The most common disease inyoung children is bronchitis. It is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi caused by an infectious agent. Such inflammation causes swelling of the mucous membrane, as a result of which the diameter of the lumen of the lungs narrows and their patency is impaired. Inflammation in the bronchi causes a disruption in the normal activity of the bronchial glands, and they begin to produce a viscous secretion that is difficult to cough up. Sputum accumulates in the child's airways, making breathing difficult and causing a painful dry cough.

Symptoms of bronchitis

Thus, bronchitis in children has symptomsthe following: wheezing, copious secretion of sputum or its absence. The child's health worsens, he becomes weak and lethargic, and his body temperature rises. Often at the beginning of bronchitis in children a runny nose appears. Acute bronchitis causes a cough in the first days of the disease. Bronchitis in children under one year is often quite severe - they develop shortness of breath and frequent obsessive cough of an irritating type, breathing is impaired. Such bronchitis is called "obstructive bronchitis". The inner walls of the bronchi in bronchitis are inflamed, covered with cloudy secretion, edematous and have a bright red color. The causes of bronchitis can be viral infections, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, toxins. Viral bronchitis is the most common. The most severe bronchitis is bacterial and fungal. Recently, allergic bronchitis has become more common among children, which is a consequence of the mucous membrane's reaction to dust, pollen and other allergens. The most favorable factors for the development of the disease in children are dampness, cold, large crowds of people, passive smoking, and nasopharyngeal infections. Long-term inhalation of tobacco smoke has a particularly strong effect on the delicate mucous membrane of a child. Acute bronchitis in children under 1 year of age can occur at a fairly high temperature, but most often it is only slightly higher than normal. Severe intoxication is almost never observed. Complicated courses of the disease occur in weakened children and children with respiratory tract malformations. Such diseases often provoke chronic bronchitis, which a person will suffer from for the rest of their life. The most dangerous form of bronchitis is bronchiolitis. This is a very severe disease that causes severe respiratory distress and oxygen deficiency, which require immediate hospitalization of the child. Symptoms of bronchiolitis include severe shortness of breath, chest swelling, blue fingers, and blue circles around the lips. At the slightest manifestation of such symptoms in a child, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. In small children, bronchitis is sometimes severe and difficult to treat. In general, with proper treatment, the damaged lining of the child's bronchi recovers fairly quickly, the cough disappears, and, within about two weeks, the child fully recovers. Of course, this treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician who is observing the child. He will be able to correctly determine the child's condition, select the necessary drugs for treatment and the type of research that needs to be done, and, if necessary, prescribe antibiotics. However, some measures to treat bronchitis can be carried out independently.

Bronchitis in children. Treatment

The main methods for treating bronchitisare the destruction of the infection that caused it, the elimination of edema of the respiratory tract, a decrease in the viscosity of sputum and its removal from the respiratory tract, and a decrease in dry cough. Many young parents, suspecting bronchitis in children, have a vague idea of ​​how to treat it. First of all, the child must be protected from hypothermia and dampness and provided with fresh air. If the child has weakness and lethargy, and a fever, he must be put to bed. If hoarseness and coughing occur, you should not talk to the child a lot - excessive talking will cause new coughing fits and increase hoarseness. As for nutrition, in the first days of the disease it should be focused on the child's appetite and be sure to include fruits, vegetables, juices. Especially important during this period is plenty of fluids. It reduces the thickness of sputum, which then comes off well, and increases the effectiveness of expectorants. A sick child can be given weak tea, fruit drink, decoction, mineral water. No medications can be used without a doctor's prescription - they can cause side effects that will lead to complications of the disease. Hot foot baths before bedtime and general warm baths, to which herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect can be added, are very useful for a child with bronchitis. Such baths are carried out in the absence of a high temperature and allergies to herbs. For bronchitis, a child can be given mustard plasters, which are applied to both sides of the chest or to the chest and back. They are kept for three to ten minutes. Medical cupping glasses are also effective for bronchitis, increasing blood circulation and resolving inflammation well. Cupping glasses are placed on the chest and back, bypassing the heart area, for fifteen to twenty minutes. Medicinal inhalations are used as prescribed by a doctor. For them, as a rule, a special device - an inhaler is used. At home, the most convenient and effective will be steam inhalations, inhalations with saline solution and inhalations with still mineral water. They relieve irritation of the bronchial mucosa well. Inhalations can be done daily.

Bronchitis in children. Treatment with folk remedies

Bronchitis in children folk remedies are also goodtreat. A proven and relatively safe method of such treatment is decoctions and infusions of herbs that relieve inflammation of the mucous tract and promote good expectoration of phlegm.

  • Excellent in this case, the root of the althea,herb thermopsis, breastmilk tea and herbal collection of herbs. All this can be purchased in pharmacies and prepare decoctions and infusions in accordance with the instructions attached to the package. Collection of herbs are used as expectorants, antispasmodics and antitussives. Decoction from the root of the althea is similar in its actions to the action of the medical preparation mukaltin, made also from the root of the althaea.
  • Very effective for treating cough is juiceblack radish, which is used for dry and moist cough. Cut the radish into cubes, sprinkle abundantly with sugar and leave to soak at room temperature for twelve hours. The juice obtained after this is drained and given to the child on a tablespoon every two hours.
  • Juice of plantain juice and juice are good for treating bronchitismother-and-stepmother. They are prepared from fresh leaves collected before the flowering of plants. The juice of plantain and the juice of mother-and-stepmother are diluted with boiled water in a proportion of 1: 1 and, freshly prepared, give the child two or three times a day for one tablespoon.
  • Excellently relieve cough special dairybroths made from milk, onions, garlic or fig fruits. Ten onions and one head of garlic pour a liter of milk, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the softening of onion and garlic. Then the mixture is removed from the fire, filtered, add to it the juice of mint in the proportion of 1: 1 and give the child every hour for one tablespoon. Two figs are filled in with a glass of milk and boiled for a few minutes. After the broth cools, give it to the child after eating four times a day for a quarter of a glass.
  • Another wonderful folk remedy thathelps quite well in the fight against acute bronchitis - regular vegetable oil, which is boiled in a water bath. Then a large towel is soaked in oil and, after waiting until the towel becomes warm, the baby is wrapped in it. A thin oilcloth is placed over the towel and the baby is wrapped in a warm blanket.
  • Apply for the treatment of bronchitis and butter. One spoonful of honey and one spoon of vegetable oil is poured into enameled dishes, put it on a slow fire and mix the composition until it becomes a homogeneous mass. After the mixture has cooled, it is smeared for the night, without rubbing, the body of the child, which after lubrication can be wrapped with gauze. Such compresses can be done daily until there is an obvious recovery.
  • An excellent folk remedy for the treatment of bronchitis -interior pork fat. Melt and filtered fat is mixed with unsalted butter and sugar in proportions of 1: 1. The mixture is boiled for five minutes, after which cocoa powder is added to it in the calculation of three tablespoons of powder per half liter of the mixture. This composition is boiled for another seven minutes. Obtained in this way, the child should take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, washing down with milk.
  • Another time-tested folk recipe,- Treatment of bronchitis with boiled potatoes. They are boiled unpeeled, then softened and molded into two flat cakes. The hot (but not scalding!) flat cakes are wrapped in a towel and placed on the baby's chest and between the shoulder blades. Then the child is well wrapped up and left like this until the flat cakes cool down. After this, the patient's skin is wiped dry and home clothes are put on him. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before going to bed.
  • Obstructive bronchitis is well treated with cranberry juice. Cowberry is poured with boiled water and added sugar to taste. Infusion is given to the child two or three times a day until complete recovery.
  • A very simple folk recipe, quiteeffective in treating bronchitis, - onion honey. A glass of sugar is dissolved in one liter of water and two medium onions are added to the syrup without cutting them. All this is put on low heat and boiled until half of the original volume remains. Then the onions are removed from the decoction, which is given to the child for two days. Usually after this period there is a significant improvement in the baby's condition.
  • One of the most negative consequences of bronchitis,- bronchial asthma in children. It is quite difficult to cure a child in this case, antibiotics, as a rule, only temporarily relieve shortness of breath, and attacks of bronchial asthma, which often occur suddenly, are very dangerous. One of the methods of combating such complications of bronchitis is the use of rye straw: Two hundred grams of straw are steamed in two liters of water, a teaspoon of valerian and two tablespoons of alcohol are added to the resulting infusion. The resulting mixture is used for inhalation, allowing the child to breathe in its vapors for several minutes. After inhalation, you can put the straw on the baby's chest and hold it for forty minutes. Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out in parallel with the treatment prescribed by a doctor. However, you should still be careful with folk remedies: some of them can cause allergic reactions in a child. In general, they are very effective and are a real panacea in the treatment of bronchitis. We recommend reading:

