causes of bronchial asthma Today the ecological situation is unfavorablethe situation becomes the reason for the fact that respiratory diseases are becoming widespread. The most common is bronchial asthma, which can manifest its negative effect at any age. When the first signs are detected, it is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the cause of the disease and begin appropriate treatment.

Causes and Symptoms

The causes of bronchial asthma can be very different, most often these are:

  • non-infectious allergens, ie pollen, dust, drugs, products;
  • Infectious allergens - these are viruses, microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, hay fever;
  • mechanical, chemical influences - acid vapors, inorganic dust, alkalis;
  • some forms of bronchial asthma are caused by too strong physical stress, emotional stress, changes in air humidity, temperature, climatic conditions;
  • the types of asthma can also be those when no external stimuli are found, that is, the causes of the disease are not determined;
  • the location to the disease can be hereditary.

To identify reliable causes, it is important to correctlymake a survey plan, it will help to accurately determine the degree and severity of attacks, methods of their treatment. The survey is prescribed when the following symptoms are observed:

  • the main symptom is a strong cough against the background of suffocation, shortness of breath, rapid, difficult breathing;
  • spasms of the muscles of the neck, severe fatigue, cyanosis of the lips and face;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • The main harbingers of an attack are increased pulse rate and intense sweating.

If any signs or symptoms occurIt is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for taking medications. If the attack is observed for the first time, it is recommended to undergo an examination. Self-medication should not be done, the symptoms may well be caused by other diseases.asthma in children

Asthma in Pregnancy

The forms of bronchial asthma can be the mostdifferent, no one is immune from this disease, but its occurrence can be prevented. It occurs especially often in women during pregnancy. Moreover, wealth, age, nutrition and self-care do not matter, attacks can arise literally out of nothing. The causes of bronchial asthma in pregnant women are different, they are caused by the special condition of the woman during this period. Such a reaction of the body occurs in response to any allergen that did not bother before, as a result of which there is obstructed airway, suffocation. Such allergens during pregnancy can be not only dust or wool, but also food products, household chemicals, even such microorganisms as pharyngitis. As a rule, asthma, which is activated during pregnancy, begins in women long before bearing a child, but does not manifest itself in any way. During the restructuring of the body (usually in the 3rd trimester), the disease begins to actively manifest itself, requires treatment. Statistics and doctors' testimony say that asthma is not a contraindication for pregnancy, that is, it does not pose a great danger to the future baby, but you can't abandon treatment, since the condition of the expectant mother must be excellent. It is impossible to predict the course of the disease, so constant monitoring is required, especially if the symptoms begin to worsen. The first syndrome, which indicates an approaching attack, is a strong cough, but sputum is not yet separated. Then difficulty breathing begins, it is difficult to inhale, there is pain in the chest, nasal congestion. The following position alleviates the condition: the patient sits down, lowering her legs and resting her hands on her knees. Breathing becomes wheezing, noisy, with wheezing, the face acquires a bluish tint. The attack ends with the separation of sputum. If nothing is done, big problems can arise, so it is recommended to immediately provide emergency assistance. After the examination, the attending physician prescribes special drugs that will relieve such an attack. But you need to be attentive to your body, as medications may have contraindications for use during pregnancy. The main drugs prescribed at this time belong to the group of adrenomimetics. They have a facilitating, anti-inflammatory effect. If an exacerbation is observed, then treatment and observation in a hospital setting are necessary. Childbirth, as a rule, is prescribed natural, but if there are complications, then early delivery is necessary at about 37-38 weeks.bronchial asthma in pregnancy

Asthma in children and its negative consequences

In children with bronchial asthma, pathogenesisis caused by allergic reactions to microscopic particles of wool, dust, mold in the air, or it can be a reaction to food. A common cause is the use of low-quality, cheap baby food; allergies to natural products appear extremely rarely. It is important to correctly diagnose a child, since negligent treatment can only lead to negative consequences in the future, a strong deterioration in the condition, the appearance of a variety of side effects. Lack of treatment will also have a detrimental effect on the baby's lungs. Asthma in a child cannot appear out of nowhere; most often, these are allergic reactions to specific substances with which the baby is constantly in contact. It is necessary to immediately conduct an examination; the etiology of bronchial asthma must be immediately identified. Attacks can be observed not only during the day, the most severe are at night. Their frequency in a child depends on the time of year, temperature, physical activity, climate, mood. In a certain percentage of small patients, clinical signs appear only during a bad mood, when the child is upset. After emotional improvement, the condition returns to normal. In this case, an additional examination by a child psychiatrist is required, since the cause of the disease may be completely different. If the attack is noticed for the first time, then do not panic right away, it is necessary to determine what exactly caused this condition. It is necessary to leave the baby in bed for some time, maintain warmth and humidity in the room. If the condition does not improve, and the attacks are repeated, that is, the child has difficulty breathing, you should consult a doctor for an examination and determine the causes of this condition.diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease

To determine the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to conduct an examination. This will help to choose the right treatment, preventive measures. In a hospital setting, the following studies are prescribed:

  • X-ray of the thoracic region is performed;
  • the general analysis of a blood, the analysis on definitionallergies. Often as a pathogenesis of bronchial asthma, various allergens act, therefore, special attention is paid to this during the examination. For the purpose of research, a small amount of the putative allergen is injected under the skin. If redness occurs on the spot of the procedure, severe itching, swelling, it means that the allergy is caused by this substance;
  • during the analysis, the lung capacity is analyzed, their volume and strength are checked;
  • A full diagnostic is prescribed to determine,Are there any concomitant diseases? Bronchial asthma can be accompanied by various negative manifestations, disorders. One of the negative manifestations is dysbacteriosis.

The patient must keep a special diary of the course of the disease.illness. It records data on the frequency of attacks, their strength, general well-being after them, frequency of inhaler use, etc. You can additionally describe how the attack manifests itself in each case.asthma treatment

Treatment of bronchial asthma: what is used?

The course of bronchial asthma depends onтого, какое именно проводится лечение, насколько соблюдаются все рекомендации наблюдающего врача. При таком заболевании рекомендуется постоянно под рукой иметь бронхолитическое средство, которое позволяет облегчить приступ. Постоянно использовать такие препараты не рекомендуется, так как их прием без особой надобности либо слишком сильная зависимость от лекарства могут стать опасными. Лечится астма различными препаратами, они подбираются с учетом течения болезни, интенсивности и частоты приступов, возраста, наличия сопутствующих заболеваний. Чаще всего используются специальные ингаляторы с кортикостероидами, то есть противовоспалительными препаратами, которые отлично помогают контролировать силу приступа. Для многих пациентов это единственное средство, которое используется только во время приступа или при его приближении. Когда приступы частые, необходимо начинать пероральный прием бронхолитиков, например теофиллина. Он отличается длительным действием. Могут прописываться и ингаляции, снижающие частоту приступов, а не только облегчающие состояние. Есть особые ингаляторы, которые оборудованы спейсером. Он гарантирует, что лекарство попадет именно в легкие, а не распылится по задней стенке горла. Для домашнего лечения рекомендуется использовать специальный измеритель воздушных потоков, который позволяет самостоятельно контролировать течение болезни. Он дает возможность определить первые признаки надвигающегося приступа, предпринять шаги по его нейтрализации либо облегчению. При помощи этого маленького приборчика, который легко помещается в руке, можно узнать о наступлении приступа за 1-2 дня. Что предпринять при сильных приступах? При сильных приступах назначаются кортикостероидные таблетки, которые можно принимать только по необходимости. Они во многих случаях отлично снимают приступы, позволяют не посещать врача каждый раз. Бронхиальная астма, этиология которой сегодня достаточно изучена, может возникать при воздействии различных аллергенов. Если они точно выявлены, то врачи назначают лекарственные средства, которые оказывают конкретное действие. В некоторых случаях просто делается десенсибилизирующая инъекция. Если проявления астмы бронхов стали частыми и сильными, необходимо сразу обращаться к врачу за изменениями в ходе лечения. Обычно такие тревожные сигналы начинают поступать, когда требуется использовать ингалятор чаще, чем 6 раз за день. Но если при этом еще и появляется сильная одышка, речь затрудняется, наблюдается сильная усталость, вялость, то необходимо такой визит не откладывать, а сразу обращаться к лечащему специалисту, астма может быть опасна. Часто во время лечения назначается очищение внутренних органов, при острой форме это можно делать примерно 1 раз в неделю. Это улучшает работу печени, ускоряет вывод из организма токсинов, очищает кровь. Количество токсинов и ядов, которые и вызывают приступы, то есть образование слизи в бронхах, уменьшается, само течение заболевания становится намного легче. Очистку можно проводить дома, для этого используются специальные травяные сборы. Самый простой рецепт требует наличия таких ингредиентов:

  • knotweed - 1 tsp;
  • birch leaf -1 tsp;
  • corn silk - 1 tsp.

All components are mixed and poured in 1a glass of boiling water. The resulting liquid should be infused for about an hour. The infusion is taken warm, a glass is drunk before meals. The cleansing course is 1 week. Taking such an infusion, you can achieve that the symptoms of the disease will become rare and not so strong. In addition, the general condition will improve, severe fatigue and fatigue will pass. Improved liver function will allow you to forget about complaints, for example, about dysbacteriosis.

Prevention of bronchial asthma

According to basic therapy for bronchialasthma, it is possible to reduce the number and severity of attacks, it is only necessary to observe some preventive measures. These actions are not very complicated, but they will help to significantly ease breathing, reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks. For prevention, it is necessary to take the following actions:

  • you must quit smoking, avoid even passive smoking, since tobacco smoke is the strongest irritant;
  • at home it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning,Do not allow the accumulation of dust. It should be regularly vacuumed, carry out a general wet cleaning, clean the carpets, make sure that dust mites do not start at home;
  • to take off frequent attacks of asthma it is possible, if to avoidfood that had previously caused allergic reactions. Most often it is fish, chocolate, milk, nuts. The causes of the emergence or intensification of seizures can be drugs, even such simple and familiar as aspirin, ibuprofen;
  • it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid, not less than 8 glasses of water a day, so that the mucus released is more liquid, it is easier to withdraw;
  • to avoid exacerbation, it is necessary to engage in special respiratory gymnastics. This will allow mucus to easily exit, attacks will become rare, they will not pass so hard;
  • It is necessary to constantly take those medicines that were prescribed for preventive reception;
  • separately it is necessary to say about physical exercises. If the doctor ordered to avoid them, then it is best to refuse them. In many cases, special therapeutic gymnastics only improves the general condition, it causes a rapid cure.

To alleviate the condition, it is important to do it correctlydetermination of diagnosis, determination of the severity of the disease. Factors such as the patient's age and gender are also taken into account here; treatment is prescribed separately during pregnancy. In any case, it is recommended to first contact the attending physician; medications should be taken only as prescribed; do not forget about prevention, which can reduce attacks to a minimum.

