whether can be monthly on early term of pregnancyPregnancy is perhaps the most joyful anda significant event in the life of a future mother. After all, over the next nine months, a small baby will grow and develop in her belly. Women who have experienced the joy of motherhood say that these feelings are incomparable to anything. However, at the same time, the fair sex faces many problems that they will have to constantly fight. For example, a reason for serious concern may be menstruation, which does not stop in the early stages of pregnancy. The main thing in such situations is not to panic, but to immediately seek help from a specialist - a gynecologist or therapist.

Can they go monthly in the first trimester

Many people notice bloody discharge on their underwear.women diagnose themselves - a threat of miscarriage. But is it really so? According to ladies on forums, some expectant mothers did not stop having periods until the very birth or until the beginning of the second trimester. Of course, this does not happen very often. Plus, who should you trust more? An unknown person who is on the other side of the screen? Or specialists who claim that in any case, if you start bleeding, you should call an ambulance. Only in the hospital can a doctor determine whether it is really safe. Please note: doctors claim that bloody discharge that appears in the early stages of pregnancy is not menstruation. First, let's figure out what menstruation is. So, once a month, an egg is produced in a woman's body by the ovaries. After full maturation, it gradually moves to the uterus, where it "waits" for fertilization. If this does not happen, it "dies". During the so-called critical days, the functional layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected, and the egg that has outlived its usefulness comes out with it. All this action is accompanied by slight bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. The blood has a darker and richer color, plus, it does not clot immediately. This is due to the presence of certain enzymes, which are contained in it in fairly large quantities. Thus, what happens in the early stages of pregnancy cannot be menstruation. This is normal bleeding. However, there is one but here, which you should always remember. During pregnancy, real menstruation can indeed occur, but only in the first two or three weeks, not later. There can be two reasons. The first is optimistic. Two eggs have matured in the ovaries of the expectant mother. It happens quite rarely, but it still happens. One of them manages to be fertilized, and it is fixed. The second remains “empty”, so it is rejected. The result is menstrual bleeding. As for the second case, everything is more complicated. As you remember from school biology lessons, ovulation in women occurs on average on the 15th day of the cycle. After you made love to your boyfriend, the egg is fertilized. It gradually begins to move into the uterine cavity, where it is implanted. On average, it takes at least a week. But sometimes there is a hitch, and then the whole action is delayed for 10-14 days. After it is fixed, our body begins to signal that everything was successful. As a result of the above actions, the body of the expectant mother begins to change completely, progesterone is produced - a special hormone. It is responsible for the development of the fetus. But sometimes there is a failure, the signal is not sent on time, no changes occur in the woman's body. All this ends with menstruation. By the way, often during the fixation of the fetus, blood is also sometimes released. It can be 2-3 drops, but no more.monthly for early pregnancy

When monthly - warning of danger?

  • Injury of the cervix

Did you know that in some countries doctors do notrecommend that pregnant women go for a check-up at the hospital until five weeks have passed since conception? In the early stages, there is a risk of injury to the cervix, for example, if the gynecologist tries to take a smear. As a result, menstruation may occur. By the way, this is also why it is not recommended to have sex during pregnancy. If bleeding does occur, it is recommended to do an ultrasound. This will help to understand whether everything is okay with your body, as well as to determine how the embryo is developing. Do not worry, even if there was a mechanical injury, you will be able to bear a healthy baby.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

Also, menstruation can occur with an ectopic pregnancy.беременности, когда оплодотворенная яйцеклетка прикрепляется не в полости матки, а за ее пределами. Первый признак – кровотечение, тянущая и ноющая боль внизу живота. Как вы понимаете, в данном случае ни о каком рождении ребенка и речи быть не может. Там, где находится плод, нет условий для его развития. Поэтому понадобится срочное хирургическое вмешательство (прерывание беременности), иначе последствия могут быть печальными, вплоть до летального исхода. Теперь давайте разберемся с симптоматикой внематочной беременности. Проявления данной патологии могут быть следующие: тошнота, сонливость, повышенный аппетит, набухание груди, болезненность сосков. Зачастую в первые недели серьезных признаков не обнаруживается. И лишь где-то со второго месяца появляется боль внизу живота. Она может быть и обычной ноющей, как при месячных, так и режущей, словно что-то острое застряло внутри. Обратите внимание: вначале болит именно внизу живота (в правой или левой стороне), а после того, как происходит кровотечение, неприятные ощущения возникают и в области заднего прохода, и под ложечкой, и даже в верхней части спины. Зачастую женщинам больно даже ходить в туалет. Важно! Если кровотечение внутреннее, месячные могут не идти. Все может изливаться именно в брюшную полость. В данном случае это опасно для жизни. Что касается маточного кровотечения, то оно не всегда бывает обильным. Могут быть скудные выделения – всего пару капель. Следующий этап – наступление шокового состояния. Женщины могут падать в обмороки, у них наблюдается бледность кожных покровов, сильно снижается артериальное давление. Обычно такая патология встречается всего в 2% случаев. Поэтому не нужно сразу же думать о самом худшем. Но все же если у вас появились какие-либо симптомы, не стоит пить обезболивающие и надеяться на чудо. Сразу же обращайтесь в больницу. Чем дольше вы будете ждать, тем хуже. В клинике вам предложат сделать УЗИ, которое поможет выявить, есть ли в полости матке яйцеклетка, а также определить количество жидкости в животе, чтобы исключить кровотечение. Также могут потребоваться и другие анализы – ГКЧ, трансвагинальное исследование. И лишь после того, как подтвердится диагноз, произведут прерывание беременности. Если представительница прекрасного пола находится в тяжелом состоянии, у нее произошло кровотечение, то ее сразу же будут оперировать. В таком случае удаляют яйцо, которое и является причиной всех этих неприятностей. Если же произошел разрыв маточной трубы, ее также вырезают. Когда же внематочная беременность определяется во время осмотра на ранних сроках, при этом дама чувствует себя хорошо, ей могут предложить химиотерапию. Это значит, что больной введут специальный препарат, который прекратит развитие эмбриона, а затем вызовет рассасывание яйцеклетки. Кто находится в факторе риска? На самом деле медики не до конца знают, почему у одних женщин плод закрепляется правильно, а у других – нет. Но есть категория дам, которые более всего подвержены возникновению внематочной беременности. Итак, это могут быть женщины, у которых раньше была проведена операция в брюшной полости, особы, пользующиеся определенными контрацептивами (гормональными). Кстати, после хирургического вмешательства таким представительницам прекрасного пола понадобится сдать анализы и пройти обследование, чтобы исключить наличие опухоли матки и яичников, убедиться, что нет аномалии половых органов. Также причиной может послужить гормональный сбой, воспалительные процессы, инфекционные заболевания, передающиеся половым путем. Также стоит рассказать о том, каковы последствия внематочной беременности. Если не лечиться и не ждать перед повторным зачатием малыша полгода (минимум), данная проблема может повториться. Плюс, есть риски того, что в дальнейшем дама просто не сможет иметь ребенка. После обследования, длительных процедур, капельниц и лекарств, шанс завести малыша составляет 50%. Поэтому так важно не запускать себя, не впадать в затяжную депрессию и не заниматься самобичеванием, а сразу же действовать. Конечно же, это сложно сделать, но ради будущего ребенка нужно постараться.

  • Risk of miscarriage

If a woman is admitted to hospital during pregnancyhospital with bleeding, then the threat of miscarriage is the first thing that is suspected. It does not matter whether such an anomaly is accompanied by painful sensations or not. After an ultrasound and hCG test, the expectant mother is admitted to hospital for treatment. During this period, any kind of exercise is completely contraindicated. She must rest both physically and emotionally. Warmth, bed rest and complete rest - this is the only way to ensure the normal course of pregnancy. During the time that the lady is in the hospital, she will have to undergo a bunch of examinations. And after the cause of the bleeding is identified, all efforts will be directed at eliminating it. Unfortunately, in some cases, drug treatment will be required, which can negatively affect the health of the future baby.

  • Frozen pregnancy

Bleeding in the first and second trimesters canindicate a frozen pregnancy. Unfortunately, at the very beginning (up to 14 weeks) it is difficult to diagnose a frozen pregnancy. Often, signs of pregnancy disappear - toxicosis, chest pain, etc. Only after some time do the first symptoms appear - colic and pain in the lower abdomen, discharge with an admixture of blood, poor health. The girl's body itself is trying to get rid of a foreign body. It is impossible to diagnose a frozen pregnancy on your own. Only an experienced doctor can do this during an examination. To confirm or refute his assumptions, the woman will have to do an ultrasound and give blood for hCG. And if the tests are positive, you will have to have an abortion. Please note: in the first months of pregnancy, a woman's body can get rid of the fetus on its own. Ladies who do not know that they are pregnant often take this for menstruation. Things are worse if the fetus does not come out. In such circumstances, medical intervention is necessary. Here, as with an ectopic pregnancy, the problem is either solved surgically or with the help of drugs that stimulate uterine contractions. If you have been diagnosed with a non-developing pregnancy, there is no time to think. The longer you wait, the worse it is for you. The presence of a foreign organism in your body can lead to DIC syndrome. And this is fraught with blood clotting. And if bleeding begins in this case, it will be almost impossible to stop. Why does fetal death occur? Either genes, or an infection, or problems with the hypothalamic-pituitary system can be to blame. There are often cases when the fetus stops developing due to a Rh conflict with the mother. The danger is great if a woman with a negative Rh factor has had at least one abortion in the past. The fact is that the body of such a representative of the fair sex produces antibodies during each pregnancy. They are the cause of fading. Plus, an artificial termination could cause a hormonal imbalance, injury or infection of the cervix. Therefore, in our time, specialists recommend that both men and women undergo examinations first. And only after genetic and other abnormalities are not detected, can we start planning a child. The same applies to women who have had this problem in their anamnesis. First, we find the cause, eliminate it, undergo full treatment, wait six months, while using protection. And only when the doctor gives the go-ahead, we have a baby.whether there can be monthly on early term of pregnancy at the woman

We hand over analyzes at a bleeding

If a girl is pregnant and her period starts early, she may be asked to undergo the following tests and examinations:

  • a blood test or urine test to check the level of progesterone

By taking an hCG test, you can determine whether or notany pathologies and deviations. If the progesterone level is normal, then it can be said that the pregnancy is proceeding well, the fetus is developing correctly. In the first week, the results should not exceed 16-156 mIU / ml. In the second week, this indicator should correspond to 101-4870 mIU / ml. And so on. If serious deviations are observed, the pregnant woman may be asked to donate blood again (but only after 48 hours). Indicators below the norm indicate that the woman may have a frozen pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage. With an ectopic pregnancy, there is also a delay in the increase in the hCG level. Under normal circumstances, this indicator doubles, and every 3 days. In rare cases, there may be minor deviations.

  • cervical examination

The doctor will need to examine you tomake sure that the cervix is ​​closed enough. Don't be afraid, this procedure is not painful. The doctor will only insert a special mirror for examination and assess the condition. If this is an experienced specialist, he will be able to determine whether there is a threat of spontaneous abortion based on appearance alone.

  • carrying out of ultrasonic research

Ultrasound is usually done three times, or more precisely, three timesthe middle of the first, second and third trimesters. This is, of course, ideally. If you are bleeding, you may also be sent for an examination, both abdominal (when the device is moved along the stomach) and vaginal. Only after receiving these tests can you draw serious conclusions. Until then, you will have to remain in the dark. At the same time, you should not expect the worst, since our thoughts are material. Plus, if there is a threat to your health, it is better to take all necessary measures now than to undergo long and persistent treatment for infertility later. And do not forget that most women who had bleeding still carried and gave birth to healthy offspring.

