There is nothing better than a rich, aromatic borscht.only light, incredibly tender cheese soup with meatballs. You must admit, just the mention of this dish makes your mouth water. It would seem that there is nothing special about the dish itself. Cooked in chicken or beef broth and supplemented with small round minced meat products, it turns out to be very nutritious and quite filling. At first glance, everything is simple, but even the most ordinary recipe with the help of one or two ingredients - for example, spices, vegetables or a piece of Gouda - can be turned into a real masterpiece of culinary art. Don't believe me? Then you should definitely make cheese soup. We will be happy to help our readers - both beginners and experienced cooks - master one of the dishes listed below. So feel free to choose a recipe and, without putting it off, get down to business right away. You will see that the whole procedure - from slicing to removing the fragrant dish from the stove - will take a little time and a minimum of effort. But the result will surely please both you and your loved ones.
Simple soup with meatballs and melted cheese
The first recipe can be confidently attributed toeveryday dishes, familiar to almost every housewife. Such dishes do not require any special experience, skills or time. The cooking procedure is very simple, and the ingredients needed for this are always available for sale, and they are also inexpensive. But such a soup with meatballs will not only satisfy your hunger, but also lift your spirits. Despite its simplicity, it turns out very appetizing and quite original, because, you must admit, processed cheese is not always included in the first course. However, it is this product that gives it a “zest”. So, we suggest you evaluate the following recipe. This is the only way you can be sure that the dish deserves attention. Ingredients:
- 250 grams of juicy, fresh minced meat (take any of your choice: chicken, beef, pork or other)
- three packages of processed cheese
- two small pinches of freshly ground black pepper
- salt - to taste
- two small bulbs
- 120 grams of carrot
- two large potatoes
- 20 milliliters of vegetable oil
To serve:
- fresh fennel - the amount at your discretion
- Garlic pampushki or croutons
Method of preparation: Прежде чем с энтузиазмом пускаться в «бой», примите во внимание несколько нюансов. Конечно, опытным кулинарам эта информация наверняка знакома, однако новичкам она явно не будет лишней. Так что читайте и запоминайте. Итак, отметим, что рецепт супа можно слегка менять под свои потребности. Например, если предпочитаете птицу, сделайте фрикадельки из куриного фарша, а вот любителям свинины и говядины советуем использовать какой-то из этих двух продуктов. Кроме того, масса для изделий может быть куплена в магазине или сделана собственноручно на вашей кухне. В последнем случае фарш получается более нежным и сочным, главное, хорошо прокрутите его через мясорубку. Еще один важный момент — основа блюда, то есть бульон. Вы можете приготовить кушанье на воде, ведь фрикадельки и зажарка из овощей все равно сделают его наваристым. Однако если хотите сделать сытный и довольно жирный суп, рекомендуем заранее отварить кусок говядины или свинины. Само мясо используйте в другом блюде, а вот в бульон добавьте ингредиенты, указанные чуть выше, и получите аппетитное первое кушанье. Чтобы оно вышло не только вкусным, но и привлекало внимание едоков, подавайте его с рубленой зеленью, которая придаст вашему творению непревзойденный аромат свежести и красивый яркий цвет. Ну, а сейчас рассмотрим подробнее сам рецепт. Вот увидите, процедура очень простая, начните с фарша. Для экономии времени и сил возьмите готовый магазинный продукт, посолите и поперчите его, ориентируясь на свой вкус. Затем очистите от шелухи лук, порежьте его очень мелкими кубиками и введите в мясную массу. Тщательно вымесите ее руками, после пропустите через мясорубку. Чтобы фрикадельки получились более нежными и сочными, повторите процедуру два раза. Тем временем поставьте на плиту кастрюлю с водой или с заранее приготовленным бульоном. Слегка смочите руки, чтобы легче было сформировать фрикадельки. Теперь наберите немного массы и аккуратно скатайте ее в не слишком крупный шарик, размером не больше грецкого ореха. Точно так же сделайте и остальные изделия. Выложите их в посуду с бурлящим бульоном, всыпьте ¼ столовой ложки соли, перемешайте и займитесь остальными ингредиентами. Очистите луковицу и нашинкуйте ее тонкими полукольцами, потом снимите с моркови кожуру и порежьте ее кубиками. Высыпьте первый овощ в сковороду с разогретым маслом, как только он посветлеет и станет гораздо мягче, добавьте морковь. Пассеруйте продукты до полуготовности. Теперь очистите картофель, разделайте его средней соломкой и отправьте в посуду к фрикаделькам. Сюда же введите полученную зажарку, уменьшите огонь и продолжайте варить. Кстати, не забывайте периодически снимать образовавшуюся пенку, иначе суп выйдет мутным. Рецепт подошел к концу — осталось натереть на крупной терке плавленый сыр и выложить его в кастрюлю. После этого подержите кушанье на плите еще около десяти минут, затем выключите огонь и дайте ему настояться. Блюдо можно подавать с чесночными пампушками или румяными сухариками. Последние рекомендуем приготовить самостоятельно, тем более что это займет минимум времени. Рецепт очень простой: порежьте на крупные кубики белый батон и обжарьте его в сотейнике, предварительно сбрызнув небольшим количеством масла. После посыпьте хлеб приправами и подавайте на стол, каждую порцию супа украсьте зеленью.
Soup with Gouda and meatballs
The recipe for this dish is considered more dietary.— this time we will do without frying, which makes the dish too fatty. We will add the chopped vegetables to the soup raw, they will be ready directly during the cooking process. Cooking is a delicate matter, but every housewife knows that seasonings give a special aroma and taste to dishes. Therefore, we recommend using dried spices and, of course, garlic. Judge for yourself how appetizing the soup will be. Ingredients:
- two medium bulbs
- two bay leaves
- 300 grams of pork-beef minced meat
- three potatoes
- rice - optional
- four peas of black pepper
- 100 grams of carrot
- three grams of salt
- 70 grams of Gouda cheese
- small bunch of fresh parsley
- three garlic cloves
Method of preparation:In the modern world with its busyness, eternal rush and catastrophic lack of time, even cooking requires quick, lightning-fast decisions. This is the recipe we offer our readers. Cooking this soup will take half an hour at most. You will not have to make minced meat, as the product can always be purchased in the store, you will not even need to fry it - add raw vegetables. In the end, we will get a tender, light and truly nutritious dish. First, peel the potatoes, wash them well and cut them into strips. Then pour them into boiling water. By the way, if you want, you can make soup with ready-made broth, just cook it in advance. Now peel the onion and chop into half rings, and carrots - into thin circles. Using a knife, finely chop the parsley or other greens, here it is allowed to deviate a little from the recipe. Put the chopped vegetables in the broth, then make meatballs. The procedure for preparing them is very simple: thoroughly knead the salted and peppered minced meat with your hands. Then combine it with the onion, cut into pieces, and grind it using a meat grinder. Then take a little of the mass with your fingers and roll it into a ball. Put the resulting products into the soup, add allspice and bay leaf. If necessary, add salt to the water, cook on a minimum flame, remembering to periodically remove excess foam. About five minutes before the end of cooking, grate the Gouda into medium strips on a grater and pour it into the soup. Add garlic, crushed with a special press. Before serving, pour the dish into portioned plates and garnish with herbs. By the way, opponents of potatoes can change the recipe: to reduce the calorie content of the dish, replace the vegetable with cereal. Rice is ideal for this: take a small handful (no more than 40 grams), fill it with water and let it brew. Then rinse well under the tap and put into the boiling broth together with the meatballs. The soup will be light and filling at the same time. As for Gouda, you can use any cheese instead, for those who like exotic things, we recommend trying Parmesan. In fact, it doesn’t matter how expensive the product is, the main thing is that the soup is cooked with love. So approach cooking with all your heart.
