weight gain While most of the female audience of runet underthe influence of the dominant notions of beauty drives into the search engines phrases like "How to lose weight fast", often very relevant to the fair sex becomes the opposite question - how to gain weight. In what cases does this become really necessary? First, not everyone likes anorexic thin. A woman should not be a walking exhibit, on which it is possible to teach the anatomy of medical students. Secondly, weight deficit may become a consequence of illness or taking medications for weight loss. The obsession with the idea of ​​reducing your own weight can lead to serious illnesses or even death. Thirdly, it is not uncommon to gain weight recommended to lactating women. Of course, you need to gain weight too - without negative consequences for your health and beauty. Therefore, speaking about how to gain weight to a woman, we will adhere to the recommendations given by nutritionists and other specialists, and these councils have been repeatedly tested in practice. So, to begin with, we need to understand that the topic of reducing or weight gain is a complex problem that should be addressed immediately on several levels, including nutrition, exercise, psychological state and relaxation, adequate to the appropriate loads and nutrition. proper nutrition for weight gain

Proper nutrition

First of all, if you want fastyou need to change the diet, including those products that contribute to weight gain. To eat should be at least four times a day, and between the main meals to provide several "snacks" - for example, nuts, dried fruits, sweet fruit, muesli with yogurt, etc. In this case, do not necessarily eat up to the heap, as some believe. Rather, on the contrary, it is worthwhile to think through your menu before each meal. Another misconception that should be dispelled is connected with the fact that a lot of carbohydrates are needed for rapid weight gain. In fact, nutritionists are advised in this regard to consume meat, fish, seafood, fatty cottage cheese and eggs with vegetables. There is even a special order of taking certain dishes, which is recommended for quick weight gain. It includes the following tips:

  • it is advisable to swap the first and second course, that is, first you need to eat the second and only then - the first;
  • First of all you need to eat the biggest dish in its volume;
  • learn to eat a lot, use spices and savory snacks to whet your appetite.

Be sure to have a good breakfast, for example, with porridgeson milk. If you want to quickly gain weight, then your portions at meals should be large. There is a chance that with unaccustomedness at first you will feel some discomfort after eating, but it's natural when you weight. The fact is that people who need weight gain, are used to eating small portions. You need to gradually learn to eat so much so that your weight is recruited to the required level. Drink milk more often, eat dairy products, yoghurts with high fat content, etc.

Physical exercises

Usually physical exercises are advised to those whowants to lose weight, but in order to gain weight without compromising on health and beauty, you need to play sports. Otherwise, you risk gaining weight at the waist and hips, which can ruin your figure. To new kilograms distributed in the right places, you need to gain muscle mass (not fat) with the help of strength exercises. Your sports equipment should be dumbbells, rods and special simulators. Develop a program for training with this equipment, or at least to suggest the right direction should the fitness coach. He should determine the level of workloads so that your classes will pass without injuries and health problems. Professionals are advised to do basic exercises: squats, bench presses and standing, tilting in the slope, bending arms with a barbell, etc. Do not strongly interfere with the training of your press, but you absolutely do not need to give up this exercise. If you are engaged in aerobics, then it is worth it to temporarily give up or conduct these exercises for ten minutes as a warm-up before the main workout. It is not necessary to do those exercises that burn calories, for example, it concerns lessons on the treadmill, as by doing this you will negate your efforts to gain weight. To spur the process can be at the expense of a special sports nutrition, in particular, instant dry cocktails, having a variety of tastes. They are designed just for men and women who seek to increase their weight by gaining muscle mass. These cocktails are perfectly balanced, they contain all the necessary substances - fiber, protein, vitamins, etc. Your trainer or sales consultants in specialized stores will help you decide and make the right choice. physical loads for weight gain

Experiences and stresses

It is often the case that women lose their appetite and weightbecause of strong experiences and stresses. This problem must be resolved necessarily, as a sharp loss of weight can lead to serious health problems, including an immune system disorder. To restore a healthy appetite and optimal weight, you need to get rid of the cause of emotional unrest: contact a psychologist, read books on personal growth, engage in favorite things more often, or have a hobby. If the stress has arisen because of a specific personal cause, for example a husband or a loved one has left, then this is no reason to despair. You can not cope with the problem yourself - contact a specialist. In any case, it is necessary to solve the problem, and there are many ways for this. It's possible that you yourself can not understand the reasons for your irritability and feelings on any occasion. Analyze your condition, try to find out what is causing you to lose yourself. Maybe the reason is not in others, but in yourself, and you are not satisfied with the way of life that you lead. Changing the situation, work or even a way of life is not a very serious price for your health. Fatigue, problems at work, lack of time for rest are also possible reasons for loss of appetite and weight. You need to learn to relax, alternate active and passive rest. Do not think that the time lost for the workweek for sleep will be able to catch up on the weekend. Properly plan your holiday, try to sleep at least 9 hours a day. If there is a possibility for an afternoon nap - use it necessarily. Do uncomplicated relaxing or stretching exercises for the night. Try to practice meditation. If it helps you to relax, it will only have a positive effect on your health. weight gain result

Bad habits

There are also factors that prevent weight gaina woman as bad habits. The fact is that alcohol and smoking have a very negative effect on metabolism. If you are trying to gain weight quickly, you eat well and often, but the calories consumed seem to "fail" somewhere, the problem can be the violation of metabolic processes in the body. In this case, excessive consumption of alcohol or frequent smoking makes the normalization of metabolism extremely problematic, and the weight is very slow. Here you need to make an informed choice. And the rejection of bad habits should be for you the first step towards the realization of the goal. How to do it? Remember that there is no weak will, there is a weak motivation. Do not wait for suitable circumstances to create conditions for you to quit smoking. Create the conditions for yourself, stay away from those people who suffer from the same bad habits that you do. Always remember the goal: you do not just want to prove something to others, but change yourself, regain health and appetite. Tired of being jerky and skinny bitch, constantly disappearing in the "smoking room"? Act, practice your self-control. Excuses such as "this is stronger than me" - the usual manifestations of laziness. Not habits should control you, and you - habits.

Forward - to the goal!

Let us sum up all of the above. Eat correctly, observing a mode of reception of food. Physical loads should not burn the calories eaten, but build up your muscle mass. Try to be balanced and calm, avoid stress, and if your work is associated with experiences, then learn how to deal with them. Do not be afraid to address a psychologist, not all problems can be solved alone. Rest more often, because during rest calories are wasted more slowly. Getting rid of bad habits, you will not only join a healthy lifestyle, but also help your body to establish the correct metabolism. Following these simple rules, you already after two or three weeks will feel an increase in your weight. Do not stop there, otherwise you will have to start all over again. This does not mean that the weight should be typed constantly, choose a comfortable weight for yourself and stick to it. If you are confident in yourself, buy more loose clothes than usual. You will need it when you gain weight. Wide trousers and skirts, free T-shirts will be the most suitable option. Correctly, for the benefit of your health and beauty!

