Pregnancy is always happiness and joy.Even in childhood, girls play house and look after toy children. After a while, the little girls become young women and seriously think about having a child. Everything would be fine, but many ladies want to influence fate and give birth to a child of a certain gender. Why? Sometimes an angry husband looks menacingly at your daughters and shows with his whole appearance that he wants an heir. Perhaps you have friends who have a lot of cute pink onesies and bonnets for the baby. And they are happy to give you all their belongings. Perhaps you dream of an older son and a younger daughter, so that the fragile girl always has a protector nearby.
Boy or girl - how to predict?
The reasons may be different, but this issue needs to be resolved. How? There are several ways to conceive a child of the desired gender:
This is what we will talk about.
Who and why was invented?
An ancient legend says that the Chinese calendarwas written several thousand years ago. Both now and in those distant times, boys were and are highly valued in China. Since they are the bearers of the family name and continuers of the family line. At present, a law has been introduced in China that informs about the rules for the birth of a child. There is overpopulation in this country, so benefits are provided to families that have only one child. After the birth of the second child, the benefits are removed. For this reason, it is very important for the Chinese to know the sex of the future child, and to determine this, they use the Chinese calendar. Its originals are kept in the Beijing Institute of Science.
How does the Chinese conception calendar work?
This calendar contains only one table withvertical and horizontal columns. The horizontal columns contain numbers from 18 to 45, which indicate the mother's age at the time of conception. Why these numbers? Because this is the period of time during which it is considered possible to conceive and bear a child. The vertical columns contain one of the 2 letters - "d" or "m", painted blue or pink. It is easy to guess that the letter "d" and pink color mean the birth of a girl, and "m" and blue - the birth of a boy. In the original calendar, the cells were not painted, Chinese characters were written in them. But when this method was recognized in Europe, the construction of the table changed and took on the usual form. Also, the following method is the simplest. You just need to find the mother's age and the month in which you want to conceive a child in the table. At the intersection of the columns, you will see the sex of the baby. In a certain month and at a specific age, the probability of having a female or male baby is different. At 21, let's say, only in January can a boy be born, and in the other months - girls. The system is as follows:
The method is very clear, so the rest can be seen in the Chinese conception table.
Typical errors in the calculation
Many people accustomed to Europeantime division, make mistakes in calculations and then complain about the uselessness of the table. But this is not true. Some do not know that in China, a person's age is calculated not from the date of birth, but from the date of conception. That is, a child is born already nine months old. That is why another 9 months should be added to the mother's age. In certain cases, 9 months do not decide anything, but in many cases they are significant. For example, you want to conceive a baby at the age of 24 years and 5 months. If you add 9 months, then the mother is already 25 years old. And this radically changes the results. And why do the Chinese have such peculiar traditions, very different from Western European ones? They have existed since time immemorial in China and were borrowed by Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia and Korea. It all came about because the majority of Asians profess Buddhism. In this religion, the human soul is highly valued, it is believed that a newly conceived child already has a spiritual beginning. And the mother should not sin during pregnancy, because the sins of the mother leave a mark on the baby. Also, the New Year in China is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar and does not have an exact date. In 2013, the New Year began on February 10, and the first month ended on March 10, in 2014 the New Year is celebrated on January 31. So it is also advisable to take this into account.
Reviews about the Chinese calendar and its accuracy
People haven't come up with a better calendar than this yet,because it gives up to 98% accuracy in determining the sex of the child. Those who did not study the nuances of the Chinese calendar before checking, made a mistake in determining the gender. And people who checked everything carefully, got the correct results. It is human nature to doubt, but even inveterate skeptics are surprised by the capabilities of Chinese astrologers.