Most women get scared when they noticebloody discharge, and feverishly begin to think that they have contracted some terrible and incurable disease. Modern media and daily television advertising only fuel these assumptions and guesses. Of course, in the best case, many women make an appointment with a gynecologist and take the necessary tests.
What are women's discharge?
If the disease that has arisen is confirmed,The gynecologist prescribes treatment or preventive measures in a timely manner and soon the problem goes away. However, as a rule, most women, having read questionable literature, begin to self-medicate: they run to the pharmacy and buy everything they can buy from medical drugs, it does not matter at all what it will be, whether powders, or tablets, or suppositories - just to get rid of this terrible ailment that has befallen them as soon as possible. This approach is completely wrong. Every woman of reproductive age should understand that vaginal discharge is a normal phenomenon. These are the same physiological discharges as, for example, secretions of the salivary glands, sebaceous glands, production of gastric juice, etc. Discharge in women is mandatory, their presence indicates normal functioning of the vagina, the production of the necessary secretion in it. Another question is that women should know what discharge is normal and what discharge gives cause for concern. It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the discharge, its smell, consistency. If the woman is healthy, the discharge is colorless or whitish and has no smell. Of course, if you notice bloody discharge, a change in structure and an unpleasant odor, then this is a direct reason to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. Most often, the appearance of an unpleasant odor and abnormal color in the discharge occurs with banal improper hygiene or improper nutrition. It is worth normalizing these two factors, and the problem will disappear without making you wait long. Trying to cure yourself and get rid of the discharge is a dangerous and unreasonable activity. To some extent, this also affects bloody discharge from the vagina. In any case, a reasonable action for any discharge that bothers you is a visit to the doctor, who will make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment if necessary, or dispel your alarming suspicions.
Bloody discharge in girls and adolescent girls
Vaginal discharge in girls from the momentbirth to 9-11 years is an abnormal phenomenon. During this period of physiological rest, puberty has not yet occurred, the eggs have not yet matured, the menstrual cycle (period) is absent, and female sex hormones are in small quantities and do not have any effect on the growing body. The appearance of discharge in girls up to 9-11 years is a clear sign of problems and disorders in the sexual sphere. This is especially true for the appearance of bloody discharge in newborn girls. This may mean an infectious disease with damage to nearby organs, extremely early puberty, or the transfer of an infection from the anus to the vagina by the child's hands. The infection develops quickly, since little girls have no protection in the vagina - lactic acid bacteria (up to 8 years). Inflammatory processes that appear in the vagina and labia are vulvovaginitis. As girls grow older, vulvovaginitis occurs less frequently if hygiene is observed. The appearance of any discharge in girls under 11 years old is a reason to consult a gynecologist for consultation and diagnosis. Bloody discharge in teenage girls aged 11-18 years is called juvenile or pubertal uterine bleeding, which is dysfunctional in nature, it is associated with a violation of the menstrual cycle and hormonal function of the ovaries. Such bleeding in girls is considered the most complex pathology of puberty. In recent years, such a disorder has become a very common problem. In some situations, juvenile bleeding in girls can coincide in time with the next menstruation, their presence can be determined by a larger amount of blood loss. In other cases, juvenile bleeding can appear before, after or between periods. Often, discharge in teenage girls appears the first 2-3 years after the first period. If the bleeding in girls is irregular, painful, very heavy, then it is necessary to consult a pediatric gynecologist, since most often these bleedings are disorders of the reproductive system. You cannot ignore them, you need to treat the girl so that in the future these bleedings do not affect her reproductive health.
Causes of bleeding in women
If women of any age categorythere are discharges that appear not during menstruation, but before or after, this indicates the presence of disorders and possible diseases in the body. Since 2011, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics has developed and put into effect detailed recommendations regarding the causes of bloody discharge after menstruation at any age. The unique result of the Federation's work is that a classification was developed, which is a visual instruction and is used by gynecologists when establishing a diagnosis and identifying possible causes of discharge between periods among women of any age category. The main causes of bloody discharge in women can be disorders and diseases in the female body. Endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa, bloody discharge occurs later or between periods. Ectopy of the cervix - Discharge due to contact of the cervix with the penis during intercourse, with a gynecological speculum during a medical examination, etc. Insufficiency of the second phase of the menstrual cycle - abnormal formation of the corpus luteum after ovulation. Cancer of the cervix and endometrium - discharge of varying intensity regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - heavy bleeding that occurs after a delay. Trauma to the genitals - discharge after violent actions during sex, leading to rupture of the vagina or posterior commissure. Ovulatory syndrome - discharge in the middle of the cycle in small quantities with sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Endometriosis - the appearance of spotting bloody discharge later than normal menstruation. Uterine fibroids with submucosal location of nodes - bloody discharge during menstruation of a prolonged nature with cutting pains in the ovaries. Hyperplasia and polyps of the endometrium - discharge before or after menstruation, and during menstruation - discharge of clots.
Additional causes of bleeding in a woman
If you have started taking oral contraceptives(tablets), you may experience slight bloody discharge between periods. This happens because the uterine lining has not previously received such a quantity of hormones that began to enter the body along with birth control pills. Such discharge is normal if it is observed during the first months of taking such contraceptives, until the body gets used to the new source of hormones. After getting used to it, the discharge stops. Bloody discharge after menstruation may appear in women who use vaginal rings or hormonal patches that act on the principle of birth control pills, which stop quite soon. Discharge in women may be observed when using hormonal implants containing only progestins; when installing intrauterine devices, both regular and hormonal. The spirals are inserted into the uterine cavity, tightly adjoining the mucous membrane, thereby changing the nature of the menstrual flow. In medicine, short-term and scanty discharge in the presence of an IUD is considered normal. Every woman at any age must be attentive to herself and pay special attention to any changes and deviations from the norm. If you have a prolonged and heavy menstruation lasting more than 7 days, you should see a gynecologist to find out the cause. You cannot let it slide and ignore it, as it can be a sign of a number of gynecological diseases (polyps, fibroids, uterine cancer, decreased platelet count in the blood), as well as a blood clotting disorder. If a situation arises when bloody discharge begins (heavy or scanty), accompanied by an increase in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness or severe weakness, then call an ambulance as soon as possible or immediately go to the hospital for an emergency examination by specialists. Women over 45 years old need to remember that at this age, the risk of cancer increases significantly. If you notice any symptoms that bother you, you need to see a gynecologist and undergo the prescribed examination.
What does the discharge mean in pregnant women?
Pregnancy is one of the most important andsignificant periods in the life of every woman. Pregnancy requires every woman to comply with the necessary requirements, norms and rules, a sensitive and attentive attitude to her body and the emerging new life inside her. Any deviation in the condition of a pregnant woman, the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina or unexpected pain of any nature and duration signal an unfavorable situation inside her body, and a timely visit to a gynecologist will help eliminate the cause of the problem and restore balance. Special and close attention should be paid to the occurrence of any bloody discharge and other unpleasant symptoms. The occurrence of discharge in pregnant women can threaten the most terrible consequences: miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, placenta previa, premature detachment of the placenta, etc. If discharge appears in any trimester of pregnancy, you must immediately consult a doctor to receive the necessary or even emergency care. The reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge in pregnant women can be very simple (lifted excessive weight), often accompanied by implantation or simple bleeding. By the way, implantation bleeding can indicate early pregnancy, although the woman does not yet suspect it. If the expectant mother does not consult a gynecologist in a timely manner, does not undergo appropriate tests and examinations, the situation can become tragic and end badly for both the expectant mother and the unborn child. Gynecologists identify another serious reason for bloody discharge in pregnant women in the first half of the trimester of pregnancy - a lack of the hormone progesterone. In the next, second trimester of pregnancy, discharge may appear under the influence of the hormone estrogen. In the third trimester of pregnancy, if discharge with blood streaks appears, this is a sure sign that the mucus plug will soon come off and the long-awaited labor will begin. In any case, if the discharge does not cause any discomfort to pregnant women, for example, a bad smell, itching, etc., it is considered completely normal.
Discharge after childbirth - is it normal?
Bloody discharge immediately after childbirthare considered normal. These discharges are called lochia - dead endometrial cells that form in the middle of placental abruption. In the first week after childbirth, the discharge is very abundant, contains large clots and is bright red. Lochia occurs in all women after childbirth, regardless of whether the woman gave birth herself or had a cesarean section. Gradually, the discharge changes color, becomes from brown to light brown, then becomes transparent and disappears. The first normal menstruation begins after a few months, during breastfeeding or after its completion. The first menstruation, as a rule, is painful, profuse, and this is absolutely normal. It is better to wait with sex, despite the fact that the discharge has already acquired a brown, not bloody color. If the discharge after childbirth remains bright red for 10 days, has blood clots, appears again between the second week after childbirth, there is a feeling of weakness, fever and an unpleasant smell of discharge, then you should immediately consult a doctor and do an ultrasound with a vaginal sensor. Postpartum recovery is slowed down if the woman's body is experiencing an inflammatory process, there is decreased blood clotting, there are fibroid nodes in the uterus, a bend in the uterus, infantilism and other pathologies. Sudden heavy bleeding can begin if the entire placenta has not come out and some part of its membrane remains inside. In this case, doctors clean the uterus. Heavy discharge after childbirth can appear if there was a rupture of the uterus and vagina. In order for the uterus to return to normal faster, you need to breastfeed your children, lie on your stomach more often, visit the toilet in a timely manner (do not hold it in) and carefully observe personal hygiene. It often happens that an obstetrician, due to his/her negligence, can forget a cotton swab in the vagina, after which discharge also appears. If there is bloody discharge, you cannot take a bath, but you can wash yourself with decoctions of medicinal herbs. The postpartum period should be taken very seriously, as well as the pregnancy and childbirth itself. If a woman does not understand the reason for the occurrence of discharge of any nature, especially bloody, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.
Tips for maintaining women's health
Dear women, it is very important to listen toyour body, if you have noticed that intermenstrual discharge has begun to appear, the next period is very painful, heavier than before, becomes irregular, or there is bloody discharge after menstruation, then you must immediately consult a doctor. A gynecologist and endocrinologist will help to understand the problem that has arisen, prescribe the appropriate examination and timely treatment if necessary, thus helping you to eliminate the cause of the discharge at an early stage. Every woman of any age category should be more attentive to herself, undergo mandatory visits and annual examinations with doctors. Only in this case will you know that everything is fine with you, you will be calm about your female body and look with joy to a happy future.