Children should not be sick. It is terribly unfair when a kid who, in his short life, has not yet understood or done anything, suffers and suffers from unbearable pain. But it happens. It happened to Matvey, a boy from Ufa. He is ill from birth. Diagnosis Matvey was diagnosed with ketotic hypoglycemia of an unknown genesis. That is, the blood glucose level drops in the boy's blood. And it falls not just to the critical mark, but practically to zero. The less glucose, the more ketone bodies in the blood. Or, simply, acetone: "All his little life, Matvey constantly needs to be fed and fed. Dopaivat with glucose. Feed at night, "- says mother of fifth grade student Victoria Radchenko. She grows her son without a husband - one on one with a terrible illness.Photo: / club141374701 "Normally, there should not be any ketones in the blood. And Matvei's crises happen when the acetone rolls over so that it corrodes the test strip. The exhausting vomiting begins, the temperature rises under 40. Matvey says that everything hurts, even just breathing. It's very scary. This is resuscitation. This is a non-stop dropper, "continues the woman. It's not just for Mother, but for Matvey herself. He is afraid to sleep. "Says: Mom, I suddenly fall asleep and will not wake up?" Imagine only what mothers hear from a son. But what is most terrible, doctors still do not understand why this happens, what is the reason for the sharp drop in blood glucose the boy. Matvei was examined in various hospitals in Ufa and Moscow. But there is no exact diagnosis: "Without a diagnosis, I do not know the prognosis, I do not know how to treat my child. How to make his life normal, not terrible. So that he could, like all other children, run, jump, not be afraid of crises, vomit, do not prick fingers to measure glucose, do not wake up at night in a nightmare, do not live on endless drippers, "says Victoria. Two years ago, mothers were given an opinion: the diagnostic capabilities in Russia are exhausted. Maybe help somewhere abroad. But this is not a fact: from London they answered, for example, that they can not help with anything, since they do not know what to look for. At my own risk, my mother took her son to Zheleznovodsk - metabolic disturbances can be corrected with mineral water. After three weeks at the resort Matvei really got better: he recovered and even grew a few centimeters, an appetite, a blush.1 / 3Photo: / club141374701Photo: everything comes back, it's worth it to mom and son to go back home. With each new trip, the improvement lasted longer: three days, a week, now a month. But where to get money for endless trips? Mom dreams of taking him to Zheleznovodsk for good. But she can not buy housing there: after all, she does not really work. The child needs constant care. "I do not know how to live a child. He has a constant weakness, a constant headache. The first words in the morning: "How tired I am ..." Matvei was shown on many channels, I hoped that any doctor would respond and cure my poor child. But no one was found, "Victoria says desperately. But Matvey did not lose heart. He draws and composes funny tales. And even decided to write a book to quickly save up for moving to where he can live, like all his peers. At first two stories of Matvey were published in the magazine "Murzilka". The illustrations were drawn by Viktor Chizhikov himself, the national artist of Russia, the author of the image of the bear Misha, the legendary talisman of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. And now a whole book has come out! It was published by the singer and musician Alexei Kortnev, he took all the expenses. The circulation is rather large - as many as 3 thousand copies. And then the second one. "Matvey asked me to sell 200 rubles each. He says: "This is inexpensive, especially for such a good book," says Viktoria Radchenko, "The funny adventures of the cat Snezhka and the puppy Jawki" are bought up like hot pies, there were many people who were not indifferent. And the book really turned out good: good fairy tales, beautiful illustrations. Now Matvey believes: his dream of a normal life is getting closer and closer. Maybe someday he can really run and play like an ordinary boy.1 / 4Photos:

