hair perm at home As it usually happens, we all wantunattainable. Owners of elastic curls crave to get smooth, silky strands; the same ones who were lucky to get straight hair initially, want curls. Fortunately, in our time there are no problems with the fulfillment of such desires. Straightening of hair is easily accomplished with the help of special devices and cosmetics, and curls can be made using forceps, curlers or, if you want a more lasting effect, you can resort to a perm procedure. It can be done both in the cabin and at home. True, we need the help of another person, because it is very difficult to achieve the desired effect on our own. how to do a hair perm

How to do the perks independently

To begin with, you need to purchase all the necessary items for a permanent wave at home:

  • Plastic curlers or bobbins of different sizes with fastening elastic bands (60-80 pieces)
  • For flat curls, you need plastic pins and plastic clips to fix the strands.
  • Plastic combs with sparse teeth and sharp tips. (Do not use metal combs at all, as the metal reacts with the chemical composition for curling, reducing its effect)
  • Warming cap, rubber gloves and negligee to protect clothes and skin from chemical effects.
  • Foam sponges: one for chemical composition, the second for fixing.
  • Porcelain, glass or plastic bowls for chemical composition and fixing agent.
  • Measuring cup for measurements.
  • Jug or bucket for rinsing hair.
  • Two towels and a cotton towel.
  • Preparations for chemical perm are necessarychoose depending on the type of hair, only in this case you can achieve an excellent result. But even if you bought the ideal remedy for you, before using it, you need to check the skin for an allergic reaction. For this, a small amount of the drug should be applied to the skin behind the ear and left there for seven to ten minutes. If during this time the skin has reddening, burning, irritation - alas, this tool will not suit you and it is worthwhile to try others or, in principle, give up the idea of ​​chemical perm. If signs of irritation appear, immediately flush the composition with 3% hydrogen peroxide and rinse the skin with water. If there is no negative reaction to the chemical composition, it is worth checking how your locks react to it. To do this, separate a small strand of hair and apply a chemical on it. In a couple of minutes, you need to check the strength of the strand. If it starts to break, your hair is too concentrated. It is necessary to dilute the solution with water in the proportions 1: 1, 1: 0.5, then repeat the test on the other locks. If, after applying the diluted composition, the curls become brittle and get a grayish coating, it is worth forgetting for a while about the perm and taking care of hair treatment. If the treatment turns out to be effective, you can think about how to do the perm all the same. In addition to the chemical perm, suitable for your hair, you need to purchase a fixative (if you want, you can prepare it yourself), liquid soap or shampoo, a remedy to restore the structure of hair or a special balm for use after a perm, any cream or Vaseline, vinegar (not more than nine percent) or citric acid, but you need to be careful with it, since its use can change the color of your hair. Fixing means, or "fixation", can be done on their own, for this you need to take seventy five milliliters of water, eight tablets of hydropyrite and fifteen milliliters of liquid soap or shampoo. And the last thing: before going to the description of the chemical wave of hair in the home, you need to talk about curlers and bobbins. First, it is necessary to understand that their shape directly affects the shape of the curl. If you have short hair, choose curlers or bobbins of small diameter, they will lift hair no longer than ten centimeters and provide impressive curls to slightly longer hair. If you have long hair, use large-diameter bobbins or curlers: with their help you can give hair a form of luxurious waves. On hair curlers and bobbin need to wind hair as evenly as possible, but do it not too tight, otherwise the chemical composition will be blocked path to the lower layers of hair. Remember that the strand should not be wider than the bobbin or hair curlers, otherwise the curls will be uneven. If you have very short hair, use plastic clips or studs. The direction and sequence of winding depends on the direction of the strands and the length of the hair, respectively. If the hair is long, they should be wound, starting from the occipital zone down from the crown, and from the crown to the face, placing the hair curlers horizontally. In passing, they wind the hair of the side zones, placing them in a staggered order. If the hair is short, you need to wind hair from the crown in the direction from the face, and then from the neck to the neck, while placing the bobbin horizontally. The hair of the lateral zones in this case are wound the same way as the long ones. Let's take a closer look at how to do a perm on your home:

  • Wash your hair with shampoo, but by no meansit is necessary to massage the scalp. This is necessary in order to keep the surface of its fat, which prevents the drying of hair and skin. If desired, you can use a simple laundry soap: the alkali that enters it helps to loosen the outer layer of hair. Then pat the hair with a towel and gently comb it. At this stage, you can make a haircut, taking into account that the chemical wave shortens the hair.
  • Screw hair on curlers and bobbin, given the recommendations above.
  • After the winding procedure is completedgrease with liquid paraffin or cream the skin of the face, especially carefully having processed it on a line of hair growth, to tie a napkin or a tourniquet. After that, put on the negligee and rubber gloves.
  • Using a beaker, measure the right amount of chemical solution, pour it into a bowl and quickly apply to hair curled on hair, starting from the back of the head, turning to the crown, and then to the temples.
  • To put on a warming cap, if there is no special cap, to use a terry towel over a usual cap.
  • To sustain on hair a composition according to the instruction. (Bear in mind that the time required depends on the structure and type of hair). Twenty minutes after the application of the solution, it is worthwhile to test - remove the hood and spin a pair of curlers or bobbins. If the curl is only just beginning to appear, you must withstand the maximum allowed in the instructions time. In doing so, it is meaningful to check the state of the curl several more times, but do not do it too often.
  • When the desired effect is achieved, neatlywash the composition with warm water from the hair, without removing the bobbin or hair curlers, then get wet with a towel, trying not to break the structure of the wound hair.
  • Apply fixing agent. Before using it, whip it to the foam and, without removing the bobbin, apply half to the hair for seven to ten minutes, remove the bobbin or hair curlers and apply the second half of the fixer for another five minutes
  • Rinse hair with water, userinse aid for neutralizing the chemical composition. The rinse aid must be made from water and citric acid or vinegar. If you have short hair, use about two liters of solution, if long - three to four liters. Then dry the hair a little with a towel and apply a caring agent.
  • To lay hair with the help of hair curlers, it is not necessary to use hair dryer immediately after you have done a perm, as it is harmful.
  • This is a variant of traditional perm; asYou see, if you prepare well for this process, it is not so complicated. But there are nuances: this option may not be suitable for long enough hair, because the curl can weaken with each subsequent turn on the curlers. Therefore, for other long hair, you can use other methods. For example, you can make a vertical perm, in this case, the hair is wound on special bobbins in the form of a rod. Unfortunately, they are still quite difficult to buy, but if you set yourself this goal, you can look for them in a professional hair care store. However, the result justifies the long search for tools. For this method, the hair should be divided into thin strands, twist each along the vertical axis and screw it onto the bobbin, starting from the roots. Then follow the steps from the third to the tenth. Very long hair it makes sense to wind on the two bobbins, so that the curl does not fade as it winds on the "sticks". On the larger bobbin, the ends of the strands are wound, from about the middle, a small bobbin of smaller diameter should be added and continue to be wound up to the roots. If the hair, subjected to chemical perm, branches, it is possible to make a radical wave, then the ends of the strands do not have to be treated additionally with a chemical solution. On the bobbin, only overgrown fragments of hair are wound, and the ends are removed into foil or polyethylene. Then you need to follow the points from the third to the tenth. how to do a hair perm

    Common Errors

    If you feel a strong skin irritation onprobably too much chemical solution was used during the curl, and the unhealthy excess was distributed over the scalp. Broken hair is explained by too tight winding on hair curlers or bobbins or exceeding the time of aging on the hair of chemical composition. If after you have done a wave, the hair has changed color - either you still used metal tools, or you overcame the fixer or made it too concentrated. It is necessary to understand that hair restoration after an unsuccessful wave is a long and time-consuming process. Therefore, do not neglect to read the instructions, and do everything you need as accurately and carefully. With a careful approach to the problem, the result of using a perm at home can be more satisfactory. In addition, unlike the salons, where, of course, experts work, your attitude to your hair, of course, is still much more careful.

