Choosing a school for your child is a serious step, in which you need to pay attention to some points. Of these, two of the most important ones can be distinguished:
- the child goes for the first time to school - in the first class
- the child is already at school, but you for some reason decided to change the school
First teacher
For example, when choosing an educational institution foryour first-grader, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the choice of school, but also carefully consider the choice of the first teacher. After all, the first teacher plays an important role in the life of a first-grader. Kids going to first grade are not yet independent enough, they need constant attention and care. And since there will be no parents or educators next to him, there will be no one to look after him. Much in his adult independent life depends on what kind of teacher the child will have at the beginning of his school career. In order for the child to adapt to new conditions and get used to school, to become independent, the first teacher is of great importance. Primary school should not be too different for a child from attending a kindergarten. And the first teacher is a kind of the same educator, only with even greater responsibilities and responsibilities: a nanny, and an educator, and a teacher, all rolled into one. For his charges, the teacher becomes not only a teacher and an educator, during classes, he must be a great authority for the first-graders. Much, undoubtedly, depends on the choice of school, what program, what teachers teach in this school, how strong the school administration is, what sports sections and clubs exist in the school and much more. Even if you are lucky with the school, and you choose a fairly good school - this does not mean that everything is wonderful. If the teacher cannot interest your child and find a common language with him, then all the good data of this school will not count. The main role is still given to the first teacher. Keep in mind that, when choosing a school, you need to first of all pay attention to the teacher your student will get. Choose a strong and responsible teacher, attentive enough to first-graders. If the teacher can interest children, then studying will be interesting and educational. He will occupy children with games during breaks, and will also live with his charges their interests and their life. Then you and your child will not have any problems in school life. A first-grader will find school interesting and will happily attend an educational institution where he has made many friends, and most importantly, his favorite teacher awaits him at school, who tells him many interesting things. If your child goes to middle school, then everything is different there. After all, this is already an experienced student, he has already gotten used to school, knows what is required of him. The schoolchild has his own hobbies and interests. A middle school student takes his studies quite seriously, because he has a choice of profession ahead of him.
School Change
If for some reason you are in elementary schooldoes not suit you, then it makes sense to think: is it worth continuing your studies there? Or maybe it is better to change to a better school that provides much more knowledge necessary for further admission to a university. Here it is necessary to make the right choice of a school with the study of foreign languages or in-depth study of some important subjects. Try to find out about the prospects that this school provides for admission to universities. Perhaps the school you are interested in has sponsors. Currently, patronage of universities over schools is practiced. Universities in sponsored schools conduct various electives, as well as preparatory courses and Olympiads. All these events contribute to admission to a university. When choosing a school, be sure to listen to the opinion of the child, because he will have to study at this school.