cutlets from chicken mince You can not be surprised with chicken cutletsnobody. And we will try! Just do not have to buy frozen semi-finished products, where meat is listed only on the price tag. From this "it is not clear what" you have and it will not be clear what, but not tasty cutlets. We will make real chicken cutlets with chicken. Do not be too lazy - wind it from a fresh chicken (this will take only a little time). But if time is still a pity, take in any supermarket the ready-made forcemeat, only not frozen, but chilled. And get ready for the fact that the meatballs are just "eaten". Here are recipes for delicious cutlets from ordinary chicken minced meat.

Home-made cutlets

Well, what else to call a recipe for chicken cutlets,cooked houses for their loved ones? Chicken cutlets from minced meat, which are cooked very quickly, and eaten even faster than they are prepared, are only the most delicious home-made cutlets. In order to make such a "high-speed" dish you will need affordable and always available products in the house. Ingredients:

  • Chicken mince (1 kg)
  • Bulb
  • White bread (3 slices)
  • 1 raw potato
  • 1 egg
  • Milk (3 tbsp.)
  • Salt and pepper

Preparation: Forcemeat we put in a bowl and we add to it finely-finely cut onion. Bread (no crust) soaked in milk. Potatoes - on a grater, and in stuffing. Then we put soaked bread and egg. Then, salt and mix the stuffing. We start making cutlets. We pick up a little stuffing in the palm and, throwing it from the palm of your hand to the palm, we make cutlets. Fry on hot oil, browning each side alternately. The browned cutlets are left in the frying pan, covered with a lid, to steam for another ten minutes. By the way, if you prefer the recipe only for a couple, then you will get a dietary version of chicken cutlets from minced meat.

Chicken cutlets with filling (zrazy)

This is a recipe for the so-called zraz. If we prepare chops with chicken minced meat and any stuffing, they will already be called zrazes. For the filling you can use fried mushrooms, grated cheese, hard-boiled eggs, fried onions and (or) carrots. Let's try to make, for example, their fastest option - chicken cutlets with chicken and cheese. Ingredients:

  • Chicken mince (1 kg)
  • Bulb (1 or 2)
  • 1 egg
  • Cheese (200-300 g)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Manka or bread crumbs

Preparation: This recipe is different from regular chicken cutlets not only with the presence of a filling. The "shell" of these loaves should be dense. Therefore, we will not put potatoes and bread in the stuffing. We cook it only with the addition of chopped onions (we take one or a couple of pieces), raw eggs, salt and pepper. For the filling, take the grated cheese and proceed to the formation of the cutlets. We type a little stuffing into the palm of the hand, make a flat cake from it, and put a spoonful of grated cheese on its middle. Holding minced meat on one palm, with the other hand gently wrap the edges of the cake up. We crumble every cutlet in breadcrumbs and fry. You can serve cutlets with butter or mayonnaise. Note: Breading can be prepared by mixing flour with a manga, or use for this purpose conventional breadcrumbs. If you cook cutlets for a couple, then you do not need to pan. cutlets from minced chicken

Chicken cutlets in Minsk

Belarusian version of chicken cutlet with minced chickenmushrooms. This is a kind of a modified recipe for popular Kiev cutlets. They turn out to be tender and not less tasty than Kiev ones. To prepare minced chicken cutlets "in Minsk" we take the following ingredients:

  • Minced meat (kilogram)
  • Mushrooms (400 g)
  • 4 eggs
  • Milk (half a glass)
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Butter (100 g)
  • Butter (100 g)
  • Salt

Preparation: To make the filling, the mushrooms need to be washed, finely chopped and fried in butter. The minced meat recipe for these cutlets excludes onions, so we prepare it only with the addition of milk and one egg, salt and mix well. Further we form cutlets as well as in the previous recipe: we place mushrooms on a lozenge and wrap it. The cutlet itself is made oblong (like a spindle). Then we roll it in breadcrumbs, dip it into a beaten egg and again paninirovem. Fry the cutlets in melted butter. Note: No less tasty minced meatballs are obtained with stuffing from dried mushrooms. To do this, they are soaked for half an hour, boiled, and then roasted and add chicken and minced meat toppings.

Cutlets with oatmeal

To prepare chicken minced meatballs, you can approach more rationally and prepare an economical variant of hearty and juicy cutlets. Ingredients:

  • Minced chicken (500 g)
  • Bulb
  • Oatmeal flakes (glass)
  • Milk (half a glass)
  • 1 egg
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper

Preparation: Add minced onion, flakes, milk and egg, salt and spices to the mince. Knead and form cutlets. Fry in vegetable oil. Serve with mayonnaise or sour cream. If you approach creatively the preparation of chicken cutlets from minced meat, you can not only save time and money, but even invent a new dish. Tasty and delicate cutlets can be made with any filling, fry them in breading or cook in a double boiler, serve with mushroom or cream sauce, with a hearty side dish or a light salad. And on top of that, it's very quick and easy. Try it! We advise you to read:

