Every person has such a period of life,when it seems to him that he is useless, his life is terrible, and everything goes completely different than dreamed of in his youth. At someone such thoughts come for a short while, and go away, and someone can even fall into depression. Most people do not understand that they should be happy only because they are given a life. All our searches for a perfect life are based on the belief that happiness should be one of the main priorities. And the ability to appreciate life is part of the state of happiness. You can be happy, but you will never experience complete happiness, if not in a hurry to accept the value of your life. And you, that's you, do you value life? It can be very easy - quickly and without hesitation to answer "yes" to this question; but how deep and conscious is your feeling? Are you sufficiently positive, do you know how to be thankful enough? If you can not confidently answer our questions, then we will give some tips that will help you to "reset" the perception of life.
How can we value life?
How many times have we heard from people who have survivedsome life-threatening event: "Appreciate life, rejoice in it, live every day fully, as if this is your last day"! These people were in the face of the great danger that threatened their lives, and in those fateful seconds they realized how dear to them their lives are. But do we really have to wait until our life or the lives of those who are dear to us will be under threat before we all pay attention to the joy of life ?! What can we do right now, so that the call "value life" was not only heard by us, but also became our motto?
- We must remember that we will not live forever.
The time of our lives is limited, and we must decide,how to use it. When a person experiences a clinical death, they always become determined to live a full life afterwards. But we decided: we begin to live a full life right now! We do not need any extreme reasons for this. If you decide to do this, then it will be easier for you to figure out how to do it. You can, of course, instead of fighting for the usefulness of life, just sit and complain about its (full-fledged) absence - but that's everyone decides for itself! Everything depends on you. We hope you appreciate life and try to make it happier.
- It is worth writing down in a special notebook all that pleased us and everything for which we are grateful for our lives
Just do not think that there must be written downsome global events - such as the birth of a child or the receipt of a new apartment. It will be very useful if you set a very low bar of occasions for joy. Learn to enjoy the sunshine that lit up your room early in the morning, or a coin, even a small one, found on the sidewalk. This will give you a good training, and very soon you will learn to see and appreciate things that you did not notice before. After all, you need to be able to appreciate life not only for a highly paid job or the presence of a prestigious foreign car!
- Always and in everything, look for only good things
If you are dissatisfied with something, try to imagineimagine a situation where people did not have what you do not like right now. Are you complaining that you can not find anything interesting on TV, despite the huge number of channels? And how did people live 60 years ago, when there were no TVs at all, not to mention computers and other realities of our time? Are you annoyed that the car "eats" too much gasoline? Think, since you lived a hundred years ago, you would be happy simply because you have a car. The apartment seems to be close to you? And a few thousand years ago you would have lived in a cave covered with skins ... It's just great that you were born and live right now - and appreciate life in the modern world!
- Think about how much worse you would have lived if you were ... successful, rich or famous
If you compare your life with lifesuccessful and happy people, then you should understand that not everything in their life is smooth. Someone earns millions, but is never completely free to play with his little child ... Someone is famous, but completely devoid of personal life ... Some people do well, it seems to us, but how much can they be happy? And you? If you are reading this article, then you have a computer and Internet access, and you have a desire for self-improvement. Most likely, you never face the fact that you have nothing to eat, and in fact many people do not have not only food, but even clean drinking water. You have the opportunity to spend your free time with relatives and friends, and some do not leave their office for days, earning their millions. You are not so bad compared to other people, so rejoice at every occasion and appreciate life even more!
Another few ways to fill with joy every day
No one says that being happy is easy. But sometimes we are so focused on making our life better, that we forget to appreciate what we already have. If you set too many distant goals, you risk spending your whole life to get there. And having realized your goal in the distant future, you will understand that you missed too much on your life's path. Do not do this, be grateful and enjoy your life right now! We advise you to read: