Botox is an excellent anti-aging agentProbably every person who has stepped overa certain age limit, wants to look younger. They achieve this effect in different ways - some start eating right in advance, follow certain methods based on the experience of generations, and some, trusting more in modern medicine, go to a clinic and get Botox injections. What is Botox? Read on. Botox is an organic product that suppresses muscle activity, thereby preventing the appearance of new wrinkles and the deepening of existing ones. It is very widely used in aesthetic medicine, but before going to a clinic, you need to consult a qualified doctor who can say for sure whether this procedure will harm you. Yes, indeed, it is better to think several times before injecting yourself with Botox. There are also certain contraindications, in which it is better to refuse injections (this is not a complete list - you must consult a doctor without fail): for example, if you are under 35 years old. This threshold, of course, can vary, but on average, it is at this age that the resistance of your skin to external negative influences is significantly reduced. Also, this procedure should not be performed on people suffering from myasthenia, hemophilia, inflammation or rash in the area where the injection is supposed to be made. As well as people with very high myopia. Under favorable circumstances and under the supervision of doctors, Botox can be replaced with other injections. Botox injections begin to work immediately, but this does not mean that immediately after the procedures you will see a completely different person in the mirror - you will have to wait at least a week, and then a quite noticeable result will appear. Wrinkles on the treated areas of the face are smoothed out, but facial expressions do not suffer at all. The effect lasts for about six months, after which you will have to undergo a course of Botox injections again. You decide to repeat the procedure yourself, but if you refuse, wrinkles will appear again. In most cases, after a repeated course of injections, the duration of the drug's effect increases to 8 (in some cases even up to 10) months, and vice versa - the longer the break between procedures, the more likely it is that the muscles will return to normal in due time. And, naturally, before each course of injections, you should see your doctor so that he can assess your health and say whether it is worth doing anything. It is better to be a healthy person with wrinkles than a beautiful one, but at the same time constantly afraid of complications from, in principle, an unnecessary procedure.

