Today, many are trying to define theirdestiny, so it is not surprising that almost all parents are interested in what kind of temperament their child will have. There are a variety of methods for this - some try to guess the future by the lines on their hands, others - by the structure of the skull, the tone of the eyes or the location of moles on the body and face, someone is interested in astrology and believes in the signs of the zodiac. Parapsychologists have put forward another assumption, which was later argued and proven - the hair color and character of each person are interconnected, that is, a certain tone of hair has its own behavioral characteristics. Experts assure that "people are born with an individual energy-information field, which not only protects and defends, but also carries a certain set of information about innate qualities." According to scientists, these "features will manifest themselves and become real, and also give rise to the first actions of a person at the moment when the necessary conditions for this are formed." How does character depend on hair color? Let's dwell on this in more detail.
Hair structure and color
The hair of each person is absolutely individual. Существует многообразие оттенков шевелюры: от белоснежных белых до иссиня-черных. Также нужно отметить различное строение волос: от гладких до вьющихся, от тонких и слабых до плотных и густых. Имеется несколько тысяч разных комбинаций. Все эти взаимосвязанные особенности (в частности структура волос и их оттенок) предусмотрены природой — это она определяет и на генетическом уровне «закладывает» их в человека. Поэтому не нужно надеяться, что, например, у вашей дочки будет густой длинный хвост, если никто в семье не обладает выдающейся шевелюрой. Издавна, в процессе эволюции, сложилось так, что люди инстинктивно, на уровне подсознания, стали судить о темпераменте человека, основываясь на таких явных признаках, как цвет и тип волос. Яркий тому пример — блондинки. Такие женщины воспринимаются окружающими мужчинами как ранимые и нежные существа, которых нужно оберегать, баловать и защищать. А у американцев бытует мнение, будто светловолосые барышни значительно глупее, чем шатенки или брюнетки. Отсюда и масса анекдотов и не всегда лестных шуток. Однако несмотря на это, ни один представитель сильной половины не пройдет равнодушно мимо яркой блондинки, которая в его подсознании выступает в роли сексуального и одновременно нежного объекта, не способного на измену. Конечно, подобные физиогномические трактовки условны и в определенной степени ограничены, но некоторые параметры все же невозможно не принимать во внимание. Например, зачастую люди с нежными, словно у ребенка, волосами — это очень чувствительные и эмоциональные натуры. Они не отличаются сильным здоровьем и крепкой конституцией, их тело хрупкое, а душа чрезвычайно ранимая. Слезы из-за сказанной кем-то колкости, нервозность при малейшей неприятности — все это характерно для таких людей. А если вы поближе узнаете человека с жесткой и грубой на ощупь шевелюрой, то, скорее всего, окажется, что он так же «щетинист», как его волосы. Это сильные натуры с твердым характером или, как говорится, со стержнем внутри. По сравнению с другими они намного легче переносят боль и те жизненные невзгоды, которые выпадают на их долю. Такие люди очень прямолинейны: им проще сказать в лицо, что они думают о человеке, даже если это может его обидеть, чем держать эту информацию в себе. Деликатность — не их врожденная черта. К тому же как мужчины, так и женщины с жесткой структурой волос не улавливают и не распознают оттенки чужих чувств и скрытого подтекста в адресованных им высказываниях. Поэтому многие считают их замкнутыми невеждами. Очень часто (хотя далеко не всегда) грубые волосы встречаются у брюнетов, а светлым присущи тонкость и мягкость. Возможно, именно на этом основана бессознательная симпатия многих мужчин к блондинкам, которые кажутся нежными и чувствительными. К тому же белоснежные оттенки ассоциируются со свежестью, чистотой и непорочностью, а отливающие золотом — с богатством и сулящими удовольствия, а это, согласитесь, привлекательные качества. Волосы такого цвета более мягко обрамляют лицо, слегка размывая контур головы, тем самым сглаживая черты при сильных, выраженных эмоциях, что создает впечатление скромности, уравновешенного спокойствия, а иногда даже кротости. Родится блондином — это большая редкость, которая, по мнению ученых, в процессе эволюции будет наблюдаться все реже, и в итоге на земле в большинстве своем останутся люди с темными волосами. Все необычное всегда привлекает всеобщее внимание, поэтому многие представительницы слабого пола, жаждущие успеха и признания, меняли свой натуральный цвет. К ним относится неподражаемая Мэрилин Монро, актриса Ким Бейсингер и эпатажная Мадонна.
Hair color as a defining character
Some psychologists claim:By observing how a woman treats her hair, you can learn about her inner world. For example, if a girl takes care of her hair, looking after it and enjoying its shine, natural color, and is proud of herself, constantly looking in the mirror, then, most likely, she is self-confident and is able to master any situation that may occur in her life. If a lady regularly changes her hair color, dyeing it one tone or another, “sins” on her appearance, then it is obvious that she is experiencing a certain discomfort, perhaps even experiencing stress, is at odds with her essence. In fact, this is manifested in her attitude to her own appearance. Of course, a woman can change the shade of her hair and get a haircut under the influence of surrounding factors, for example, if she wants to attract the attention of a particular man, please him or somehow break out of the usual routine. After all, it is not uncommon for a person to experience a turning point, to see changes in life and to want to get rid of negativity and start everything “from scratch”, they change their image – dye their hair, buy new clothes and so on. In general, planned changes, a craving for freshness and everything unusual are wonderful, because such an update brings positive emotions, bright sensations, and lifts the mood. The main thing is that it does not turn into a constant need. In ancient times, light shades of hair were associated with a pure and kind beginning, personified sublime heroism – it is no coincidence that the beautiful Apollo and Aphrodite were golden-haired. In the Middle Ages, and later in the Renaissance, the same trend was observed – artists most often depicted immaculate virgins as blondes. It is known that the length and color of hair can tell a lot about a person’s character. But did you know that a change in color not only lifts the mood, but can change some character traits?
Red hair in humans is a signhot-tempered and stubborn character. If such a girl has a square face, then this is a strong nature, capable of succeeding in "male" professions, and those ladies who have an oval "face", as the Americans say, are creative individuals, inclined to various arts (music, poetry). Red-haired people do not compromise, despise danger, for the most part they are tactless and too impulsive in the manifestation of emotions. Such people are not characterized by virtue, but they are capable of acting nobly. Two feelings are intertwined in red-haired women - tenderness and passion. However, they are in no hurry to start a family, as they prefer to develop in a career and self-actualize. Active, tall men with dark hair (brunettes or brown-haired) correspond best to their temperament. Red-haired women have always been considered witches. They are cunning, love to lie, and also bring as many pleasant moments into their lives as possible. Red-haired people make excellent commanders.
Women with brown hair have a softcharacter, they are executive and responsible, so they confidently achieve their goals. They are easy-going, love to travel and explore the world, learn something new, always take care of their health and look after their appearance. Such girls find common interests with everyone and easily fit into any company, they are sociable and cheerful. At the same time, brown-haired women always know what they want and try to find benefits for themselves. Dark-skinned ladies with chestnut hair are more reserved, and fair-skinned ones are prone to sentimentality. Brown-haired women with dark eyes often succeed in technical professions, and gray-eyed women in the humanities.
As is known, in show business and the acting communityBlondes are very popular. Blondes are smart, slightly naive and vulnerable, always strive for independence. They prefer to solve problems based on their attractiveness and intuition. At the same time, they are sentimental, good-natured, dreamy, prone to inconstancy, mood swings and striving for change. Blondes often embellish reality, lie, but all this is due to the desire for idealization. They cry for any reason and without it, perfectly realizing that it suits them, so they skillfully use this feature. Women with blonde hair are ideal lovers, excellent actresses, but not hard workers, but with clear guidance they can become a good performer. They love poetry, spend a lot of time in dreams, prefer light, muted colors in clothing. Blondes, possessing charm and sexuality combined with vulnerability, rarely take the initiative, so they prefer to follow the lead of their partner. They can have a wonderful relationship with a brunette or brown-haired man.
Black-haired women are by nature -provocateurs. They have a stubborn character and do not recognize any order. In their strength and temperament, they can be compared with men, for whom a brunette is associated with a "femme fatale". Patience, determination and insight of black-haired ladies can only be envied. They do not stop in front of difficulties, always move forward, persistently striving for the set goal. At the same time, they use all possible methods and workarounds, it is not for nothing that many brunettes occupy leadership positions in large companies and successfully realize themselves in the diplomatic and political arena. They are obsessed with work, it is difficult to get along with people, therefore they prefer loneliness or a narrow circle of close people to a large company. Such girls love business and classic style in clothes, their colors are scarlet and black. As for men, everything is complicated here. Strong-willed and strong brunettes often scare off gentlemen who want to see a real housewife, caring mother and keeper of the hearth next to them. That's why dark-haired girls get married quite late - closer to thirty. A good union can be with a calm brown-haired man or a soft blond.
Light brown
Fair-haired women are calm and reasonable.They always strive for harmony with themselves and simply cannot stand pressure from others. They are wonderful friends and conversationalists. People with light brown hair have a bright temperament and generosity. Like brown-haired people, they are always ready to help and support, even a person they barely know. They are devoted lovers and hardworking workers. They are good psychologists, they react sensitively to other people's emotions, they know how to interpret them correctly, therefore they inspire trust in others. However, those with light brown hair with a slight ash tint can be cunning individuals, capable of masterfully deceiving. Light brown-haired people are usually happy in marriage, successful in professions related to caring for children, the sick and pensioners.
Owners of hair whose color resemblesruby, strive for change and are in constant search of the ideal, be it love or career. Those who dye their hair any shade of red, subconsciously strive to attract attention. And the brighter the chosen color, the more the woman wants her talents to be recognized. Such girls, despite their attractiveness in the eyes of men, are often unhappy in love relationships. Since they are suspected of infidelity and insincerity, they are usually chosen for the role of a mistress, not a wife. However, these are bright, artistic, inventive and extravagant natures with a strong character.
How to change your life
Researchers believe that human hair isThese are peculiar antennas through which we receive the energy of the cosmos and exchange information with the world around us. If nature has endowed you with thick hair, we recommend that you more often gather it into a ponytail at the back of your head. Parapsychologists claim that this reduces the influence of negative factors and energy, and this contributes to concentration and peace of mind. In ancient times in Russia, women carrying a child were forbidden to cut their hair. It was believed that the continuer of the family line should bestow upon her future child good health and a reserve of vitality, which, as was believed, are contained in braids. Doctors recommend that after severe illnesses, you should see a hairdresser. Since the main information is concentrated on the ends of the hair, getting rid of them, you free yourself from the accumulated negative energy. So, if you want to start a new life and feel yourself, it is better to get a haircut. In addition, during periods of depression and autumn blues, in moments of life changes (and they do not always happen for the better), it will be useful to take a fresh look at yourself. Buy beautiful shoes, a skirt, change your hair color, but remember: no matter what color your hair is, try to always be yourself! We recommend reading: