Nowadays, almost every person's morningbegins with a cup of aromatic coffee, capable of giving vigor and excellent mood for the whole day. And, it means that a coffee maker in the kitchen is no longer an exclusive rarity, but a vital necessity. For all coffee connoisseurs, the choice of a coffee maker for the home is one of, figuratively speaking, burning, urgent tasks. The modern market offers a huge variety of different products. These are horn machines, and drip models, automatic and mechanical. Thus, the problem of how to choose a coffee maker is easily solved, the main thing is to decide on the most suitable option for yourself. As you know, even the same type of coffee, but prepared in different types of coffee makers, will have quite a variety of flavors. In any case, when choosing a coffee maker, first of all, your "coffee" preferences are taken into account. What kind of coffee do you want to start each new day with, treat your guests? Will it be regular or espresso? And the grind - regular or using a pre-prepared mixture? After all, each coffee maker has its own principle of preparing a drink. So, what is the difference between one model and another, and how to choose a coffee maker for your home among the many existing options?
Which coffee maker to choose?
Before we get to the actualrecommendations on which coffee maker is better to choose, it is necessary to note what is the similarity of operation of all models. During the preparation of the drink, a layer of coffee beans comes into contact with necessarily hot water. This is necessary in order to most fully reveal the taste and aroma of coffee. The standard value for modern espresso models is a pressure of at least 15 atmospheres. This criterion deserves special attention, otherwise, coffee prepared at a lower pressure is unlikely to be real. At first glance, it may seem that there are many different brands and options, but if we touch on the question of how to choose a coffee maker for home use in more detail, then we can distinguish two main types of products: espresso and drip. Models of these groups will differ not only in the way the pressure is created, but also in additional functional equipment aimed at the most comfortable operation by the user. Thus, there are products that are partially or fully automatic, with different capacities for coffee beans and water. Drip coffee makers are considered the easiest to use and lower in price. However, if you buy an espresso grinder, you can also make wonderful cappuccino. When thinking about which coffee maker to choose, you should also pay attention to combined models. They are convenient because they consist of a horn coffee maker and a coffee grinder. Thus, the process of making a drink becomes even simpler. Combined coffee makers can brew about a liter of coffee using the so-called drip method or make a cup of delicious espresso. With the help of a separate device, cream is whipped for cappuccino. These models are mainly purchased by those people who cannot decide which coffee they like best.
How to choose a drip coffee machine
As already mentioned, the simplest andA relatively inexpensive coffee maker is a drip coffee maker. The method of preparing the drink is often called filtration. During the operation of the coffee maker, hot water drips onto the coffee, which is in a special bag or filter mesh. As a result, the aromatic drink flows into the coffee pot. At the same time, it is believed that the slower the water passes through the coffee in the bag, the more flavor it will absorb, and the drink will be quite strong. At the same time, too slow a process of flowing into the coffee pot, as a rule, causes cooling of the water, thus delaying the process of brewing coffee. With the help of drip coffee makers, you can prepare from 1 to 15 cups of drink, while filling one or two cups at once. Thinking about how to choose the right drip coffee maker, you should pay special attention to the power of a particular model. It should be noted that the richness of the drink depends on the time spent on brewing it. If you prefer strong coffee, it is best to buy a coffee maker with a power of about 800 watts. When deciding which coffee maker to buy for home, people often look at the type of filter in the product. There are three types of filters. These are paper (for single use), nylon (at least fifty brews), and “gold” (the filter is covered with a special layer of titanium nitride). In addition, the solution to the problem of choosing a coffee maker also depends on the presence of a convenient external indicator. Its level scale is used to determine the amount of water poured into the device. Some models are equipped with a compliance scale. It shows the number of spoons of coffee that will be needed to make coffee, based on the volume of water.
How to choose an espresso machine
Translated by Italian, the word "espresso"означает «быстро». Главное отличие кофеварок эспрессо от капельных – в обработке кофейного порошка. Вместо кипятка используется водяной пар. Нужно отметить, что кофеварки эспрессо часто еще называют рожковыми. Это обусловлено тем, что кофейный порошок для заваривания насыпают в специальный рожок. При этом, материал, из которого изготовлен рожок, влияет на вкус и качество готового кофе. Считается, что более качественным будет напиток, полученный из металлического рожка. В любом случае, выбор кофеварки эспрессо предусматривает применения крупного помола кофе. Зерна перед этим были обжарены по специальной технологии. Кофеварка эспрессо используется и для приготовления капучино. Получить молочную пенку помогает режим «пар». Трубочка с насадкой опускается в емкость с молоком, чтобы через нее прогонялся пар под высоким давлением, образовывая пенку. Для того, чтобы решить, как подобрать кофеварку эспрессо, следует вначале определиться с видом изделия: будет это Steam-Espresso или Pump-Espresso. Работа кофеварки первого типа заключается в том, что имеющиеся в агрегате вода доводиться до кипения, а потом переходить в пар. Как только давление стало достаточно высоким, происходит открывание клапана и вода проходить в емкость с кофе. Модели первой группы рассчитаны на приготовление от двух до четырех чашек кофе. К тому же, это происходит при низком давлении, а, значит, что и процесс приготовления кофе достаточно медленный. Более подходящими и совершенными изделиями являются аппараты группы Pump-Espresso. Принято считать, что выбирая кофеварки эспрессо данного типа, можно получить более экономные модели. А, поскольку вся процедура происходит под большим давлением, то напиток получается ароматным и насыщенным. Принцип работы заключается в том, что мощный электромагнитный насос быстро создает высокое давление в бойлере. Из отдельной емкости в него подается холодная вода, которая, после нагрева, проходит через слой кофейного порошка. Принимая решение, какую выбрать кофеварку эспрессо, берут во внимание и то, что Pump-Espresso варит более качественное кофе, чем Steam-Espresso, потому что происходит строгое выдерживание температуры приготовления. Если же вы являетесь любителем капучино, то, перед тем, как выбрать рожковую кофеварку, следует поинтересоваться, как в приглянувшейся модели реализована функция заваривания этого напитка. Для того, чтобы быстро и легко создать необходимую пенку из молока, данные кофеварки часто оснащены дополнительными насадками и функциональными приспособлениями. Таким образом, выбор рожковой кофеварки может определяться и системой взбивания молока, которая бывает двух видов: механической и автоматической. Если остановиться на механической, то нужно понимать, что не так уж и легко будет приготовить «настоящую» молочную пенку, такую, как в кофейнях. Сам процесс работы «капучинатора» включает в себя опускание трубочки со специальной насадкой в емкость с молоком. После этого прогоняется пар под высоким давлением и образуется пенка. В любом случае, при выборе рожковой кофеварки данного типа, потребуются практически профессиональные навыки и достаточно жирное молоко. Рекомендуется использовать молоко с жирностью не менее 3.5% или сливки. Автоматический «капучинатор» приготовит молочную пену намного быстрее. Для этого нужно залить молоко в предусмотренную емкость, включить режим «капучино» и пена начнет стекать в чашку. Бывают модели, в которых можно установить предпочтительную густоту пенки. В любом случае, задумываясь, как выбирать рожковую кофеварку, следует обращать внимание на целых ряд особенностей той или иной модели.
How to choose a good coffee maker
Once you have already decided on what,which coffee maker to choose (drip, espresso or combination), read the technical specifications of the product. It should be noted that the lower the power ratings indicated by the manufacturer, the stronger and richer the drink you can get. It is especially important to consider this when buying machines that do not have coffee strength adjustment. When thinking about how to choose a good coffee maker, pay attention to the most important components of the product. First of all, the filter. As already mentioned, it comes in three types. Usually, a nylon filter is included. However, if you prefer longer operation, without frequent filter changes, then it is better to buy a “gold” one. The decision on how to choose good coffee makers also depends on the auto-heating plate. In the simplest models, the coffee will be heated until you turn off the coffee maker yourself. Why is this necessary? First of all, such a plate is designed to heat the coffee pot. As you know, coffee will taste better if you pour it into a slightly warmed-up rather than cold container. Secondly, the auto-heating function ensures that the coffee itself is hot enough. In addition, when answering the question of how to choose a coffee maker, experts recommend purchasing models with an external water level indicator or a compliance scale. Modern models are also often equipped with a special coffee pot, which, if necessary, can also be used in a microwave oven. As for the flask, its handle should be made of heat-insulating material. You can also choose coffee makers with an aroma protection system. For this purpose, manufacturers develop special lids for the coffee pot or change the design of the spout. Also, coffee pots are often protected from careless pouring. This technology provides for automatic shutdown if you decide to brew more coffee than the maximum capacity of the flask. It should be noted that when choosing a coffee maker for the home, pay attention to the anti-drip mechanism. The function of this shutter is to pour a cup of coffee, if necessary, even if the other portions are not yet completely ready. When the flask is removed, the coffee from the coffee maker stops flowing. After the flask is put back in place, it will automatically press the shutter and the coffee will start pouring into the coffee pot again. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that if the flask is outside the working coffee maker for more than five minutes, the coffee can break through the filter and spill out of the container. When deciding which coffee maker to choose for your home, it is important not to forget to check for a compartment for the cord. If you wind the cord in a random order, there is a risk of breakage at the bends. With a normally functioning cord winder, breakage can be avoided. Thus, as we can see, the answer to the question of how to choose a coffee maker largely depends on a detailed study of the functionality and technical characteristics of each product. We recommend reading: