causes of bronchial asthma Today, an unfavorable ecological situationcauses the spread of diseases of the respiratory system. The most common is bronchial asthma, which can show its negative effect at any age. If the first signs are found, it is necessary to undergo a checkup to determine the cause of the disease, to start the appropriate treatment.

Causes and Symptoms

The causes of bronchial asthma can be very different, most often this:

  • non-infectious allergens, ie pollen, dust, drugs, products;
  • infectious allergens are viruses, microorganisms, bacteria, fungus, hay fever;
  • mechanical, chemical effects - vapors of acids, inorganic dust, alkalis;
  • some forms of bronchial asthma are caused by too strong physical stress, emotional stress, changes in air humidity, temperature, climatic conditions;
  • the types of asthma can also be those when no external stimuli are found, that is, the causes of the disease are not determined;
  • the location to the disease can be hereditary.

To identify reliable reasons, it is important toto draw up a survey plan, he will help to accurately determine the degree and severity of seizures, the methods of their treatment. An examination is prescribed when such symptoms are observed:

  • the main symptom - a strong cough against the background of suffocation, shortness of breath, rapid, shortness of breath;
  • spasms of the muscles of the neck, severe fatigue, cyanosis of the lips and face;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • the main harbingers of the attack are a rapid pulse, intense sweating.

If there are any signs and symptomsIt is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for taking medications. If the attack is observed for the first time, it is recommended to undergo a survey. Self-medication does not follow, the signs may well be caused by other diseases. asthma in children

Asthma in Pregnancy

Forms of bronchial asthma can be the mostno one is insured against this disease, but one can prevent it from appearing. Especially often it occurs in women during pregnancy. And the wealth, age, nutrition and care for themselves do not matter, seizures can arise literally from nothing. The causes of bronchial asthma in pregnant women are different, they are caused by the special condition of a woman during this period. Such an organism reaction arises in response to any allergen, which previously did not disturb, as a result of this, there is a difficult passage of the airways, asphyxiation. Such allergens in pregnancy can become not only dust or wool, but also food, household chemicals, even microorganisms such as pharyngitis. As a rule, asthma, which is activated during pregnancy, begins in women long before the gestation of the child, but does not manifest itself. During the restructuring of the body (usually in the 3rd trimester), the disease begins to actively manifest itself, requires treatment. Statistics and testimony of doctors say that asthma is not a contraindication for pregnancy, that is, there is no great danger for the future of the baby, however, it is impossible to throw the medication, since the condition of the future mother should be excellent. Predicting the course of the disease is not possible, therefore constant monitoring is required, especially if the symptoms begin to deteriorate. The first syndrome, which indicates an impending attack, is a severe cough, but sputum is not yet separated. Then begins labored breathing, breathing in is difficult, chest pain, nasal congestion. Facilitates the state of this position: the patient sits down, lowering his legs and putting his hands on his knees. Breathing becomes whistling, noisy, with wheezing, the face acquires a cyanotic shade. The attack ends sputum smearing. If nothing is done, then there can be big problems, so it is recommended to immediately provide emergency assistance. After the examination, the supervising doctor prescribes special medications that will ease such an attack. But you have to be attentive to your body, because the drugs can have contraindications for taking during pregnancy. The basic means that are prescribed at this time belong to the group of adrenomimetics. They have a facilitating, anti-inflammatory effect. If there is exacerbation, then treatment and monitoring in a hospital setting are necessary. Childbirth is usually prescribed natural, but if there are complications, then it is necessary to perform early labor at a period of about 37-38 weeks. bronchial asthma in pregnancy

Asthma in children and its negative consequences

In children with bronchial asthma, pathogenesisis caused by allergic reactions to airborne microscopic particles of wool, dust, mold, or it can be a reaction to food. A common reason is the use of low-quality, cheap baby food, allergy is extremely rare for natural products. It is important for the child to correctly diagnose, because negligent treatment can only lead to negative consequences in the future, a severe deterioration in the condition, the emergence of a wide variety of side-effects. Absence of treatment will also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the lungs of the baby. A child's asthma can not appear from nothing, most often it is an allergic reaction to specific substances with which the baby is constantly in contact. It is necessary to immediately carry out a survey, the etiology of bronchial asthma should be immediately identified. Attacks can be observed not only during the day, the strongest - nocturnal. The frequency of their child depends on the season, temperature, physical activity, climate, mood. In a certain percentage of small patients, clinical signs appear only during a bad mood, when the child is upset. After emotional improvement, the condition returns to normal. In this case, an additional examination is required from a child psychiatrist, since the cause of the disease may be completely different. If the attack is seen the first time, then do not panic immediately, it is necessary to determine what exactly caused this state. It is necessary to leave the baby in bed for a while, to observe in the room heat and humidity. If the condition does not improve and the seizures recur, that is, the baby is difficult to breathe, you should consult a doctor to investigate and determine the causes of this condition. diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease

To determine the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma, a survey should be conducted. This will help to choose the right treatment, preventive measures. In hospital conditions such researches are appointed:

  • X-ray of the thoracic region is performed;
  • the general analysis of a blood, the analysis on definitionallergies. Often as a pathogenesis of bronchial asthma, various allergens act, therefore, special attention is paid to this during the examination. For the purpose of research, a small amount of the putative allergen is injected under the skin. If redness occurs on the spot of the procedure, severe itching, swelling, it means that the allergy is caused by this substance;
  • during the analysis, the lung capacity is analyzed, their volume and strength are checked;
  • a full diagnosis is assigned to determine,whether there are accompanying illnesses or diseases. Bronchial asthma can be accompanied by various negative manifestations, disorders. One of the negative manifestations is dysbiosis.

The patient should keep a special flow diarydisease. It records the frequency of seizures, their strength, overall health after them, the frequency of use of the inhaler and so on. It is possible to further describe how an attack occurs in each case. asthma treatment

Treatment of bronchial asthma: what is used?

The picture of the course of bronchial asthma depends onthe type of treatment, the observance of all the recommendations of the observing physician. With such a disease, it is recommended to have a bronchodilator on hand at all times, which helps to relieve the attack. It is not recommended to use such medications regularly, as taking them without special need or too much dependence on the medicine can become dangerous. Asthma is treated with various drugs, they are selected taking into account the course of the disease, the intensity and frequency of seizures, age, the presence of concomitant diseases. Most often, special inhalers with corticosteroids, that is, anti-inflammatory drugs, which help to control the strength of the attack, are used. For many patients, this is the only remedy that is used only during an attack or as it approaches. When attacks are frequent, it is necessary to start oral administration of bronchodilators, for example theophylline. It has a long action. There may be prescribed inhalations that reduce the frequency of seizures, and not only facilitate the condition. There are special inhalers that are equipped with a spacer. He guarantees that the medicine will fall into the lungs, and not spray on the back of the throat. For home treatment it is recommended to use a special air flow meter that allows you to independently monitor the course of the disease. It makes it possible to determine the first signs of an impending attack, to take steps to neutralize or alleviate it. With this small device, which fits easily in your hand, you can find out about the onset of an attack in 1-2 days. What to do in case of severe attacks? When severe attacks are prescribed corticosteroid tablets, which can be taken only if necessary. They in many cases perfectly relieve attacks, allow not to visit the doctor every time. Bronchial asthma, the etiology of which has been sufficiently studied today, can arise when exposed to various allergens. If they are accurately identified, then doctors prescribe drugs that have a specific effect. In some cases, a desensitizing injection is simply done. If the manifestations of bronchial asthma become frequent and severe, you should immediately consult a doctor for changes during treatment. Typically, these alarms begin to come in when you want to use the inhaler more than 6 times per day. But if there is also severe shortness of breath, speech becomes difficult, severe fatigue, lethargy, it is necessary not to postpone such a visit, but immediately contact a treating specialist, asthma can be dangerous. Often during treatment, purification of the internal organs is prescribed, in acute form this can be done approximately once a week. It improves the work of the liver, accelerates the removal of toxins from the body, purifies the blood. The amount of toxins and poisons that cause seizures, that is, the formation of mucus in the bronchi, decreases, the very course of the disease becomes much easier. Cleaning can be carried out at home, for this special herbal gathering is used. The simplest recipe requires the presence of such ingredients:

  • sporish - 1 tsp;
  • birch leaf -1 tsp;
  • corn stigmas - 1 tsp

All components are mixed, poured 1a glass of boiling water. The received liquid should be insisted for about an hour. Infusion is taken in a warm form, before meals is drunk on a glass. The course of cleaning is 1 week. Taking such an infusion, you can achieve that the symptoms of the disease will become rare and not so strong. In addition, the general condition will improve, strong fatigue, fatigue will pass. Improving the liver will forget about complaints, for example, on dysbiosis.

Prevention of bronchial asthma

According to the basic therapy for bronchial asthmait is possible to reduce the number and strength of seizures, it is only necessary to follow certain preventive measures. These actions are not very difficult, but they will help to significantly ease breathing, reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures. For prevention it is required to take such actions:

  • you must quit smoking, avoid even passive smoking, since tobacco smoke is the strongest irritant;
  • at home it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning,Do not allow the accumulation of dust. It should be regularly vacuumed, carry out a general wet cleaning, clean the carpets, make sure that dust mites do not start at home;
  • to take off frequent attacks of asthma it is possible, if to avoidfood that had previously caused allergic reactions. Most often it is fish, chocolate, milk, nuts. The causes of the emergence or intensification of seizures can be drugs, even such simple and familiar as aspirin, ibuprofen;
  • it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid, not less than 8 glasses of water a day, so that the mucus released is more liquid, it is easier to withdraw;
  • to avoid exacerbation, it is necessary to engage in special respiratory gymnastics. This will allow mucus to easily exit, attacks will become rare, they will not pass so hard;
  • It is necessary to constantly take those medicines that were prescribed for preventive reception;
  • separately it is necessary to say about physical exercises. If the doctor ordered to avoid them, then it is best to refuse them. In many cases, special therapeutic gymnastics only improves the general condition, it causes a rapid cure.

To facilitate the condition, it is important that thedetermination of the diagnosis, clarification of the severity of the disease. Considered here, and such factors as the age of the patient, sex, separately treatment is prescribed during pregnancy. In any case, it is recommended that you first consult an observing doctor, take medication only for the intended purpose, and do not forget about prophylaxis, which can reduce seizures to a minimum.