Original soup with cheese, pumpkin and meatballs
From their own experience, many businessmen, writers,Politicians and ordinary people have proven more than once that success comes only to those who are not afraid to take risks and happily embark on well-thought-out adventures. The same principle works in cooking: without daring to experiment, a chef would never have created the most delicate tiramisu dessert, and cherry strudel would never have become known to the world. Therefore, do not get hung up on what has been achieved - having studied one recipe, boldly implement the next one. This is exactly what we suggest you do right now. We will cook a truly original and incredibly aromatic soup. You are unlikely to have tried the most delicate first course with meatballs, green beans, tomatoes and other vegetables. And the most unusual ingredients included in its composition are pumpkin and hard cheese. Agree, quite an interesting combination, especially for soup. Believe me, it is worth the time spent on its preparation - the dish turns out incredibly appetizing, light and truly vitamin-rich. It satisfies hunger, reminds you of summer and noticeably lifts your spirits. If you are interested, take the recipe in your hands and act under our sensitive guidance. Ingredients:
- 1000 milliliters of fresh and warm chicken broth (we recommend cooking it from poultry)
- 140 grams of potatoes (about three pieces)
- a small piece of pumpkin - no more than 200 grams
- 200 grams of frozen green beans
- two medium-sized carrots
- three pinches of sea salt
- white onion - one piece
- ripe, fresh tomato
- 170 grams of any hard cheese
- fifteen milliliters of olive oil
- greens - for filing
- 220 grams of chicken or other stuffing
- condiments
Method of preparation:As you can see, this dish requires a rich broth. We recommend preparing it in advance, it is better to use fresh domestic chicken for this. Be sure to remove feathers and fat, rinse well, take out the giblets, and then put it in a pot with water. Remember a little secret: to make the broth perfectly transparent and tender, cook it on a low flame of the burner, and be sure to regularly get rid of excess foam. You can use the bird itself to prepare another dish. Let's get back to our soup: cut the peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes. Then put them in the hot broth and turn the heat to low. In the meantime, chop the pumpkin into small cubes (just remove the skin from it in advance), and rinse the beans under the tap and dry. As soon as the potatoes are boiled enough, combine them with the above ingredients. Now is the time to add some salt and spices to the pot. There are no special recommendations regarding the latter, because each housewife has her own preferences. The soup will be delicious with ground or allspice black pepper, basil and oregano will give it a special aroma. If desired, you can season the dish with dried garlic. Let's move on to the next level: chop the peeled carrots and onions as finely as possible. Then pour olive oil into a hot frying pan, when it starts to sizzle, add the vegetables. Sauté them, stirring constantly, until they become soft and change color. As soon as you do, put the resulting mass into the future soup. Now it's the tomato's turn: make a shallow cut on its top and pour boiling water over it. Then pour cold water over the tomato and carefully peel it off. Grate the remaining pulp on a coarse grater and add to the dish. All that's left is a small matter: salt and pepper the minced meat at your discretion, knead it thoroughly and diligently with your hands, this will help get rid of excess lumps. It will be even better if you put the mass through a meat grinder, then the meatballs will come out softer and more tender. Lightly wet your palms with water, then take a small piece of minced meat and gently roll it into a ball. Form the rest of the products in the same way, then put them in a saucepan with broth. When they become lighter and acquire a slightly grayish tint, pour the pre-grated cheese into the dish. It is better to use hard varieties - for example, Gouda, Russian - or take a processed product. Reduce the flame of the burner to a minimum and cook the soup for about eight more minutes, then cover it with a lid and let it stand for a while. When serving the dish, pour it into portions and sprinkle with herbs.
Cheese and mushroom soup with chicken meatballs
Finally, let's look at one more thingquite a simple and, most importantly, incredibly delicious recipe. It will be a cheese soup with sweet pepper, vegetables, chicken meatballs, and another indispensable attribute of the dish will be honey mushrooms. Regarding mushrooms, we note that you can use both fresh and frozen. In addition, do not be afraid to experiment with varieties: if you do not have honey mushrooms, take champignons or, say, oyster mushrooms. Ingredients:
- 75 grams of vermicelli
- large bell pepper
- two processed cheese
- 200 grams of alcohol
- salt, spices
- olive oil
- one carrot
- 290 grams of chicken minced meat
Method of preparation:To make the soup more tender, we will use vermicelli instead of potatoes. Unlike the above-mentioned vegetable, it cooks very quickly, so it is added to the dish at the very end. So, are you ready to begin? Then go ahead and, as they say, with a song, because you should only master culinary skills in a good mood. First, put water on medium heat. While it is boiling, put the minced meat in a deep bowl, season it with spices and salt. Then knead it thoroughly with your hands and form small meatballs. Grate the peeled carrots, and remove the core, seeds and cut the bell pepper into cubes. Put the meatballs in boiling water, fry the honey mushrooms in heated olive oil until they darken, add the carrots and pepper here. Pour the vegetable mass into the soup, add grated processed cheese. Before turning off the burner - about fifteen minutes before, pour the vermicelli into the dish. All the described dishes are prepared very quickly and do not require special skills from the cook. So, even without being a great cook, anyone can cook cheese soup. All you need is high-quality products and a good recipe. There are a lot of the latter on our site, so let's cook together.