of wheat flour
- three eggs
- ½ liter of pasteurized milk
- two large spoons of powdered sugar
- 30 grams of butter
- ten grams of cocoa powder
- eight milliliters of rum (you can use brandy)
- salt - a pinch
- slightly less tiles of dark chocolate
- Refined oil - needed for frying
For the sour cream:
- a large spoonful of vanilla sugar
- 100 grams of powder
- 500 milliliters of fatty sour cream
For decoration:
- grated chocolate, fresh berries, nuts - at your discretion
Method of preparation: Шоколадный торт, рецептом которого мы с вами прямо сейчас поделимся, идеально подойдет для новичков. Если вы впервые решили стать к плите, лучше начинать с простейшего — не хватайтесь сразу за сложные блюда, иначе рискуете испортить впечатление от кулинарного дебюта. Приготовить невкусный блинный торт практически невозможно. Главное — не сжечь изделия, а для этого их следует вовремя снять со сковороды. Но не будем забегать вперед, давайте сначала замесим тесто. Для выпечки рекомендуем купить молоко жирностью в 2,5-3%. Мы добавляли еще и какао, но рецепт можно немного изменить, используя исключительно натуральный шоколад. В таком случае придется взять не 80 граммов, а полторы-две плитки. Также его следует очень хорошо растопить на паровой бане и слегка разбавить молоком или кипятком, чтобы смесь не вышла слишком густой. Блинный торт хорош тем, что, во-первых, он очень быстро готовится, а во-вторых, не требует особых материальных затрат. Итак, налейте воду в кастрюлю и доведите ее до кипения на тихом огне. Сверху поставьте посуду с поломанным на некрупные кусочки шоколадом и дождитесь, пока он подтает. После сюда же введите 250 миллилитров тёплого молока, заранее подогретого в микроволновой печи. Варите смесь при постоянном помешивании, основная задача — добиться идеальной однородности. Теперь в отдельную миску просейте через сито муку и соедините его с оставшимся молоком, в котором предварительно следует растворить какао, соль и сахарную пудру. Можно, конечно, добавлять сухие порошки по отдельности, но предложенный вариант гораздо проще и быстрее — ингредиенты лучше соединяются и процедура приготовления смеси сокращается на несколько минут. Еще немного, и сможете попробовать свой торт. В отдельной пиале взбейте с помощью венчика яйца, работая им снизу вверх. Вылейте полученную смесь в шоколадный крем и еще несколько раз перемешайте. Теперь порубите кубиками сливочное масло и растопите его в микроволновке, после соедините с ромом и добавьте в тесто. В самом конце введите в него сладкий соус, приготовленный на паровой бане. Очень хорошо перемешайте тесто, чтобы полностью избавиться от комков, иначе торт выйдет бугристым и некрасивым. Как только справитесь, поставьте разогреваться сковородку. Затем налейте в нее немного растительного масла и начинайте жарить блины. Изделия должны быть тонкими и нежными, для этого не нужно добавлять слишком много теста — достаточно половины половника. Аккуратно вылейте его на середину посуды и поверните ее несколько раз в одну, а потом в другую сторону. Таким образом масса распределится по всей поверхности сковородки. Изделия выпекается в течение трех-четырех минут, следите, чтобы они не подгорели. Как только блинчик потемнеет, переверните его и еще некоторое время прожарьте. Пока ваши творения остывают, сделайте крем. Блинный торт можно готовить с любой начинкой — одни предпочитают смазывать его заварным кремом, другие используют обычную сгущенку. У каждого свои пожелания и предпочтения. Возможно, вам понравится следующий рецепт: домашнюю или магазинную сметану вылейте в ёмкость для блендера. Потом сюда же высыпьте пудру и ванильный сахар, включите прибор и хорошо взбейте продукты. В итоге получится пышный однородный крем — смажьте им каждый блин, выкладывая одно изделие поверх другого. Оставшимся сладким соусом обработайте шоколадный торт с боков и сверху. Хотите украсить изделие? Посыпьте его размельченными орехами, арахисом или свежими ягодами. Приятного аппетита и отличного настроения! Готовое творение должно настояться, только тогда вы сможете полностью прочувствовать его вкус. Как показывает практика, оптимальное время, необходимое для пропитки блинного десерта, — три-четыре часа. Поэтому лучше уберите торт в холодильник и немного подождите. Вот увидите, он получится очень сочным, нежным и невероятно аппетитным. Кстати, что касается крема: в следующий раз попробуйте добавить в него не сметану, а сливки.
Fast cake "Chocolate" from cookies
We offer another recipe for lazy people.This dish takes just a few minutes to prepare, making it an ideal option for busy cooking enthusiasts. When you come home from work, you can quickly make a delicious cake and serve it with tea right away. Almost all children have a sweet tooth, so now you don’t have to feed your child store-bought sweets and cakes. You just need to master the secrets of simple desserts that don’t require baking. So, lesson two. Ingredients:
- 400 grams of dark chocolate
- 200 grams of any friable cookies (suitable for "Jubilee", "Sugar")
- half a two-ounce package of butter
- ½ tiles of white chocolate
- 10 grams of melted honey
- 0.5 cups of crushed walnuts or other nuts
- 250 milliliters of thick cream
- cocoa - tablespoon
Method of preparation:A no-bake cake is a real find for those who don’t like or don’t know how to cook. Besides, there isn’t always time to create culinary delights, and this ridiculously simple recipe is perfect for such cases. It contains cream, but if desired, it can be replaced with very fatty milk or sour cream. The product will also turn out quite appetizing. As for the cookies: use any - the main thing is that they crumble well and, of course, are fresh. So, first of all, break the dark chocolate into small pieces with your hands or grate it, but this procedure will take much more time. The fastest and most trouble-free way is to use a blender. Just one minute, and the sweet product is crushed. Now chop the cookies with a knife into medium pieces, and pour the cream into a saucepan and put it on low heat. While they are heating up, melt the honey in a double boiler and add it to the previous ingredient. Add the chopped butter here and, stirring regularly, bring the mixture to a boil. Attention! All ingredients should be completely dissolved. First pour dark chocolate into the bubbling cream, then crushed white chocolate. Beat the nuts with a hammer or blender, then add them to the cream. Stir it very vigorously several times. Now cover the inside of the mold with foil or cling film. Put the finished mass in the dish and smooth it out with a spoon, keeping in mind that the cake hardens in the refrigerator for about five to six hours. As soon as it has set enough, take it out of the mold, remove excess film and put it on a nice plate. Then sprinkle with cocoa or powder. The dessert will be a great reason to gather your loved ones at the same table. Enjoy your tea!
Dessert "Minute" with cocoa
No-bake cake is perfectdessert for a family tea party or a small celebration with close friends. You don't need to knead the dough, you don't have to wait long for it to rise, and the ingredients needed for the dish are really inexpensive. We hope you'll like this economical and quick recipe. Some housewives add almonds or peanuts to cakes. If you decide to follow their example, be sure to fry the nuts in a dry frying pan beforehand, and only then put them in a blender. You'll see, it will be much tastier. Ingredients:
- cocoa - put on taste, about five (it is possible more) table spoons
- a glass of chilled boiled water
- 500 grams of milk powder (you can use a baby formula)
- 30 grams of sugar or powder
- pack of softened butter
- 500-600 grams of shortbread or any other product (necessarily friable)
- fresh raspberry - for decoration
Method of preparation:Well, are you ready to make a cake quickly and without any hassle? Then let's get started: first, combine cocoa and dry milk in one bowl. Melt the butter a little (in the microwave or in a double boiler) and add it to the specified ingredients. Rub the mixture well with a spoon. Pour water into a separate bowl and pour in granulated sugar, put it on the stove and, stirring, bring to a boil. Now cool the sweet syrup and gradually add the chocolate cream. Carefully knead the resulting mass, ideally its texture should be soft, thick and without lumps. This is exactly the state you want to achieve. When you're done, start making the cookies. It is recommended to make the cake from a shortbread product - break it into large pieces. You will need at least four or five 200-gram packs. Cover the inside of the container in which you plan to cool the dessert with a plastic bag or use special film. The most crucial moment has come - let's start assembling the cake. The procedure is very simple: put the cookies on the bottom of the pan, pour the chocolate cream on top, then cover with the shortbread product again. Follow the same pattern until you use up all the ingredients. Put the product on the top shelf in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens completely. Then decorate the cake with fresh raspberries or other berries. If desired, you can make this same dessert in a slightly different way. First, cook the chocolate sauce as indicated in the recipe, then crush the cookies with your hands and mix it with the cream. You will get a thick, homogeneous mass. Want to experiment with the ingredients? Add ¼ cup of crushed almonds or roasted peanuts to the dough. Knead the mass thoroughly with your hands and place it in a slide on a flat plate, then put it in the refrigerator to cool. Serve this delicious cake with hot tea, coffee, cocoa or cold milk. This dish is an ideal dessert for a hot summer, because it is very light, tender and tasty.
Chocolate and pistachio cake
For some reason, many people associate pistachios withwith beer, but do not forget that this product is added to desserts. So, there are many recipes for pistachio ice cream, cream, cakes, and we suggest making a delicate cake. The undeniable advantage of the dish is the speed of its preparation. Having spent at most half an hour, you will get a delicate appetizing delicacy for tea. Ingredients:
- fatty cream - 300 milliliters
- two tiles of black chocolate (take about 450 grams)
- ½ packaging butter
- two large spoons of powdered sugar
- any chocolate biscuit - 100 grams
- 100 grams of unsalted pistachios
- 300 grams of biscuit cookies
- a glass of fresh raspberries
For the glaze:
- 50 milliliters of cream or milk
- 40 grams of dark chocolate or cocoa
- a small slice of butter
For decoration:
- whipped cream, any berries
- grated chocolate
Method of preparation:First, break the chocolate into small pieces, then put it on a plate and melt it in the microwave. It is better, of course, to do this in a double boiler, but the second method is more time-consuming. Combine the cream with the sand and beat the mixture with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. Now let's move on to the cookies: grind the chocolate into very small crumbs, and the biscuits and pistachios into medium ones, then pour the specified products into one bowl. When the chocolate has melted a little, add diced butter and cream, you will need only a third of the latter. Mix the mixture well and keep it on minimum heat, then add the remaining dairy product. Rinse the fresh berries thoroughly, throw them in a colander and let them dry. Pour the cookies and nuts into the chocolate-cream cream, add raspberries and mix. We are approaching the final stage of preparing the cake - assembling the product. To make it much easier to remove it from the mold later, line it with paper, parchment, film or regular polyethylene. Did you manage? Then put the chocolate dough in the dish and carefully smooth it out with a special silicone or wooden spatula. Put the product in the refrigerator, and get to work on the glaze. Heat milk or cream over low heat - it all depends on what you are using. Then add cocoa or chocolate melted in the microwave to the liquid. When the cream acquires a uniform consistency and begins to bubble, add butter and, stirring occasionally with a spoon, bring to a boil. Then cool and pour the glaze over the cake. When it hardens in the refrigerator, carefully release it from the mold and decorate with berries or draw a pattern with whipped cream. As you can see, making desserts is not always a long and laborious process. There are many recipes, both complex and not so. More original dishes are suitable for holidays and other special occasions, and if you want to treat your family to a delicious treat during the week, make a light and tender cake without baking. Fresh fruits, such as oranges and kiwis, as well as berries, such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries, are ideal with chocolate dessert. So feel free to study the culinary instructions and cook with us. We wish you success and inspiration!