different recipes for the preparation of cheese donutsOur diet should contain a certain amountthe amount of vitamins, useful microelements that affect certain processes in our body. Thus, the benefits of fermented milk products for representatives of almost all age groups have long been proven. One of the most useful and easily digestible dairy products is cottage cheese. Unlike raw milk, it contains casein, which is absorbed even by those organisms that are unable to digest milk protein. Another advantage of cottage cheese is that all the useful substances contained in it can be preserved even during heat treatment. Thus, do not worry if you do not like to eat cottage cheese. There are many baking recipes, for example, cottage cheese donuts, cottage cheese casserole, bagels, syrniki and other products, the use of which will benefit you. Do not forget that cottage cheese contains amino acids that the body receives only from food. And if you are not a supporter of eating meat products, then nowhere, except for fermented milk products, will you find them in the quantities that the body needs. In addition to all of the above, cottage cheese contains calcium, which contributes to the structure and strengthening of the skeletal system, and, accordingly, to the improvement of the musculoskeletal system. Cottage cheese products allow for the prevention of atherosclerosis.Cooking Cheese Donuts

Preparation of baked goods from cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is also used as an ingredient,included in the dough, and to prepare the filling of a particular dish. So, in order to choose a particular recipe that requires the presence of cottage cheese, you will have to try. After all, the magnificence of choice that all sorts of cookbooks, magazines, and Internet sites offer us is simply impossible to review, let alone choose. Of course, you can not look for anything new, but follow the advice and use this or that recipe for a traditional dish in your family. Such a recipe can be a cottage cheese casserole with various additives (raisins, nuts), a cottage cheese mass that is unlike the rest, a recipe for pastry Easter, cheesecakes, donuts and much more. Nevertheless, you will always cook and eat all sorts of delicious dishes with pleasure, especially realizing that it is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Simple cottage cheese donuts This recipe is usually called that, although it also has a name - traditional cottage cheese donuts. The recipe has already been tested on more than one generation and continues to win more and more fans. If you dig around on the Internet, you can find many positive reviews from those who have already tried to make cottage cheese donuts. In order for the dessert to turn out the same as in childhood, you can get the recipe from your friends, or you can use the following tips for making donuts. So, to make donuts from cottage cheese you will need:

  • 2 eggs,
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour,
  • 3/4 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 0,5 kg of cottage cheese,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream,
  • Flour,
  • Powdered sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda or baking powder.

There are several ways to prepare donuts.The first is to first mix the eggs, baking powder, sugar and sour cream with a mixer. Then add the cottage cheese to this mixture and then, gradually adding flour, knead the dough to a medium consistency. It should not spread, but it should not be too hard either. The second option is to first mix the flour with the baking powder. Make a small depression in it, into which the cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and sour cream are then added. Everything is mixed, and the flour can be added at any time with one movement of the hand. There is practically no difference in these processes, but the second option is preferable, since the baking powder in this case will spread evenly over the dough, and in the first case it can settle to the bottom of the cup in which you are kneading. As for the shape of the donuts, you can experiment with it as you wish. The most common shapes for donuts are balls and bagels. Once you have formed the dough into the shapes you like, you can start cooking. Depending on the recipe you use, you can fry the donuts in vegetable or butter. It is better to fry in vegetable oil, as it does not burn so quickly in the frying pan. Pour in as much oil as needed so that the donuts are completely covered with oil and fried on both sides at once. As soon as they acquire a golden hue, take the finished donuts out of the frying pan onto baking paper. This will help you get rid of excess fat on the donuts. As soon as they cool down a little, sprinkle them with powdered sugar. It is best to serve the donuts immediately after cooking. This is a great dessert for tea. Curd donuts with filling As already mentioned, every housewife has her own favorite donut recipe. Well, and children love those with filling. The filling can be absolutely different: chocolate, marmalade, jam, condensed milk and much more. Accordingly, the methods of placing the filling in the donut are also different. If the filling is dry (fruit, coconut flakes, poppy seeds), then it can be immediately placed in the raw dough, and the donut will be fried with it. If the filling does not tolerate an increase in temperature (chocolate, marmalade) or it is viscous and liquid (condensed milk, jam), then it is placed in the donut after frying. But this only applies to large donuts. If your ball does not exceed 3 cm in diameter, then it is quite possible to put the filling in the raw dough. In a short time, the filling will not have time to melt, and the dough will already be cooked. By the way, in order to prepare the dough, you can use the recipe for traditional donuts. Large-sized products can be cut and put the filling in them, or you can inject it with a pastry syringe.cottage cheese donuts with jam

A variety of donuts

The history of such a dish asпончики, уходит корнями далеко в прошлое. Его название пришло к нам из Польши, а первый пончик, который так и назывался, был испечен еще во времена Фридриха Великого на полях одного из сражений. Документально подтверждено, что еще во времена Древнего Рима существовала технология создания продуктов питания, которые по своему виду и способу приготовления напоминали сегодняшние пончики. Назывались они «глобулями» и представляли собой небольшие шарики, обжаренные в жире, которые затем смазывались медом и обсыпались маком. Несколькими годами позже, уже в эпоху средневековья, в Европе начали выпекаться так называемые «крапфены» — изогнутые в форме латинской буквы «S» кондитерские изделия, которые в 18 веке появились снова, но уже с разнообразными начинками. По сей день пончики являются одними из самых популярных кондитерских изделий во всем мире. Разные формы, разное происхождение и ингредиенты, входящие в состав того или иного кондитерского изделия, повлияли и на их название. На сегодняшний день существует более полусотни наименований, которыми одаривают обжаренные во фритюре кусочки теста. Так, в Германии пончики называются «берлинерами» и имеют несколько продолговатую форму. И если в России пончики жарятся полностью (и не требуют переворота для обжарки с другой стороны), то берлинеры обязательно переворачиваются во время приготовления. Из-за этого с двух сторон такие изделия имеют ровный золотистый цвет, а по боковой окружности видна четкая белая полосочка. В Америке существуют свои пончики — «донатсы». Они похожи на русские пончики в виде бубликов (такие же колечки) и жарятся с помощью полного погружения в раскаленное кипящее масло. Ну, а на Гавайях существуют «маласадас», которые совершенно не имеют никакой определенной формы — обычные куски теста отщепляются и сразу же отправляются в кипящее масло. Голландские пончики называются «пофферчес», но на пончики они почти не похожи. Больше они напоминают оладьи или даже небольшие блинчики, посыпанные сахарной пудрой. Пудра тоже не всегда была основным способом украшения пончика. В некоторых странах для этого используется кокосовая стружка, мак, кунжут или тертые орешки. В Италии пончики напоминают татарское национальное блюдо «хворост», а употребляют их не в качестве десерта, как это принято в большинстве стран, а с разнообразными соусами, запивают вином и пивом. Самые крупные пончики — «пикаронес» — изготавливают в Перу. Они настолько велики, что их из котла с маслом вылавливают палкой, подцепляя за ту самую дырку от бублика. Французские пончики «бенье» никогда не пекутся с начинкой, зато могут быть как круглой, так и квадратной формы. Страна восходящего солнца очень любит экспериментировать с едой, в том числе и с пончиками. В Японии вы можете приобрести и попробовать не только жареный, но и печеный пончик. Самыми востребованными среди европейских производителей до сих пор остаются пончики из Польши. В японских ресторанах и кафе можно увидеть очень оригинальные формы пончиков. Среди них пончики-ромашки и даже пончики-сосиски. Ну, второй вариант ясен, его мы уже изготавливали на этапе приготовления колесиков, а вот ромашка может получиться из тех деталей, которые оказались вырезанными из предыдущих бубликов. Для этого просто прижимаем в нескольких местах эти кружочки друг к другу. Если с первого раза не получится ромашка, то ваши домочадцы все равно обнаружат в них сходство с каким-нибудь цветком. Что же касается европейских пончиков прошлых веков, то букву «S» изготовить получится далеко не у всех, ведь рецепт их изготовления не сохранился, равно как и нет таких формочек, которые могли бы повторить ее. Но расстраиваться не стоит. Для этого можно обратиться к современной технике и самостоятельно сделать необходимые вам формы, по которым можно будет «выкроить» абсолютно любые фигурки. Для этого вам нужно будет лишь напечатать на компьютере букву S, вырезать ее из бумаги и обклеить пищевой пленкой. Теперь по этому шаблону можно вырезать любые детали, орнаменты и даже человеческие фигурки. Скорее всего, у вас на это уйдет много времени, но если вы готовите сюрприз своим любимым, дело того стоит. recipe for donuts on curds

Options for the formation of cheese donuts

If you take a regular cooking recipecurd donuts, it is not always possible to find ways of forming donuts. But sometimes you want to make something new, unusual. It often happens that, having noticed some interesting form of baking, we cannot independently determine how to fold or form the dough so that the result is a heart, a shell or some other interesting object. In addition, many resort to baking only to pamper children or grandchildren, who will definitely get tired of the same form of even deliciously cooked donuts or buns. So, how can you diversify the cooking that has become boring? Firstly, it is worth remembering the well-known wisdom, which says that the main thing is not the form, but the content. Thus, you can easily guess that no matter what form you serve the pastry on the table, it will be just as tasty. The main thing is do not overdo it, because not every idea can be implemented easily and successfully. To begin with, having decided to experiment, form several new products, try how they will react to heat treatment and, if the result is successful, proceed to further production. Traditional ball and donut To begin with, if you are not very good with imagination, you will only need to master two basic forms for frying donuts: a ball and a ring. The first option is possible only by rolling a small amount of dough. To do this, you just need to remember how in childhood you sculpted crafts from plasticine or clay. Although there is another way - to buy a donut machine, but it is unlikely that you love these products so much as to spend a lot of money on the purchase of such a unit. The ring can also be decorated in two ways. One of them is to roll small sausages from the dough (remember the labor lesson at school) and fasten the two ends together to get a donut. But such a donut may not turn out quite even. It will do for a family, but if guests are invited for dinner or tea, then try to approach the process of forming donuts more carefully. For this, in addition to the main ingredients for the dough, we will need auxiliary ones. This is a rolling pin, a glass or cup of medium diameter and a narrow shot glass. We start by cutting off a small part from a common piece of dough and rolling it into a layer at least 1 cm thick. After that, using a glass or a glass, we cut out circles from this layer. They turn out even and beautiful. Now there is only a hole inside. A shot glass will help us make it. We try to cut out the central holes as neatly and evenly as possible. Send the resulting "pancakes" to the frying pan. Recipe for cottage cheese donuts "Childhood Dream" Cottage cheese donuts can be made with or without filling. To make them just like you remember them from childhood, you need the following ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese - 250-300 g,
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp,
  • 2 eggs,
  • Lemon juice (vinegar) - 0.5 tsp,
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • Powdered sugar - to taste,
  • Vegetable oil.

Beat the eggs with sugar using a mixer or thoroughlyknead with a whisk. Add cottage cheese and flour to this mixture. The soda must be quenched with vinegar or lemon juice (so that the dough is not too odorous). Rub the dough so that it is not too steep to be taken with a spoon. Pour oil into a frying pan with high edges, heat it up properly. Take the dough with a spoon, roll it in flour and lower it into boiling oil. Donuts should be completely immersed in oil. Place the finished donuts on parchment, let them cool a little, and let the oil drain. After that, pour powdered sugar into a separate bowl and sprinkle the donuts with it.

