pizza with sausage and cheese When the remainder of the refrigerator is left orphaneda loaf of boiled (or smoked) sausage and a slice of cheese, of which no one will venture to make a sandwich, you can put them into practice and make, for example, hot sandwiches. But you can try and cook a more interesting dish than prosaic sandwiches. Pizza with sausage and cheese! How do you like this option of using cheese-sausage "non-liquid"? If you are "for", then we offer you a recipe for a tasty, simple and very economical pizza. By the way, the recipe for this pizza is also incredibly simple. So, let's begin.

Pizza "in a hurry"

Pizza from this test turns out thin, and a basis soft, only edges at it appetizingly crackle. For such a miracle test, we need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

For filling:

  • Sausage and cheese - how much there is (or how much it is not a pity);
  • Tomato paste (tomato sauce or ketchup) - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation: Sift the flour and pour it into a bowl, where we will knead the dough. Add the salt and mix the flour and salt thoroughly. Then in another bowl, mix two raw eggs, vegetable oil and warm milk into a homogeneous mass (mix, not whisk!). And gradually, in small portions, pour this mixture into the flour, while stirring it with a spoon. As a result, we will get a soft and sticky dough, which needs to be kneaded to elasticity. This can be done if you knead the dough for ten minutes, constantly pouring a little flour to it. Then we form a ball from the dough, wrap it in a clean towel and leave the "rest" for fifteen minutes. While the dough is resting, we prepare the filling and baking tray. We cover the baking tray with baking paper, cut the sausage as we like (cubes, slabs, slices), and let the cheese pass through the grater. Fifteen minutes later, sprinkle the table with flour and roll the dough into a very very thin layer, which should almost be visible. Next, move the baking tray closer to the test, take the layer at one end and with a slight movement of the hand, roll it over the baking tray. However, you can move the dough to a baking tray in another way, as you prefer. The dough is very elastic (if you knead it well) and will not tear. After that, lubricate the base of the pizza with tomato paste, lightly sprinkle with cheese and spread the cut sausage from above. On top of the sausage layer, spread some mayonnaise and cover with a thick layer of cheese. That's all. Bake our pizza for thirty or forty minutes on medium heat (180 degrees), until the dough turns into a characteristic sand color, and the cheese does not melt. By the way, the ready dough in this pizza should be bubbling and get a light layered structure. Agree that the recipe is more than simple. pizza recipe with sausage and cheese

Variations with filling

If you wish (and availability of products), you candiversify the recipe by adding to the filling the onion or green onions and using almost any sausage products (sausages, sausages, ham, boiled or boiled-smoked sausage). You can make a filling of several types of sausage, you can also mix different types of cheese. By the way, some housewives say that with pork sausage cheese it is no worse than with any hard cheese. Only by purchasing such cheese, look at the price tag: it should be exactly cheese, but not a cheese product. Tomato paste in pizza can (and even in summer!) Replaced with fresh tomatoes. However, in this case, chopped tomatoes should be placed next to the last layer. Supplement the filling with canned mushrooms or pickled cucumbers, put olives in it without pits, sprinkle with fresh herbs. In a word, experiment and, please, do not make the stuffing too thick - a thin dough with it simply "can not cope". As a rule, such a quick pizza is obtained from the first time. Therefore, take the recipe in your culinary treasury and cook with pleasure. We advise you to read:

