City dwellers are constantly faced with thisproblem, such as water shut-off. Somewhere such periods do not last long, but there are cases when people have to live in discomfort for weeks. How much inconvenience this brings - you simply cannot take a shower! What can we say about when there are babies in the apartment, caring for whom without hot water is unthinkable? In such cases, a boiler will help out. Today we will talk about how to choose a water heater. The advantages of water heaters are obvious. They allow you not to depend on the schedules for the supply or shutdown of hot water, you can take a bath or shower at any time. Today, the choice of water heaters is huge, they can all be divided into three groups: gas water heaters, electric storage water heaters and electric instantaneous water heaters. Let's find out about them all in order.
Gas flow-through water heater (column)
We will make a reservation right away, there is no need to be afraidназвания «газовая колонка». Мы говорим вовсе не о тех устройствах, которые раньше стояли в квартирах-«хрущевках». Современные газовые приборы кардинально отличаются от прежних и имеют свои особые преимущества, и прежде всего это стильный дизайн и высокая эффективность. Вообще, газовый водонагреватель по общим своим свойствам практически не отличается от электрического. Если рассматривать некоторые его особенности, то можно убедиться, что он даже в чем-то лучше. Например, многие уже отметили его экономную работу, принимая во внимание тарифы, установленные на газ. На чем нужно акцентировать внимание, выбирая газовые колонки? В первую очередь на мощность. Если, к примеру, вы планируете пользоваться горячей водой одновременно на кухне и в ванной комнате, то следует приобрести агрегат с большой мощностью (24 кВт). Если же в этом нет необходимости, то остановите выбор на нагревателях средней мощности (18-19 кВт). Обращайте внимание и на фирму-изготовителя, отдавая предпочтения хорошо известным европейским брендам. Как правило, такие водонагреватели изготавливают из высокопрочных, качественных материалов, наделенных рядом преимуществ. Только качественная газовая колонка имеет автоматизированную систему зажигания и плавную регулировку температурных режимов. Не менее важна и надежность. Обратите внимание, что даже самые качественные газовые колонки оптимальны по цене, что делает их особо привлекательными для клиентов. Правда ли то, что такой газовый нагреватель очень требователен в уходе и с ним возникает много хлопот? Это можно сказать лишь про устаревшие варианты, для включения которых нужно было совершить последовательность операций: включить саму колонку, повернуть в сторону ручку, зажечь спичкой. С современными агрегатами все проще – нужно лишь нажать на кнопку, и аппарат начинает работать. Второе заблуждение, из-за которого многие отказываются приобретать газовые колонки, – это опасение взрывов. Практика применения таких устройств успела доказать, что взрываются лишь старые колонки, которые сегодня потеряли всякую актуальность. Впрочем, газовщики все равно рекомендуют периодически проверять газовую колонку, чтобы избежать каких-либо проблем в процессе эксплуатации прибора. Отравиться газом также маловероятно. Запальная горелка здесь необходима для того, чтобы, напротив, предотвратить какую-либо утечку и, следовательно, отравления. Сам по себе газ никогда не дойдет до горелки прежде, чем она загорится, так как газовая трубка перекрыта специальным защитным клапаном. Этот клапан срабатывает в случае, если газ не горит. Принимая во внимание все то, что сказано выше, можно быть уверенными, что современные колонки исключают утечку газа. Нельзя не упомянуть и о дизайне – многие люди полагают, что колонки в городской квартире выглядят ужасно, портя интерьер. Это очередное ошибочное мнение. Современные колонки выглядят стильно, лаконично, имеют такую форму, которая подойдет под дизайн любой городской квартиры или загородного дома. Однако есть и некоторые проблемы в процессе эксплуатации. Например, то, что колонка порой перестает включаться. Почему это происходит? Как правило, все дело в элементах питания, срок действия которых рассчитан на шесть-двенадцать месяцев. Соответственно, проблема решается очень просто – нужно лишь заменить элементы питания. Иногда газовые колонки перестают нагревать воду или же вода нагревается, но очень слабо. Здесь дело в дефектах мембраны, которая располагается прямо на водяном узле и не реагирует должным образом на напор воды. Среди дефектов можно отметить трещины, солевые отложения, различного рода загрязнения. Для того чтобы определить проблему, нужно разобрать водяной узел и отсоединить его от газового, после чего прочистить. Затем мембрану заменяют новой.
Boiler - electric water heater
The second and most popular typewater heater - a boiler. This is a kind of heat exchange device that allows you to heat water up to 75 degrees and maintain this temperature regime due to the thermostat, which is responsible for a special heating element - TEN, turning it on and off. Now let's look at the features of such a device and find out how to choose the right water heater of this type. The boiler has a clear advantage - energy savings. It does not require a special connection - a simple outlet is enough. In addition, having installed such a device in your apartment, you can use it simultaneously in the kitchen and in the bathroom. In order for the water to heat up, the boiler, unlike a gas heater, needs some time, and you can't call it compact. These are two disadvantages that are easily compensated by the advantages that the boiler still has. Speaking about the parameters of the boiler, it should be noted that recently they began to produce models of more compact, convenient sizes that are suitable even for the smallest room. Such boilers can even be placed under the sink, which is very convenient. When choosing such water heaters, always pay attention to the parameters, so as not to have any inconveniences later. Do not forget that the boiler requires special maintenance. From time to time, clean its water heating elements, on which limescale accumulates due to bad water. In addition, it is necessary to periodically replace the magnesium anode to prevent corrosion of the inner tank. The boiler itself is a direct analogy of a thermos. Due to thermal insulation, it retains heat, thus saving electricity. If you heat water in the evening, it will still be hot in the morning. You can independently regulate the water temperature: heat it strongly and dilute it with cold water along the way, or simply heat the water to an average temperature. We choose a boiler, focusing on the capacity. When the tank volume varies from ten to fifteen liters, such a device is only enough to wash plates or wash your face. This option is not for you and you buy a boiler to take a shower several times a day? Opt for devices from fifty to eighty liters. And if you cannot imagine an evening without a hot bath, then buy a boiler with a capacity of 150 liters. The main rule when choosing a device is to consider your personal needs. Volume is not the only criterion that you need to refer to when choosing a boiler. Today, there are water heaters that operate from several energy sources. As a rule, they are purchased by owners of summer cottages or cottages, where the heating system is autonomous or centralized. However, there is no point in buying such a device for an apartment. The design of boilers also differs. They can be horizontal and vertical, depending on where and how you want to place them. However, vertical boilers are more popular, which are usually placed in bathrooms or toilets.
Choose a heater: wet or dry?
TEN is a heating element similar toa boiler immersed in water. The only difference is in size. Heating elements are dry or wet; which one is better and is there a significant difference? You have probably seen such kettles, the heating element of which is a solid bottom, and not a spiral. Approximately the same situation is with a dry heating element, where the heating elements are located directly behind the walls of the tank, heating it, and not the water. Accordingly, the requirements for water and its quality are reduced, because the heating element does not directly come into contact with it. In addition, there is no scale on the heating element, which quickly disables the device and reduces its functionality and efficiency. And most importantly, in the case of a dry heating element, there is no probability of its breakdown, which threatens that a person can even get under voltage when using a boiler. A wet heating element is the same spiral immersed in water. The main element is a nichrome spiral placed inside a copper tube filled with quartz sand. The downside is obvious - constant contact with water, respectively, the formation of limescale and deposits on the heater and a higher probability of breakdown. From a safety point of view, such a heating element also gives way to a dry one.
Flowing water heater (electric)
And finally, one more varietywater heater - instantaneous electric. Usually, such devices are installed in those rooms where electric stoves are used, because the wiring power is not enough for its installation. If you decide to choose a water heater of this type for an apartment with a gas stove, then opt for a device of lower power. There are several obvious advantages here: unlimited supply of hot water, just open the tap. No preliminary preparation is also required. There is no need for constant maintenance. This is already enough to opt for such a unit. But in order to instantly heat a huge amount of water, a lot of electricity will be required. This may be the only drawback of a flow-through water heater. Having decided to buy such a heater, think about what exactly you need it for. Everything is as in the first two cases: the power depends on your needs, which can vary from 3 kW to 27 kW. For example, if you use such equipment to wash dishes or take a shower, 8 kW is enough. But to take a bath, you will need at least 13 kW - such a device requires special wiring with a voltage of 380 V. Here you cannot do without additional advice from a professional - do not save on this. By the way, if you plan to place such a device in a country house, a specialist's consultation will also not hurt. If you have chosen a flow-through water heater correctly and opted for the most suitable device for you, then hot water will be available to you at any time. Features of flow-through water heaters:
- Small size;
- Instantaneous heating of water (enough seconds);
- Heating unlimited amount of water;
- Easy installation and dismantling;
- Independence from water quality;
- Pleasant price;
- High power;
- Difficulties in posting;
- The action is directed to one particular water supply location;
- Limitations in the head of water.
If, despite some peculiarities, youIf you decide to purchase such a water heater, be sure to pay attention to its protection class. The manufacturer indicates this information on the packaging or in the passport that comes with the device. The information is presented in the form of two letters IP and a combination of two digits, for example IP31. The first digit is an indicator of the level of protection against penetration of foreign objects into the heater. Digit 1 means protection against penetration of large objects (but not larger than a hand), 2 is protection against objects as thick as a finger, but not larger. Accordingly, 3 is protection against objects no larger than 1 sq. mm and 4 is no possibility of contact even with dust. The second digit is an indicator of the housing’s resistance to contact with water. 0 is no protection. 1 is protection against water drops falling from above. 2 is protection against rain, if the angle of water splashes is no more than 60 degrees. Digit 3 means protection against splashes of various kinds and from all directions, and 4 is protection against water even in the form of a jet. Be sure to pay attention to such data. In conclusion of the question of how to choose a water heater, it is important to note that you should always choose a device that meets your initial requirements. If you need a horizontal boiler, there is no point in buying a vertical one and struggling with the question of how to place it more conveniently. The same can be said about the heating element. Give preference to high-quality, safe European models that combine not only good quality, but also a thoughtful, stylish design and an optimal price. And then you will always be provided with hot water without any problems!