facial care at home If we compare such concepts as "beauty" and"Health", then you can find in them a lot in common. Of course, by "beauty" everyone means something personal, and everyone looks at this concept from his point of view. However, the fact that healthy skin is beautiful skin, it's pointless to deny, because the fact, as they say, on the face. Nature itself has laid in us - women, a constant desire for improvement. And in this endeavor, we sometimes get to extremes: we follow the appearance of cosmetic novelties, try various methods of rejuvenation, we turn to plastic surgeons. In general, we transform our skin into a testing ground for experiments and do not think about what it can lead to. Tired of chasing an ideal face, unsatisfied with the procedures used in beauty salons, many women stop believing in advertising and decide to achieve the desired effect on their own. Those who have well studied folk beauty recipes and know how to use them come to a conclusion - facial skin care at home is no worse than the procedures performed by cosmetologists.

What type of skin do you have?

The skin is divided into four types. Thoroughly examine your face before giving preference to this or that cosmetic prescription. So:

  • You have a clean, elastic, pink shadeleather? Hence, you are incredibly lucky! Normal face skin does not need special care, it contains enough moisture, does not have dilated pores, and wrinkles on it are less noticeable. Such skin is very rare;
  • The face shines, it often appears rashes and black dots? This is oily skin;
  • Excessive dryness, peeling, irritation ... Skindry. At a young age, it does not cause any special problems, but after 30 years, small wrinkles are very visible on it. It affects everything: the temperature drop, the change of soap, the use of an unsuitable cream;
  • The skin glitters on the nose, chin and forehead, but oncheeks and around the eyes are scaly? So you are the owner of combined skin - the most common of all. Care for such a complex skin. Here it is necessary to use different means for different parts of the face.

proper facial skin care at home

Recipes for dry skin

Yes, in my youth, this skin looks practicallyideally, but if you do not start timely care for it, you can forget about peace for a long time. Let's look at some recipes that will help keep the skin toned. Before going to bed Wipe your face with warmed vegetable oil or soak the cotton swabs in it and put on your face for 20-30 minutes. Remove residual oil with lukewarm water. Alternatively, you can use fatty sour cream instead of butter. Before I wash my face

  • Mix the egg yolk with vegetable oil and water in equal parts, apply to the skin for about 15 minutes. This procedure is best done in the morning;
  • Yolk can also be mixed with honey or glycerin. This recipe is good because it is prepared with a stock, the main thing is to keep it in a cool place. Use every morning.

Instead of washing Well softens the skin the followingmeans: rye bread poured warm milk, wait until it is absorbed, and rub the resulting mixture of the face. The mixture is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days, so it can be prepared in advance. Nourishing Masks

  • Take honey in the amount of 2 tablespoons, warm it in a water bath and mix with a spoonful of fatty cottage cheese. Keep this mask for half an hour, rinse, as usual - with warm water;
  • Fresh mint leaves to crush and pour boiling water(1 pint of mint to take 3 parts of the liquid). Boil the mass, keep on low heat for 1-2 minutes. The cooled mixture should be applied to gauze or a thin cloth, put on face. After 15 minutes, rinse. Can be used no more than three times a week;
  • Oat flour mixed thoroughly with egg yolk, to get a medium-density gruel. Keep on the face for 10-15 minutes.

Use the above masks should be regular, it is desirable to alternate between them by themselves.

Recipes for oily skin

Here the main component is the correctpurification. Otherwise, you are waiting for premature wrinkles, rashes and pigmentation spots. Here the best help will be the infusions of medicinal herbs, which can be used for lotions and ice cubes. Cooking lotions at home

  • A tablespoon of dry chemist's chamomile is poured with two glasses of boiling water, we insist for about 20 minutes. Filter and rub the skin. Or we apply moistened napkins to the most problematic places;
  • Decoction on the basis of the kidneys and bark of the birch is very usefulwith acne. There you also need to add flowers of chamomile and marigold, juniper berries. All the ingredients should be taken in equal parts. Take 200 grams of boiling water and fill it with a tablespoon of this mixture, boil for about 5 minutes on a small fire. When the lotion has cooled, it is necessary to moisten a linen napkin in it and attach it to the face. Keep for 20 minutes, periodically refreshing the napkin in the infusion;
  • For oily skin rubbing with aloe juice is useful. Take 3 leaves of the plant, carefully washed and put in the refrigerator for a week. Then grind, squeeze juice - the lotion is ready. You can use it in the morning and in the evening.

Home Masks To improve the effect,The aforementioned herbal lotions alternate with homemade masks. Prepare them very simply, you need only quality products and a little free time.

  • Squeeze the juice out of the lemon to get 2 tablespoonsspoon, mix it with cottage cheese in the amount of 3 tablespoons. Mass is applied to the face, covered with a piece of tissue with slits for the eyes and mouth. Lying with a mask should be at least half an hour, completely relaxed, you can listen to your favorite music.
  • Cottage cheese is mixed with a slurry of tomato. The proportions in tablespoons are 4: 3. The technique of application is the same as in the first case.
  • An excellent nutritious mask is obtained from melon. It must be grinded on a fine grater, drain the juice, and add a little flour to the pulp. Hold for 15-20 minutes.

good skin care at home

Recipes for combination skin

This person needs mixed care. Places where the skin is dry should be treated with the means that are suitable for this type. Greasy zones - appropriate means. However, there are recipes that act equally on any type of skin, we will discuss them below. Yeast Mask Helps to cleanse the skin of acne in problem areas and nourishes it in dry places. You will need: 2 teaspoons of yeast and 3 spoonfuls of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ingredients until smooth and attach the mixture to your face. After 10 minutes, remove the residue with a cotton swab and rinse your face with lukewarm water. Home scrub You will need: 1 glass of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, as much as a large salt and kefir. First, you need to grind the flakes in a meat grinder, then add salt and soda and stir. You will get a supply of a basis for scrub, which can be stored in a glass container. Directly before use, take a tablespoon of the mixture and add kefir or sour milk there. Lightly moisten the skin and use the prepared mass for washing, gently rubbing it into the skin for a couple of minutes. To wash off a scrub it is necessary at first hot water, and then cool. You can use it 1-2 times a week. Lotion on the basis of rose petals This product perfectly cleanses the oily skin and tones up the dry skin. For its preparation it is necessary to take:

  • Rose petals (can be dried) - 2 tablespoons;
  • Lemon and cucumber juice - 3 spoons;
  • A spoonful of vodka and as much glycerin.

Petals are crushed and poured with boiling water (gram150). Cover the dishes with infusion, wrapped with a towel and leave for about 30 minutes. Then cool the resulting product to room temperature and strain. Now add the rest of the ingredients. It is best to use lotion in the evening, before going to bed. Prepare cosmetics at home is not harder than borscht to cook - that's what the sophisticated ladies consider it. And they are absolutely right. Having learned to make lotions, creams and masks yourself, you will realize that you have the best products in your hands, able to give your skin a new life. You will only use proven means, ideally suited to you. Forget what an allergy is, and most importantly, save money. It is better to buy this seductive lace underwear, it will definitely come in handy .... We advise you to read:

