With intestinal infection,human. Of course, the sensations are not pleasant, but not fatal, are they? But for children, intestinal infections, the symptoms of which are much more severe, represent a serious threat to health. And sometimes, to great regret, and the life of the baby. Sad medical statistics indicate that 30% of all child deaths under the age of three years account for cases of intestinal infection. Why does this happen? After all, the level of modern medicine is high enough, and children still die. Most often this is a consequence of the fact that parents have sounded the alarm too late. Therefore, in order to avoid such a terrible outcome, which may lead to intestinal infections in children, all parents should know the symptoms of this disease without exception.
Pathogens of intestinal infection
There are many different pathogenicmicroflora - viruses and bacteria - which become the causative agents of intestinal infection. All these pathogens are very hardy and viable - they survive in the environment for a very long time. They are very often found on toys, clothes, dishes, dirty vegetables and fruits. Simply put, to predict where the trouble will come from is quite difficult. Incidentally, this is why doctors and experienced parents are so fervent for purity. And there are a number of pathogens that perfectly live and multiply in some food products even at extremely low temperatures. Doctors distinguish several main types of intestinal infection, depending on which pathogens caused by the disease:
- Dysentery (pathogen - shigella). It occurs today in children most often
- Colyenteritis (causative agent - enteroinvasive colibacillus). The second most popular intestinal infection among children
- Protein infection
- Staphylococcal lesion of the intestine. Most often observed in very small crumbs of the first few months of life
- Viral diarrhea. One of the most easily occurring forms of intestinal infection
In order to find the right and effectivetreatment, it is very important to establish as soon as possible which pathogen is caused by the disease. For this, the doctor will take swabs and analyze the feces in the crumbs. Biological materials are placed in a special nutrient medium and are closely watched. After about three days the pathogen will become obvious. In these three days, the doctors will carry out universal therapy, suitable for all types of intestinal infection, without exception. Most cases of intestinal infections occur in the warm season, especially in the summer. This seasonality of the disease is explained very simply - during this period the most favorable conditions for the development and existence of pathogens of intestinal infections. Therefore, at this time, parents should be most vigilant. As already mentioned above, most often the infection is transmitted through toys, household items, food, contaminated drinking water. Much less often, however, the causative agents of the intestinal infection can be transmitted by airborne droplets and dust. Children who live in unsanitary conditions, whose parents do not bother to observe hygiene measures, do not observe the rules for food storage, and temperature regime of meat processing. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that from the disease of intestinal infection is not insured, no child - even the most responsible and caring parents. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully insure against the possibility of infection. Even if you provide the child with the ideal sterile living conditions, you can not guarantee that he will not take in his mouth a dirty toy in the kindergarten or, after all, his own finger. Therefore, do not rush to reproach yourself, if the baby is still sick, and do everything in your power to help your baby. Of course, even if the pathogen of the intestinal infection has entered the body of the child, it is not at all a fact that the disease will certainly develop. Everything depends on the number of pathogens that got into the human body, the state of the intestinal microflora and the immunity of the child. So, for example, a child with immunocompromised chances to get sick is much higher. Well, in the event that the crumb suffers from dysbiosis, the chances of getting sick quickly approach the 100% mark.
Symptoms of the disease
So, the causative agent of the intestinal infection got intothe baby's body. What happens next? In the best case, the body will cope with the infection, imperceptibly for the baby and adults. Well, at worst - the development of the disease will begin. The incubation period did not last even intestinal infections - it lasts from a few hours to a week. The onset of the disease in all cases is very acute. The child has pronounced signs of intoxication - diarrhea and vomiting, as well as many other manifestations. And it must be borne in mind that all the symptoms mainly depend not so much on the type of pathogen of the disease, but on what particular department of the digestive system is most affected.
- Acute gastritis - develops in the event that most affected the stomach.
As a rule, gastritis rarely occurs withoutadditional symptoms. Deterioration of the condition begins suddenly and is expressed quite sharply. The child rises body temperature to 38 - 39 degrees, there is a feeling of nausea and vomiting. In addition, the child almost always complains of severe pain in the stomach. Most often, this is observed with food poisoning.
- Acute enteritis - it occurs if the small intestine is affected.
In the event that the child is confronted with aenteritis, the most important symptom of the disease will be a very plentiful and liquid quickened stool. In all cases, the course of the disease is accompanied by intense pain - older children can complain of pain, they can crunch their legs and desperately cry. The act of defecation in a child can be up to 20 times a day. At the very beginning of the disease, the remains of undigested food are found in the feces of the baby, and after a while it becomes watery. As a rule, stool has a fetid smell and irritates the baby's skin very much. The color of feces can be very different - it all depends on which pathogen the disease is caused. In the event that salmonella becomes the culprit, the feces of the child will very much resemble a swampy slime - something in between a brown and a green tint. If fecal masses of lemon color, it is possible to suspect staphylococcus, and if the stool is practically transparent, it is a matter of rotavirus infection.
- Acute colitis - develops in the lesions of the large intestine.
If the child has colitis, his stool becomesextremely meager, but, nevertheless, very frequent. Feces as such are absent - mucus brownish hue, with an admixture of pus, and in especially severe cases and pus. The child has very frequent urge to defecate, but not always effective. As a rule, the child experiences strong pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Typically, colitis is typical for diseases such as dysentery and salmonellosis. All the above-described phenomena have a very negative effect on the general condition of the child. First, the risk of developing severe dehydration of the body is very high. Dehydration is a very serious threat to the child's body - it is the cause of death. Fortunately, for today doctors very successfully cope with dehydration if the child gets to them in time. Therefore, the only task for parents is to seek medical help in a timely manner. Prior to the arrival of the ambulance brigade, it is necessary to begin to water the child, at the first symptoms of the disease. Doctors recommend using pure, pure still drinking water for this purpose. And pay special attention - water should be given to the child in very small portions, one teaspoonful. But very often - every 5 to 10 minutes. In addition, no less danger in intestinal infections is intoxication. Where it comes from - it's easy to guess. The pathogenic microflora releases a large number of very different toxins into the child's blood - the results of their vital activity that accumulate in the body. As a result, a variety of systems and organs are depressed. Especially often the kidneys of the child suffer, which account for the main impact of toxins. But even in this case, doctors very quickly cope with the problem, if the child got to them in a timely manner.
First aid to the baby
Let's talk about how parents canhelp your child before the arrival of a doctor. After all, the more correctly you provide first aid to a child, the more effective will be the remaining treatment and the less will be the risk of developing any complications. To cope with this task, all parents without exception, the main thing is to know some rules:
- Hunger
As soon as you notice the first signs, bywhich can be suspected intestinal infection, immediately stop feeding your baby. Do not give him anything from food, even if the child himself is asked to. The exception is only those children who are breastfeeding. But only if the lactating mother is perfectly healthy and does not have symptoms of an intestinal infection.
- Drinking regime
A child who is ill should start immediatelyto drink. How to do it correctly - has already been described above. And water should be given even to the youngest children. In the event that the baby begins to vomit, reduce the amount of water that you give at a time. But the time between receptions also needs to be reduced.
- Absorbent
In the event that a baby is older than six months,It is necessary at the first signs of the disease to give him some absorbent. You can use enteros gel, but you can do with ordinary activated charcoal. Calculate the dosage of the medication as follows - for every 10 kilograms of weight, one teaspoon or one tablet. As you can see, the intestinal infection, the symptoms of which you now know, is not as terrible as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to get help from a doctor in time. And, of course, do not forget about the prevention of the disease, in order not to allow a second disease. Of course, this is absolutely trivial truth, but the fact remains that the disease is easier to prevent than treat. Be healthy! We advise you to read: