One day a charming man appeared in your houseA baby is a small, fluffy, meowing lump that has firmly taken its place in your heart. And when the kitten has grown up and turned into an affectionate, playful cat that has repaid you for your care with love and affection, you consider it a full-fledged member of the family. But it often happens that a baby is expected in a family where pets live. And then the question arises - how do cats and newborn children get along together? For some owners, their beloved pets suddenly become, as it seems to them, a possible source of danger for the future child. Often they even try to get rid of the animal - give it to one of their relatives or friends, or even throw it out into the street. But cats with newborn children can get along quite easily if you try and take simple preliminary measures. So, what should you do to prepare your pet for the arrival of a new family member? First of all, you need to accustom your cat to some changes in its usual way of life. After all, with the appearance of the baby, all your attention will switch to it, and the cat may feel abandoned and unnecessary. Therefore, try not to deprive the cat of attention, try to pet it more often, so that it does not feel the loss of contact with its beloved owners.
A cat and a baby - we are preparing for a meeting
A newborn baby and a cat should"get acquainted" even before the baby is brought home from the hospital. After all, the appearance of a new creature can frighten the cat and confuse her. To begin, do the following:
- Give your cat to visit the room you areprepared for the baby. Let her sniff the crib, children's things; Do not let it just jump into the cot. Gently, but persistently stop all attempts of your pet to get into the crib, so that the cat understands that this is a forbidden territory for it. This is not necessary at all because afterwards the cat with its weight can pinch the child so much that it risks suffocating. Such a belief exists, but it is completely unjustified. Of course, the cat will attract the warmth and comfort of a baby crib with the infant, lying tasty in it, smelling of milk, but the cat will not harm the child, even if she is jealous. On the contrary, if the child does not like her, she will avoid it. Such close contact between a newborn child and a cat is undesirable from hygienic considerations. After all, you certainly do not want to catches on the baby's underpants and bedding cat hair!
- Try to find an opportunity to bring outmaternity hospital any things that come in contact with the newborn's calf. Let's sniff the cat. This will help her to get used to the smell of a child even before he appears in the house. Then she will perceive the child as something already familiar to herself.
- It is necessary to accustom the cat to all possible newThe smells that will appear in the house together with the child. For example, the smell of all those hygiene products with which you will take care of your child - bath foam, body lotion, powder, etc. All these smells will remain on the skin of the baby and can make it "unrecognizable" and alien to the cat. Do not forget that, like for any beast, the smell for a cat is one of the main sources of information.
- Sounds also play a significant role in obtaininganimals information. Cats are quite conservative, they like a familiar, established environment and do not like changes. Therefore, the sudden appearance of many new sounds can frighten her and make her nervous, which sometimes leads to inadequate, as it seems to us, behavior of the pet. Take this into account and try to prepare the cat for sound innovations. Shake the rattle, turn on a baby mobile above the crib. Let the cat see these toys and get used to new sounds. At the same time, she should not have access to these toys. Then she will gradually get used to the new sounds, but will not show unnecessary interest in the rattles at the time when your baby starts playing with them.
- Help the cat to get used to the crying of the baby. When a cat and a small child first fall under one roof, try not to deprive the animal of attention and often communicate with it. If the child has begun to cry, then, while calming him, talk also with your cat. Talk to her gently, stroke her, calm her. This will help her to stop being nervous every time the child cries.
- Communicate with the cat at the time when you bathebaby or feed him, change his pampers or dress for a walk. Thus, you make it clear to the cat that it is still a part of your life, and the child is now also a part of her life.
In general, if the child you are expecting isпервенцем в вашей семье, то желательно, чтобы ваша кошка получила опыт общения с детьми ещё до того, как ваш малыш родится. Пригласите в гости друзей или родственников вместе с их детьми, или разрешите детям во дворе поиграть с вашей кошкой. Тогда первая встреча кошки и маленького ребенка, которого вы привезёте из роддома, не станет для вашего питомца большим шоком. И ещё один важный момент, который вы не должны упускать из виду – обязательно позаботьтесь о том, чтобы у кошки было уютное и тихое место, где она могла бы уединиться и отдохнуть от обилия новых впечатлений, которые обрушатся на неё с появлением в доме нового члена семьи. И не навязывайте кошке общение с ребёнком насильно в тот момент, когда она к этому не расположена. Кошка и сама захочет удовлетворить своё любопытство и изучить все новшества, но сделает это только тогда, когда она сама этого захочет. Если же вы будете настаивать на общении в тот момент, когда она, например, напугана плачем ребёнка, то её реакция будет весьма негативной. Лучше подождать, когда она успокоится и убедится, что ничто не представляет для неё угрозы. Для того чтобы грудной ребенок и кошка спокойно существовали бок о бок без ущерба для здоровья и безопасности малыша, придется принять ещё несколько несложных мер. Конечно, нельзя не считаться с тем, что животное есть животное, оно может и лизнуть ребёнка, и потрогать его лапой. Поэтому никогда не оставляйте кошку наедине с малышом. Кроме того, заранее, ещё до появления ребёнка, позаботьтесь о здоровье вашей кошки. Ведь кошки могут быть источниками болезней, которые передаются людям. Покажите свою кошку ветеринару, сделайте ей все необходимые прививки, при необходимости выведите ей глисты и блох. Ведь после рождения ребёнка у вас не будет свободного времени, чтобы сделать всё это. А хорошее здоровье – не только залог безопасности ребёнка, но и для самой кошки благо, ведь здоровой кошке легче будет перенести стресс от всех новшеств в жизни семьи. Если вы собирались кастрировать, или же стерилизовать вашего питомца, то самое время сделать это тоже до рождения малыша. Стерилизованная кошка будет более послушна и ласкова, и вам не придётся искать время для решения проблем, связанных с половым поведением животного. Приучите вашу кошку к регулярной стрижке когтей. Слишком длинными и острыми когтями она может ненароком поранить ребёнка. А если она привыкнет к этой процедуре ещё до появления младенца, то не будет ассоциировать эту процедуру именно с появлением ребёнка и не станет относиться к ней, да и к ребёнку негативно. Если у кошки есть какие-либо поведенческие проблемы – например, излишняя пугливость или нервозность, необоснованная агрессивность или что-то подобное – то тоже не откладывайте решение этих проблем, решайте их до рождения ребёнка! Позаботьтесь также и о том, чтобы кошка не заскучала, когда она станет получать от вас меньше внимания. Дайте ей больше специальных кошачьих игрушек, поставьте ей когтеточку, если есть возможность, купите ей специальную кошачью игровую горку. Словом, постарайтесь сделать так, чтобы ей было чем заняться и она не стала развлекать себя попытками поиграть с младенцем. И помните о том, что у грудного ребенка и кошки не должно быть общих игрушек! Парадокс совместного пребывания кошки и маленького ребенка в одном доме состоит в том, что вначале вы младенца оберегаете от кошки, а затем вам приходится кошку защищать от бурной активности подросшего малыша. Когда ребёнок начнёт ползать, а затем и ходить, он будет пытаться схватить кошку, может ударить её или бросить в неё игрушкой. Кошка почувствует опасность для себя и может вести себя настороженно в присутствии ребёнка. Иногда, защищаясь, она даже может проявить некоторую агрессивность по отношению к своему юному мучителю. Поэтому необходимо учить подрастающего ребёнка правильному обращению с домашним питомцем. А пока по-прежнему не оставлять их наедине. И особенно с ребёнка нельзя глаз спускать, ведь он, кроме всего прочего, может обнаружить для себя новые, весьма привлекательные «игрушки» — кошачий лоток или миску с кормом. Поэтому заблаговременно приучите кошку к кормлению в определённое время, убирая оставшийся не съеденным корм через 10-15 минут после еды, а лоток поставьте в таком месте, где он был бы доступен кошке, но не доступен ребёнку.
The best breed of cats for children
Of course, make sure thatthe coexistence of a cat and a child was comfortable, it is necessary even before the kitten appeared in the house. If you want to get a cat and at the same time you have a child or you are planning to have one in the future, then you need to ask yourself the question: what breeds of cats are most suitable for children? And are there any breeds of cats that are suitable for children? You need to approach the choice of a kitten very responsibly. Even before you decide on the breed, you should know what a healthy kitten should look like and what you should pay attention to first of all.
- Choose a kitten that behaves calmly and friendly. If the kitten is too shy, then do not take it, even if it seemed very beautiful to you.
- Try to stay near the kittens andwatch them play. If you see that one of the kittens is the most active and cocky, you can be sure that this is a future leader, very independent and self-sufficient. Such a kitten is not suitable for a small child.
- Already in 2 months the kitten should be mobile, playful and curious. It would be ideal if he showed interest in you and would come to you himself.
- Pay attention to the kitten's appearance.A healthy kitten should have thick, shiny fur without bald spots, even white teeth, and clean ears. Knowing all this, you can think about what is the best breed of cat for children.
What considerations should be taken into account when choosingcat breed? If you primarily consider hygiene, then it is best to take a short-haired cat or even a hairless (bald) breed. But you should keep in mind that it is not the cat's fur that causes allergies in children (and many are afraid of a possible allergy). Most often, allergies are caused by the presence of certain proteins in the cat's saliva. But a cat of any breed licks itself, regardless of the presence of fur. If you consider that you want to buy an affectionate, friendly, playful, but not aggressive pet, then the best breed of cat for children will be exactly the breed whose representatives have the listed qualities. This is what you should remember first of all when you think about which cat to choose for a child. We advise you to pay attention to the British breed of cats. These are very smart, friendly and docile animals, so British cats and children find a common language quite quickly. The main quality of this breed is imperturbability and calm. Like true Britons, they are very intelligent. In negative situations, cats of this breed do not show aggression, which is very valuable when communicating with small children who are unknowingly capable of hurting the cat. The cat's appearance is also attractive, because it is a large and beautiful breed, and the cat is very similar to a teddy bear. And this is despite the fact that it has very practical fur that does not require special care. All this makes it possible to say that British cats are the best companions for children.British cat There are many other breeds,which can also be recommended when buying a kitten. For example, cats of the Burmese or Siamese breed are considered very sociable and playful; one must not forget that cats of these breeds are very jealous, so one must not deprive them of attention, so that they do not see a rival in the child.Burmese cat Scottish Fold cat gets along well with children. She never scratches, even if it hurts her a lot – she would rather run away.Scottish Fold Cat Canadian or DonskoySphynxes are a good choice for families with children, even the smallest ones. They are very affectionate cats, absolutely devoid of aggression. They love children very much, are inquisitive and playful, easily get along with other pets, and do not offend even rodents.Don Sphynx Devon Rex cats are very sociable, mischievous, adore children and happily play with them, even at the age of “respectable ladies”.Devon & Rex Kid-Friendly BreedsThere are quite a few, and you will have to think carefully about which cat to choose for your child, based on your preferences. It should be remembered that the information about cats for children should be as complete as possible before you make your choice. After all, you will have to take into account many factors: your living conditions, the age of your child, the character and appearance of your future pet. It is best if you contact a veterinarian for information about cats for children. After all, he will continue to help you with advice on how to properly raise your pet. We hope that our advice will help you make a choice, and in the future you will learn yourself and teach your child how to properly handle your favorite cat, and your pet will become your devoted friend and bring you and your child a lot of joy! We recommend reading: