Surely many of you are familiar with this dish from childhood,like vegetable cutlets. This orange-golden delicacy, rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, is usually served to preschoolers in kindergartens. But at an early age, it is quite difficult to appreciate all the charm of the dish and understand how nutritious it is. However, today every mother understands that tasty does not always mean healthy. Cakes, pies, chocolates, marmalade, cookies - all this is incredibly appetizing, but questionable not only for the figure, but also for the whole body as a whole. That is why we suggest taking note of the following recipes that will help you prepare a hearty dessert that charges not only with energy, but also with health. Carrot cake is served with cream, fragrant honey melted in a double boiler, made with or without eggs, with raisins and nuts, with sour cream or other cream. Let's take a closer look at several options for this delicate dish.
Carrot-apple dessert for children and adults
Carrot cake with pear cream - perfectbreakfast for the whole family. This recipe is amazing in its simplicity and, best of all, you won’t have to spend a lot of time at the stove. The dish is prepared quite quickly and, what’s important, it’s economical and not too expensive. We suggest making curd cream with fruit — this option is perfect for those who have children. However, you can replace it with another sauce or serve the dish with honey melted in a couple or homemade jam. The cake is wonderful both cold and hot. Ingredients: Delicate dough:
- three medium carrots
- two large sweet apples
- vegetable oil (for processing internal walls of dishes)
- four large spoons of whole-grain flour
- sugar powder is added individually to taste
- two eggs
- 35 grams of dried apricots (you can add dates or, for example, prunes)
- a pinch of salt
- 150 grams of medium-fat cottage cheese
- some sour cream
- two pears
Method of preparation:All the recipes are so different that cooking enthusiasts can experiment all night long. As they gain experience, each housewife develops her own little secrets: for example, you already know which butter makes the most delicious and thick cream, how many eggs should be added to the dough so that it rises, and how long to bake a particular pie. Thanks to little tricks, the same dish turns out differently for everyone. Therefore, having decided to master the recipe, of course, follow the instructions exactly, but do not be afraid to change something if you wish. For example, if you do not have dried apricots, take dates or add raisins. And the cream can be made with either sour cream or cream. So, let's get down to the culinary action. First, peel and wash the carrots well, then grate them on the smallest grater. Do the same with the apples, removing the core from them in advance. Now you need to prepare the liquid dough: beat the chicken eggs together with powdered sugar and salt. Then add flour and dried apricots cut into small cubes, and at the very end add the carrot and apple mixture. Mix the mass thoroughly, the main task is to achieve a uniform, but not too dense consistency. While the oven is heating up, treat the inner walls and bottom of the pan with vegetable or butter. If you have special parchment, paper or cling film, we recommend using them - cover the dishes and pour the dough into them. Thanks to such simple manipulations, it will be much easier and simpler to take out the carrot cake later. Now put the dish in the oven and time it for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the product should be covered with a beautiful orange-golden crust, carefully pierce it with a match. If the tree remains dry, then the dessert is ready. While it is cooling, pay attention to the preparation of the sweet sauce. This recipe is great for a children's treat. Mash the cottage cheese well with a fork, then add a little sour cream to make the mixture more elastic and not too thick. Choose soft, juicy, ripe pears - cut out the core, remove the pits and grind in a blender. Then combine with the above ingredients and mix a couple of times. Now carefully cut the cooled carrot cake into three or two equal-height parts. Grease the first and second generously with cream, then cover with the last product. Use fresh fruit for decoration or treat the dessert with the remaining cottage cheese and sour cream sauce. It will turn out very appetizing if you add some fresh or frozen berries: raspberries or strawberries. Enjoy!
"Carotene" cake with orange cream
And this recipe is suitable for citrus lovers.Thanks to the oranges added to the cream, the product has an absolutely incredible fruity aroma and a delicate juicy taste. The main advantages of the dish include relatively low calorie content, simplicity, and quick preparation. An appetizing dessert is an ideal option for a hot summer. Carrot cake is very light and does not leave a feeling of "heaviness" - try it and appreciate its taste yourself. Ingredients: Cake:
- five eggs
- two pinches of ground cinnamon
- 560 grams of carrot
- 130 grams of soft raisins
- 1 ½ cup sifted white flour
- granulated sugar - 300 grams
- 180 milliliters of refined vegetable oil
- two tablespoons (small) soda
- cloves - if desired
- four grams of nutmeg
- 400 milliliters of thick cream
- 135 grams of powdered sugar
- one medium orange
- a handful of walnuts or other nuts
Method of preparation: Любая выпечка начинается с правильно подобранной формы: возьмите квадратную посуду или, допустим, круглую диаметром около 26 сантиметров. Чтобы было проще достать изделие и при этом не повредить его, используйте специальный пергамент или бумагу. Их кладут внутрь посуды, которую обрабатывать маслом совершенно не обязательно. В этот рецепт входят молотые корица и гвоздика, придающие блюду специфический аромат и вкус. Если вы не сторонница таких добавок, просто не кладите их в тесто. Давайте приступим к готовке: сначала залейте кипятком изюм и примерно на полчаса уберите его в сторону для набухания. Если вам попались свежие и мягкие ягоды, промойте их под краном и высушите бумажным полотенцем. Рецепт пирога не предполагает использование яиц, но подобных десертов существует множество, и каждый вариант заслуживает внимания. Морковь натрите на мелкой терке, а муку обязательно просейте. Благодаря этому продукт насытится воздухом, а будущий торт отлично поднимется. Соедините сухую смесь с поваренной солью, корицей, гвоздикой, введите молотый мускатный орех. В отдельную миску высыпьте сахар, выложите яйца и тщательно взбейте все с помощью венчика, в итоге масса должна увеличиться в объеме в два-три раза и посветлеть. Чтобы она вышла более однородной, песок следует вводить постепенно, небольшими порциями. Когда смесь достаточно загустеет, вылейте в неё растительное масло и продолжайте перемешивать. Полученный крем из яиц соедините с мукой, сюда же добавьте тертую морковку. Теперь настал черед изюма: обваляйте его в пятнадцати граммах пшеничного продукта и выложите в тесто. Рекомендуем делать это постепенно, благодаря чему ягоды равномерно распределятся по всему коржу. Обработайте форму, в которой планируете выпекать морковный торт, маслом и вылейте в нее полученную массу. Чтобы изделие вышло с корочкой, придется дополнить рецепт панировочными сухарями — посыпьте ими посуду изнутри. Теперь отправьте ее в разогретый духовой шкаф и оставьте готовиться при температуре 175-180 градусов. Примерно через 60 минут, когда услышите характерный запах выпечки и увидите, что изделие приобрело золотисто-оранжевый оттенок, можете доставать его из печи. Сразу не вынимайте торт из формы, иначе рискуете его повредить. После того как он остынет, переложите блюдо на плоскую тарелку и аккуратно разрежьте. Это можно сделать ножом или прибегнуть к небольшому кулинарному трюку: сначала сделайте не слишком глубокий надрез по периметру изделия, вложите в него крепкую нитку и, слегка прижимая вверх, потяните. Таким образом вам удастся разделить торт на две равные по высоте части. Самое время приготовить крем: вымытый апельсин опустите в бурлящую воду и проварите на медленном огне в течение четырех-шести минут. Шкурка размягчится, и сладкий соус выйдет более нежным. Порежьте цитрус на некрупные куски и размельчите в мясорубке. Полученную массу остудите, а образовавшийся сок слейте, он вам совершенно не понадобится. Учтите, что крем делают из холодных (но не замороженных!) сливок. Начинайте взбивать продукт, постепенно вводя в него сахарную пудру, которая добавляется порционно (по одной-две ложки). Мешать сливки следует очень аккуратно, иначе они расслоятся на масло и молоко. Именно поэтому сначала работайте венчиком или миксером, смотря что вы используете, потихоньку, увеличивая скорость. Как только крем достаточно загустеет, осторожно проведите по нему пальцем или ложкой. Если останется след, значит сладкий соус готов. Осталось добавить молотую апельсиновую мякоть, заметьте, больше взбивать массу не нужно. Разделите ее на две половины, одной частью смажьте нижний корж, потом накройте вторым, а оставшимся нежным кремом обработайте бока, а также верхушку торта. Теперь подсушите на сковородке орехи, размельчите их и украсьте изделие. Дайте блюду немного настояться в холодильнике, тогда вы полностью ощутите и прочувствуете его вкус. Желаем приятной и вкусной трапезы! Подавайте к морковному шедевру сок из свежевыжатых фруктов или холодный травяной чай. Надеемся, семья оценит этот рецепт и ваши старания.
Cake "Sweet carrot" with cheese cream
Carrot dessert is prepared with different creams, andIt goes well with both sweet and not so sweet sauces. If desired, you can simply grease the product with strawberry, raspberry or other homemade jam. The simplest and most ordinary option is to cut the cooled dish into pieces and serve with sour cream. But then it will be more of a pie than a cake. We have selected for you an original recipe for a very ordinary dish, the highlight of which is a cream based on cream cheese. Vanilla sugar gives it a special aroma, turning the product into a real masterpiece. The beauty of the cake is that every housewife can cook it - both a beginner and a professional - regardless of culinary experience. Ingredients:
- two glasses of sugar
- 230 milliliters of bitter vegetable oil
- two small spoons of baking powder or food slaked soda
- 400 grams of sifted flour
- four or five eggs
- salt
- seven grams of ground cinnamon
- 20 grams of breadcrumbs
- grated carrots - three faceted glasses
- 120 grams of almonds or walnuts (peanuts can be used)
Butter cream:
- 300 grams of tender cream cheese
- 350 grams of powdered sugar
- 60 grams of fresh butter
- vanilla sugar - a small spoon
For decoration:
- fresh raspberries or currants
Method of preparation:A recipe is an instruction manual that you can slightly deviate from if you wish or if you don’t have some ingredients. For example, if you don’t like spices, skip the cinnamon. No baking powder? Use regular baking soda. There are at least three ways to extinguish it: with freshly squeezed lemon juice, boiling water, or regular table vinegar. If you decide to use powdered sugar instead of sugar, keep in mind that you will need a little more of the first ingredient than the second. So, let’s start cooking. First, beat the eggs and sugar with a whisk until smooth and fluffy, then gradually pour in the vegetable oil, only add it in small portions, two tablespoons at a time. Sift the wheat flour into a separate bowl, combining it with slaked soda and salt. Then pour in the ground cinnamon and mix. When you are done, add the dry ingredients to the liquid ones and whisk thoroughly to make a fairly dense, homogeneous dough. Peel the fresh carrots and grate them into strips. As for the nuts, we recommend frying them in a frying pan first and then crushing them with a regular hammer or a special mortar. Despite the fact that the recipe calls for almonds, if you don’t have any, you can add walnuts or peanuts. The cake will be just as delicious, you’ll see. Now turn on the oven and heat it up to 160 degrees. Meanwhile, coat the dishes with vegetable oil and pour the dough into them, mixing it well beforehand. To make the product crispy and golden, sprinkle the pan with breadcrumbs. The cake is baked for about one and a half to two hours, but if the oven temperature is higher, keep the dessert a little less — 50-60 minutes is enough — otherwise it will burn. When the carrot sponge cake is browned, cool it down a bit and then remove it from the pan. All that's left is to make the delicious cream, the recipe for which is very simple. The ingredients should not be too cold, so put them on the table in advance. Pour the powdered sugar into a bowl, add the cream cheese, softened and diced butter and vanilla. First, mash the ingredients with a fork, then beat with a whisk or blender. Carefully divide the cake into two parts with a knife, grease each with a delicate cream and connect the products together. Apply the remaining sweet sauce to the sides and top of the cake. Then decorate it with raspberries, pieces of fresh strawberries or take other berries at your discretion. You can experiment and change the recipe, for example, making custard instead of butter cream.
Cake "home-style" of carrots with vanilla cream
We present to your attention another simple onea recipe that will not be difficult to master even for the most inexperienced, novice cook. Baking is an ordinary thing for many, but most housewives have probably never made a cake from fresh carrots. This original and unusual dish is worth appearing in your home. We made sour cream with the addition of vanilla, but you can use your own recipe. A good combination is obtained from cream and fresh berries, custard sauce from milk, butter and powdered sugar is also perfect. Ingredients: Cake:
- a glass of grated carrots
- packing good margarine
- sugar - 220 grams
- egg
- 3.5 cups of flour (if necessary, add a little more)
- salt - optional
- a small spoonful of baking powder or hydrated baking soda
Sour cream:
- Place vanilla to taste
- 500 milliliters of fatty sour cream
- 60 grams of granulated sugar
Method of preparation:To make the dough easy to knead, we recommend taking all the above ingredients out of the refrigerator in advance and keeping them at room temperature. Before you start cooking, cut the margarine into cubes and melt it a little in a double boiler. When it melts, pour sugar and grated fresh carrots into the bowl, heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. Sift the flour separately, combining it with a special baking powder. If you don’t have any, extinguish the soda with table vinegar and add it to the dough. Now beat the eggs and add them together with the wheat product to the melted margarine, add a little salt and actively work with a whisk to get rid of lumps. Knead a thick dough, then divide it into several “balls” of the same size and put it in the refrigerator for 120 minutes. After this time, turn on the oven, while it heats up, continue mastering the recipe. Make the cream, the procedure for making it is very simple: combine sugar, a few pinches of vanilla and sour cream. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed. If you have fresh berries - raspberries, strawberries, red or black currants - add them to the cream. This will add piquancy to the product and make it even more appetizing. Just first mash the fruit into a puree and only then add it to the mixture. Let's get back to the dough: roll each "ball" with a rolling pin into a not too thick layer and put it on a baking sheet covered with parchment. No baking paper? No problem, just grease the dishes with vegetable or butter, you can use margarine. Each product is cooked in a preheated oven for about half an hour. If your oven is broken, try baking carrot "pancakes" in a regular frying pan, pouring a few milliliters of oil into it. When you are done, spread sweet sour cream on the cakes and connect them together, thus forming a cake. Grease the dish with the remaining sauce on top and on the sides. Then put it in the refrigerator and let it sit. Each housewife decorates the dessert in her own way: some prefer whipped cream in a can, bought in the store, others prefer chocolate glaze or fresh fruits, berries. Here it is up to you to decide what to do. You can make mastic and mold various figures from it. A simple and quick way is to sprinkle the cake with candied fruits or nuts. In general, do not be afraid to fantasize.
Pineapple-carrot cake "Tenderness"
You only need to read the name of the cake tounderstand that this dish is very tender and appetizing. In addition, one of its main advantages is the simplicity and speed of preparation. But this is not even the most important thing - thanks to the carrots, the dessert carries a charge of vitamins and health. Women will also be pleased with the fact that the product is low-calorie, so do not be afraid to eat an extra piece. If you decide to treat your child with a delicacy, we recommend making a cream for him, for example, from sour cream or cream. Ingredients:
- 250 grams of carrots, grated on a fine grater
- eggs - two pieces
- a cup of sugar
- salt - optional
- 220 grams of well-sieved flour
- ½ of a two-hundred-pound packet of butter
- 0,5 tablespoons (table) of baking powder or soda, pre-hydrated
- canned pineapple - half cans
For decoration:
- powdered sugar
Method of preparation:It will take a little less than an hour, naturally, everything depends on your experience, as well as on the power of the oven. On average, the dish is baked for about 40 minutes, taking into account that the oven temperature is 175-180 degrees. By the way, the cake can be baked in a regular frying pan. In this case, substitute a more liquid dough and fry each flatbread on both sides in olive or other vegetable oil. But first, you need to properly prepare the base for the future dessert. So, melt the butter in the microwave or in a double boiler, pre-cut into small cubes. When it softens a little, pour granulated sugar into the same bowl and keep the dishes on minimum heat, periodically working with a spoon. Then beat the following ingredients in a deep bowl: homemade chicken eggs and three grams of salt. If you are working with a mixer, turn it on at the first speed, and as soon as the mass thickens slightly and increases in volume, switch the device to the next, more powerful level. Combine the thick egg liquid with melted butter. Grate the carrots into thin strips, remove excess juice from the pineapples, and chop the fruit into small cubes. Add baking powder or soda to the sifted wheat flour. Now mix all the above ingredients, and you should end up with a moderately dense dough. Transfer it to a well-greased form, which must be sent to the oven. After about a quarter of an hour, check the readiness of the product with a wooden skewer or match; if everything is in order, take it out, cover it with a towel and let it cool. Enjoy your tea! Carrot cake is the perfect start to the day. Low-calorie, tender and incredibly nutritious, it will not only satisfy your hunger without leaving an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach, but will also charge you with energy, a good mood and vigor. Moreover, the dish is very healthy, because carrots are an irreplaceable source of vitamins and beta-carotene. And if you want to try something incredibly sweet, make chocolate cream and pour it over the dish. Perhaps you will like the following recipe: heat pasteurized milk, pour in a couple of spoons of sugar and cocoa. Cook, stirring regularly to avoid lumps. At the very end, add a piece of butter. Another delicious way: coat the cakes with a sauce of soft Philadelphia cheese, whipped with powdered sugar. If you decide to make a cottage cheese and sour cream impregnation, we recommend adding one or two handfuls of fresh berries to it, which will significantly improve the taste of the cake. We wish you delicious experiments and good health.