cake pragueThe Czech woman gave us this famous cakeculinary. And the name was given to it by the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague. It is known for certain that the recipe for the original cake is complex, and the cooking process is labor-intensive. The cake includes several types of butter cream with the addition of cognac and liqueurs. And the cakes for it are soaked in rum. Few of our compatriots had a chance to try the real Czech "Prague". However, almost everyone who spent part of their lives in the mighty USSR is familiar with its simplified version. This cake was incredibly popular. Rarely what culinary did not prepare "Prague", and every self-respecting housewife had a recipe for this cake. In a simplified version, the recipe for making the "Prague" cake was invented by Vladimir Guralnik, who worked as the head of the confectionery shop in the Moscow restaurant "Prague". By the way, Guralnik is known as the author of more than thirty recipes for original pastries and cakes: for example, the "Bird's Milk" cake. Vladimir Guralnik learned the secrets of confectionery art from masters from Czechoslovakia who came to Moscow to exchange experiences. The predecessor (or prototype) of the Prague cake is considered to be the Austrian Sacher cake, which, unlike Prague, is made without any cream at all. The recipe for this cake is known in many variations. Prague, Old Prague, Chiffon Prague - cakes that differ mainly in the types of cream and biscuit dough. But their components are unchanged - chocolate biscuit cakes, Prague butter cream and chocolate fondant. However, many recipes suggest replacing the fondant with chocolate glaze. We offer you a choice of recipes for making the famous Prague cake. And which one you like best - choose for yourself.

Cake Prague from sour cream biscuit


  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Soda - half a teaspoon;
  • Table vinegar;
  • Flour 1.5 teaspoons;
  • Cocoa condensed - half a can;
  • Almond;
  • Cardamom or black ground pepper - pinch;

For the cream:

  • Cocoa condensed - half a can;
  • Butter - 200 g;

For the syrup:

  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water - 2 tablespoons;
  • Liqueur (any) - 1 tablespoon;

For the glaze:

  • Oil - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cocoa (powder) - 4 tablespoons;

Preparation: How to make Prague cake?In a bowl, mix sour cream, eggs and sugar, add baking soda quenched with vinegar. Mix condensed cocoa with flour, add chopped almonds and cardamom. If you don’t have cardamom, use ground black pepper. Divide the resulting dough into three equal parts, bake three cakes from them, and cool the finished cakes. Make the cream. Whip the condensed cocoa with butter. Make syrup from sugar, water and liqueur. Soak each cake with syrup and spread with cream. Cover the top cake with glaze. To make the glaze, dissolve sugar in milk, add cocoa and butter and cook over low heat for about two minutes.Prague cake

Classic recipe of Prague cake


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • Half a glass of vodka;
  • 200 g of sour cream;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

For the cream:

  • 200 g of butter;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar.

For the glaze:

  • 50 g of thick jam (better apricot);
  • 200 g of chocolate;
  • 50 g of butter.

Preparation:Making the Prague cake begins with baking the sponge cake layers. To do this, prepare a springform pan with a diameter of 23-25 ​​cm, baking paper, and preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Mix the flour with cocoa powder and sift through a sieve into a large bowl. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Beat half of the sugar with the yolks with a mixer (until the mass turns white and becomes homogeneous). By the way, the better you beat the yolks, the more tender the sponge cake will be. Beat the whites with a mixer for about two minutes, then add condensed milk, the second half of the sugar and sour cream, then beat for another three minutes. Add the protein mass to the beaten yolks. Stir the resulting mass with light movements from the bottom up. Please note - it is very important to stir slowly and in one direction. Add the mixture of flour and cocoa powder. For this, it is best to use a sieve: sift the flour with cocoa over the protein-yolk mass and gently mix from the bottom up. Line the bottom of the mold with baking paper, grease the entire mold with butter. Pour the dough into it and put it in a preheated oven for one hour. Bake the sponge cake, remove the mold from the oven and let it stand for about five minutes on a damp towel. Then carefully remove the side edges of the mold, separate the sponge cake from the paper. It is recommended to put "Prague" on the grill and leave for 8 hours. In this case, one layer will be easy to cut into several cakes. To prepare the cream, you need to prepare cling film, and take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is soft. Separate the yolk from the white. Mix the yolk with water, gradually add condensed milk. Put the mass on medium heat or in a water bath and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and hold the mixture for another 2-3 minutes until it thickens. Remove the cream from the heat and continue stirring to cool the mixture evenly. Then cover the cream with cling film and leave to cool. Beat the softened butter with vanilla sugar. Add the cooled cream to the butter in portions, continuing to beat it. Add cocoa powder and beat again. Cut the sponge cake into three layers of equal thickness. Soak them in vodka. Assemble the cake, spreading the layers with Prague cream. Do not spread the top layer of the cake on top. Spread a thin layer of jam on it. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add the butter, mix well. Grease the top and sides of the cake with the resulting chocolate glaze. Leave the finished cake in the refrigerator for about twelve hours.Prague cake recipe

Recipe for the chocolate cake "Old Prague"

Can't imagine life without chocolate?Then you will like the chocolate cake! Its difference from the classic Prague cake recipe is that two types of cream are used in its preparation. You can make a homemade Prague cake using the classic recipe. However, instead of the difficult-to-prepare Prague cream, you need to make two light creams: simple sour cream and dark (with the addition of cocoa powder). You can also make the Old Prague cake, and the taste of this cake will surprise you with its tenderness and richness. Ingredients:

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 cup of flour;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • Half a glass of sour cream (20% fat content);
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

For the sour cream:

  • Half a glass of sour cream (20% fat content);
  • Half a glass of sugar.

For dark cream:

  • 150 g of butter;
  • Half a can of condensed milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

For decoration:

  • 100 g of chocolate.

Preparation:To prepare the cakes, beat the sour cream with sugar, add eggs, baking powder, cocoa powder, vanilla sugar and condensed milk. Mix everything thoroughly. Then add flour to the resulting mass, sifting it through a sieve. Mix everything again, add butter. Knead the dough, divide it into two equal parts and roll out. Before baking, grease the pan with butter, cover the bottom with baking paper. Carefully place the rolled out dough in the pan, bake in the oven for 30 minutes. After this, cool the cakes, cut each cake into two parts and spread them with sour cream. The recipe for sour cream is very simple: beat sour cream with sugar (and that's it). For chocolate cream, add condensed milk and cocoa powder to softened butter and beat with a mixer until smooth. When assembling the cake, grease all the layers with dark cream, also coat the top and sides of the cake with it. Leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour to soak the layers. Decorate with chocolate.

Cake "Chiffon Prague"

If you want to surprise your guests with exquisite tasteand an unusually tender, homemade cake "Prague", then the recipe for the cake "Chiffon Prague" is just what you need! Guests will be delighted with the chocolate-chiffon sponge cake and delicate creamy chocolate cream! The cake "Chiffon Prague" differs from the cake "Old Prague" in its unforgettable chocolate-chiffon sponge cake, and from the chocolate cake "Prague" in its delicate custard cream. Ingredients:

  • 180 g and 45 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 175 ml of water;
  • 125 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 60 g of cocoa powder;
  • 1/3 tablespoon of instant coffee;
  • 8 egg whites;
  • 5 egg yolks;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of soda.

For the cream:

  • 200 g of butter;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 5 tablespoons of condensed milk;
  • 1/4 cup of water;
  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • 1 tablespoon brandy.

For the glaze:

  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • about 2 teaspoons of butter;
  • 50 g of thick jam;
  • 6 tablespoons water.

Preparation: Для приготовления торта «Шифоновая Прага» вам понадобится разъемная форма на 26 см. Если у Вас форма размером 20-24 см, то указанную норму продуктов можно уменьшить вдвое. Духовку необходимо прогреть до 160°С. Для приготовления бисквита какао-порошок смешать с растворимым кофе, добавить необходимое количество теплой воды и размешать до однородности. Яйца комнатной температуры разделить на белки и желтки. Сахар (180 г) взбить с желтками миксером до образования пышной однородной массы. Затем аккуратно небольшими порциями ввести растительное масло, не переставая помешивать. Также постепенно добавить раствор из какао и кофе. Смешать муку, разрыхлитель и соду. Добавить смесь в приготовленную ранее массу (равномерно за несколько приемов). Хорошо перемешать тесто до получения однородной консистенции. К яичным белкам добавить соль и, начиная с малых оборотов и постепенно увеличивая скорость, взбить их миксером. Добавить сахар (45 г) и продолжить взбивать белковую массу до такого состояния, чтобы сформированный на поверхности взбитых белков пик не ломался и устойчиво держал форму. Добавить белковую смесь в тесто. Вмешивать белки лучше всего легкими движениями снизу вверх. Дно формы выстелить бумагой для выпечки, смазать всю форму сливочным маслом. Вылить тесто в форму и выпекать в разогретой духовке примерно 50 минут. В процессе выпечки в первые 30 минут не открывать дверцу духовки, чтобы бисквит не осел. По окончании выпекания достать форму из духовки. Шоколадно-шифоновый бисквит рекомендуют охлаждать в перевернутом состоянии. Поэтому используйте четыре опоры – например, чашки – переверните форму с бисквитом и установите на опоры до полного остывания. Затем перевернуть бисквит и снять форму, оставить на 5-6 часов. Приготовление крема: Прежде всего, необходимо достать из холодильника сливочное масло, чтобы оно стало мягким. Яичные желтки отделить от белков. Взбить желтки с водой, добавить к ним сгущенное молоко. Поставить полученную массу на водяную баню и постоянно помешивать, пока она не загустеет до консистенции сгущенного молока. Снять кастрюлю с плиты. Шоколад поломать на кусочки, положить в заваренный крем, подождать 3-4 минуты, чтобы шоколад растаял, и тщательно перемешать. Остудить заварной крем до комнатной температуры. Взбить размягченное масло и небольшими порциями добавить его в заварную массу. Влить коньяк. Разделить приготовленный крем на три части примерно в соотношении 4/4/2. Первый и второй корж промазать равными частями крема, накрыть третьим коржом, смазать бока торта (верх не смазывать кремом!). Верх торта равномерно смазать джемом. Лучше всего использовать абрикосовый или яблочный джем. Поставить торт в холодильник на 15-20 минут, чтобы схватился крем и загустел джем. Рецепт глазури: Для ее приготовления необходимо смешать какао-порошок, сахар и воду в кастрюльке. Варить на небольшом огне, постоянно помешивая, пока масса не загустеет. Обычно достаточно довести смесь до кипения, поварить 1-2 минуты. Добавить сливочное масло, размешать. Горячей глазурью покрыть бока и верх торта. Поставить готовый торт в холодильник минимум на 30 минут, чтобы глазурь застыла. К слову, не надо ждать, пока глазурь застынет до твердого состояния: она всегда будет мягкой. Выбирайте рецепт и пробуйте приготовить очень вкусный и очень известный торт Прага. Готовьте с удовольствием и приятного вам аппетита! Советуем почитать:

