brush for foundation The ideal tone of the face - a pledge of beautiful and tastefulmade makeup. The tonal cream, just, can create such skin, even if by nature it is far from ideal. To create the perfect cover, makeup artists recommend using a brush to apply a foundation. Such brushes have a number of advantages over sponge or simple application of a tone with their fingers.

  • Naturalness

Only with the help of a brush you can create a naturalmakeup. Unlike other means, the brush does not smudge the foundation cream on the skin, but drives it in a thin layer. The tonal cream, literally, merges with the skin.

  • Accuracy

All women know firsthand how difficult it is sometimesTo shade a voice-frequency cream on border of the face with hair and neck. In this area, the cream, for some unknown reason, strives to lie down in pieces. The brush very accurately shades the foundation so that the borders are not visible at all.

  • Economical

If you apply a foundation cream sponge orpalm, part of it will inevitably absorb into them. The correctly selected brush will not absorb it, but completely distributes it across the face. This is a significant plus! Especially if you use a very expensive tonal tool.

Choosing the right brush

How to choose the right brush so that it has all of the above advantages? Very simple! When buying, pay attention to the following details:

  • Pile

It is advisable to choose brushes with synthetic pile. They do not absorb the tonal remedy. In addition, it is very easy to take care of such a brush. Brushes with natural nap very much absorb the foundation, especially with a greasy texture, and from this deteriorate. An exception is the brush with raccoon pile.

  • Rigidity

The nap on the brush should be of medium rigidity. Too soft pile will not spread the toner evenly, but too hard will scratch the skin.

  • A pen

The base of the brush should fit snugly against the handle. The handle itself should not have visible defects, be even and strong.

  • Size and appearance

To date, there are varioussize of the brush for foundation. This is made for your convenience. Choose a brush of the size that you most conveniently hold in your hands and use. As for the appearance, there are two-sided brushes for applying both a foundation and a concealer. In addition, many foundation creams are already equipped with brush-attachments, which are easy to apply to the face.

  • Texture of foundation

It depends on it, which brush for tonal cream will suit you best (kabuki, flat straight or with a rounded pile). brush for foundation

Types of brushes for foundation


  • Description

This brush with a short handle and fluffy pileconical shape. In classical kabuki, pile has a length of not more than 3 cm. Some cosmetic firms produce kabuki and with a longer pile up to 5 cm. The pile can be both natural and artificial. Choose the brush that has soft and elastic pile.

  • Application

Kabuki brushes are used to apply friable mineral base, but can also be used for applying a liquid foundation with a light texture.

  • Technique of application

Take a little movement of the handon the brush. It should completely cover the tip of the brush. Then lightly brush the brush to remove the excess base. If you want the coating to be more dense, spray a little bit of thermal water from the spray on the brush before using the tonal tool. Circular movements shake the basis on the face, paying attention to the borders of the face with hair and neck. Brush with straight pile

  • Description

A wide brush with a flat base and a straight pile. The brush has an elongated handle for ease of use. The pile can be artificial and natural.

  • Application

This brush is designed to apply liquid tonal remedies, as well as a foundation with a greasy texture.

  • Technique of application

Extrude a portion of foundation to externalthe side of the palm closest to the wrist. Take a bit of foundation on the brush. Put several points of a foundation on your face: on the forehead, chin and cheeks. Then it is necessary to shade these points on the face, directing the brush from the center to the periphery. Brush must be done as if driving the movement, so that the tone is mixed with the skin more evenly. Brush with rounded pile

  • Description

Brush with a rounded end, as well as withstraight pile - wide, has a flat base. The tip of the brush has an arcuate shape. The length of the pile is about 11 cm. The pile can also be both artificial and natural.

  • Application

This brush is very versatile. It is convenient for applying tonal cream, as well as other cosmetic products (shadows, consyler, primer, rouge, bronzer, etc.).

  • Technique of application

Portion of tone squeeze out on the hand. Then take some money on the brush. With pathetic movements, distribute the foundation throughout the face. Drive the cream until you see the boundaries between the skin and the tonal remedy. In the end, just brush on the facial massage lines. brush for applying a foundation

Care of brushes

To keep your brushes longer and not deliveredtroubles in the form of an allergy and an unexpected color palette on the face, they need to be taken care of regularly. How often? Brushes should be washed at least twice a week, and preferably after each application of the tone. Frequent washing will not allow to multiply in a brush to bacteria - a source of irritations and an allergy on a skin. Than wash?

  • Special brush cleaning solution

Pour a little solution into a small cup. Dip the brushes in the solution. Then, in a clean solution, the brush should be rinsed, and only after rinsing them in clean running water.

  • Makeup remover

Easily dissolves accumulated remnants of tonal and dirt. However, this method can not be called economical. To clean the brushes will need a fairly large amount of funds.

  • Detergents

The ideal option is an ordinary or children's shampoo,shower gel. If you apply a thick foundation with a brush, do not use a dishwashing detergent to clean it. Its remains on the brush can cause allergies to the skin. To remove fat from the brush will help flour. Before washing, just brush it down. Then wash the brush with a soap solution and rinse with running water.

  • Wet wipes

Napkins belong to the express cleaning meansbrushes. Wipe the brush with a napkin until the last napkin is clean. How to dry? Dry the brush for a foundation cream should be in a vertical position away from heaters and other heaters. Heat can ruin the pile. After it has dried, shake it a little, to spread the nap. We advise you to read:

