betrayal of her husbandOh, these betrayals!How many divorces happen because of them, how many tears are shed, how many tragedies happen! However, there are no fewer betrayals. And, alas, most often it is the husband who cheats, no matter how sad it may sound. But statistics are stubborn things. And they claim that husbands cheat on their wives 64% more often than wives cheat on their husbands. Most often, men brush it off and joke about it, hiding behind polygamy. But what is the real situation? Not only inveterate lechers and womanizers cheat on the left, but also quite decent people. Why? After all, in these cases, the relationship with one partner is not always unsuccessful. On the contrary, a person often cheats without intending to break off the previous union. And when it finally comes to this, he begins to tear his hair out, regretting what he did. What are the reasons for this kind of betrayal? And what are the reasons for going to the side?unpleasant betrayal of her husband

Causes of betrayal of men

In order to prevent cheating, it is necessary to understand why it happens in the first place. Psychologists claim that a husband can cheat for a whole host of reasons. The main ones are the following:

  • New love

This reason is most common whenthe union is based not on feelings, but on reason. Calculation is calculation, but everyone needs love, warmth and affection, including men. In addition to a marriage of convenience, this can also happen if the former love has disappeared completely. Unfortunately, this happens all the time. As the popular joke goes, love has passed, the tomatoes have withered.

  • Revenge

In this case, they cheat, wanting to take revenge on their partner.for his infidelity. As a rule, a man does not receive any pleasure from such betrayal - only even greater mental discomfort. For a man, betrayal of a beloved woman is a very strong psychological blow, from which only a few men are able to recover, and very rarely.

  • Search for new sensations

This kind of betrayal usually happens in marriages that already havequite a long experience. No matter how unpleasant it is for a woman to admit it, her husband's betrayal in this case is also her fault. After all, any relationship needs to be constantly nourished, looked after like a rare flower, so that it does not fade. If your husband feels comfortable and interested in you, he will never seek thrills on the side. Or in unions where free relationships are practiced - although, strictly speaking, it is stupid to talk about betrayal in this case.

  • Random communication

Such betrayals happen unintentionally and almostdo not lead to further relationships between people. Favorable circumstances for sex just happened and that's it. Unfortunately, such betrayals are the most common and it is because of them that a huge number of families fall apart. But in fairness it should be noted that most often accidental betrayals occur in cases where not everything is in order in the family. Otherwise, the happy man will not even notice that a favorable situation for betrayal has arisen - a pretty fellow traveler, a corporate party, and so on.

  • Fear of extinction of sexuality

In this case, betrayal occurs becausea man strives to prove to himself that he is still quite capable sexually. Most often this happens after 45 years. Moreover, a man can sincerely love his wife and consider her better, but he will not miss the opportunity to once again be convinced of his masculine abilities, charm and irresistibility.

  • The crisis of marriage

Here, betrayals are similar to attempts to create a new A man is not looking for sex, but something completely different. Someone tries to prove that his wife is to blame for all the problems: to do this, he compares her with other women to make sure of her failure. And someone, out of despair, begins to look for a new family, and not a mistress at all. As a rule, this is an extreme measure, which a man resorts to last.

  • Lack of love of one of the spouses

Do you know that sometimes it can changemadly in love man? If a person loves his other half unrequitedly and is unable to part with her, he may try to compensate for the lack of reciprocity with an affair on the side. To feel loved at least for a short time. And then he returns to the object of his unrequited love.

  • The desire to revive the relationship

Such betrayal is usually made obvious inin the hope that this will make the partner's feelings flare up again with a bright flame. We, women, understand that this is complete nonsense. However, desperate men do not understand this and decide to take such an extreme step. And pay attention - despite all the obvious signs of betrayal, in fact it may not have happened. So, a theatrical performance for one spectator - his wife.

  • The desire to raise your social status or financial status

Such mercantile reasons for betrayal do occurquite often and, in principle, are as old as the world. And one should not be surprised - lately, alas, this is also typical for the male audience. And a wife cannot always become an obstacle to a profitable romance for a man.

  • The desire to break off relations with a bothered partner

In this case, the person cheats openly, hopingthat cheating will put an end to a relationship that has already outlived its usefulness. The wife finds herself in a frankly humiliating position. Unfortunately, in this case, the relationship is not even worth trying to save. A man who acts this way not only does not love his wife, but does not even respect her.

  • Experiment

Through cheating, people try to understand that theywill feel during intimacy with a stranger and will it be the same as with a spouse, or better. Most often, this happens if a man got married too early and had only one sexual partner. In common parlance, this is called "not having had enough fun".

  • Desire to be distracted from life's problems

Here, infidelity to one's partner is explainedthe desire to create a kind of love oasis in which one can rest from the vicissitudes of the outside world. Naive men... So big, but they believe in fairy tales.

  • The desire to raise self-esteem

Relationships on the side for people with lowself-esteem is a great opportunity to feel like a completely self-sufficient person. Do not confuse it with an attempt to prove your masculine worth. Even a very young man can raise his self-esteem if he does not see respect in the family.

  • Unrealized sexual needs

In this case, the search for a partner on the side is caused bythe desire to realize sexual fantasies that are impossible to realize in marriage. In general, these are the most common reasons why men indulge in affairs. Oddly enough, quite a few lovers of such affairs are convinced that their affairs on the side help strengthen their marriage. Actually, this makes sense - cheating sometimes allows you to understand how much better your other half is, and to become attached to her with renewed vigor. But how your other half will react to adultery if she finds out about it is unknown. Women can still, having drowned their pillow in tears and chased their faithful with a rolling pin, eventually calm down. Why? Well, let's see.morbid betrayal of her husband

To forgive or to leave?

It would seem that marital treason always remainsизменой, и её вполне можно поставить в один ряд с предательством. Однако это не совсем так. Дело в том, что мотивировка у женских и мужских измен различна. Следовательно, и отношение к ним должно быть разным. Мужчины в большинстве своём изменяют в силу своих половых потребностей. В таких изменах редко участвует духовность. В них задействовано лишь тело, которое, удовлетворившись, может больше никогда не потянуться к временной партнёрше по постели. А секс случается зачастую из-за долгого отсутствия рядом жены, под влиянием алкоголя или из-за доступности партнёрши. Многими мужчинами, вступающими во внебрачные связи, движет обыкновенное любопытство. Решиться на измену мужья могут, рассорившись с женой, испугавшись потери мужской состоятельности, из-за беременности жены и так далее. Одним словом, к неверности наших дорогих благоверных подталкивает, как правило, отнюдь не душа. Нет, бывает, что и душа, конечно. Но это уже будет, пожалуй, конец браку. Что касается женщин, то с их неверностью дела обстоят несколько иначе. В этом случае на первый план выступает неудовлетворённость отношениями с мужем. То есть, представительницы слабого пола чаще всего вступают во внебрачные связи из-за недостатка любви и заботы в семье. Они пытаются либо найти эту любовь, либо доказать себе, что ещё востребованы и привлекательны. Таким образом, основная причина женских измен кардинально отличается от причин измен мужских. Мужчин толкает на адюльтер главным образом половое влечение, женщин – эмоциональная пустота. И о чём это нам говорит? А это говорит о том, что женский пол участвует в изменах и душой, и телом. Мужчины же – преимущественно телом. Именно поэтому мужская измена выглядит не так значительно, как женская. Наши драгоценные мужья могут даже при удачном браке, не особенно задумываясь, переспать с другой женщиной. Подумаешь, проблема! Ведь внутренне-то он с женой! А вот женщина при хорошем замужестве вряд ли на такое решится. Потому что для секса с посторонним мужчиной ей придётся разорвать эмоциональную связь со своим мужем. Другое дело, если такой связи нет, и в душу можно впустить кого-то другого. Вывод: женские измены сложнее прощать, потому что они являются как бы передачей чувств другому партнёру. Бегающую налево жену мужчина практически теряет. Женщина же путешествующего по чужим постелям мужа – далеко не всегда. В целом эмоциональные причины семейных измен появляются тогда, когда кто-то из супругов не может удовлетворить в браке свои духовные потребности. Такое случается, к примеру, при дефиците общения, поиск которого вполне может загнать человека в ловушку измены. Из подобного любовного треугольника выбраться очень непросто, если не попытаться наладить семейный микроклимат. Потому что часть потребностей будет удовлетворяться супругом, а часть – новым партнёром. И получится замкнутый круг. А вообще, любые измены почти никогда не бывают событием случайным. Они зреют исподволь тогда, когда люди не соответствуют ожиданиям друг друга, становятся менее внимательными, чёрствыми, эгоистичными. Неверность – это, скорее, желание позитивных перемен, чем половое влечение. Просто у мужчин это желание проявляется в поиске новых сексуальных партнёрш. К сожалению, очень часто женщина так и не может простить измену своего, так как примеряют ситуацию на себя. Они полагают, что измена произошла душой, а не телом. Если вам сложно самостоятельно разобраться в ситуации, обратитесь к психологу. Измена мужа — тяжелая психологическая травма и пережить ее очень сложно. Советуем почитать:

