Childbirth has always been called nothing other than"mystery". And this is not without reason - after all, what could be more mysterious and majestic than the birth of a new life? However, at all times, women waited for childbirth with fear of pain. That is why women looked for a way to ease the course of the birth process. One of these methods is water birth. Such births are not a new invention of mankind, even in ancient times this method of childbirth was widely practiced, but was forgotten for many centuries. And in recent years, water births are becoming increasingly popular. Special courses for expectant parents have appeared that prepare them specifically for such "water births". The courses will tell you in detail about all the features of such births, as a rule, it is also possible to watch a video. Water births in the maternity hospital are almost impossible, so most often they happen at home. Those women who have had water births, happily show photos to other pregnant women, trying to convince them of complete safety and advantages.
Reviews of those who experienced this on themselves
If you decide to go for a water birth, reviewswill help you get a more complete picture of this process. In addition, you can watch videos of water births on our portal. Below, those women who know firsthand what it is, share their reviews: Alena, mother of one-year-old Irochka: “The decision to give birth in water came unexpectedly, after I saw a photo of a water birth. I was so struck by the peace on the woman’s face and the boundless happiness that shone in her eyes. I was interested in water births, I read only positive reviews. And my husband and I took the risk of going to a water birth in a maternity hospital, since it was still scary at home. Since this is my first birth, I have nothing to compare it with, but I have the most pleasant impressions” Victoria, mother of three children: “I gave birth to my eldest sons, like all women, in a maternity hospital. However, after learning about my third pregnancy, I thought about an alternative method of delivery. Having decided to give birth in water, the pros and cons were weighed very carefully. I collected all the information, I even managed to watch a video of the birth in water. I gave birth at home, with a midwife. The birth went smoothly, I have the most pleasant impressions" Anna, the birth took place at home, in water: "When I got pregnant, I initially wanted my child to be born at home, surrounded by loved ones. However, during the process of dilating the cervix, something went wrong, I started bleeding heavily. Despite the fact that I was quickly taken to the maternity hospital, my son was stillborn. I experienced the worst nightmare of my life. But if I had given birth in a maternity hospital, the tragedy could have been avoided"
Types of genera in water
Before talking about water birth, it is necessaryhave a clear idea of what it is. Very often, water birth is confused with water-assisted contraction relief. Below, we will consider each option in more detail. Relief of the period of active labor contractions with water usually occurs as follows: either the woman gets under the shower, or, which is much more effective, immerses herself in a bath or pool. A positive effect is achieved due to the fact that in water the body weight becomes much less, due to which it is much easier for a woman to achieve complete relaxation of the muscle corset of the back and abdomen. Water also allows a woman to take almost any position that is comfortable for her during a contraction. If there is water circulation, this helps to provide an additional analgesic effect, which occurs due to reflex irritation of skin receptors. Unfortunately, not all women giving birth have this opportunity - not all maternity hospitals have the necessary equipment for this, because an ordinary bath will not do. The depth of such a bath should be at least 60 cm, and the width - 220 cm. That is why water birth in a maternity hospital remains only a dream for many women. Water birth is different in that not only the contractions period but also the pushing period are spent in the bath. The birth of the child also occurs in water. It is this method of delivery that causes the most controversy. Official Russian medicine categorically rejects water and condemns the possibility of water birth.
Childbirth into the water
Such a phenomenon as water birth is "for" and"against" has many. Different sources of information often provide completely different information. According to supporters of such genera, they have the following positive aspects:
- The most important advantage is the absence of bright light from operating lamps and strangers. Thanks to this, the stressful state of the expectant mother is significantly reduced.
- There is a version according to which a newborn child, immersed immediately after delivery into the water, avoids the stress factors associated with the transition from the aquatic environment to the air.
- The process of childbirth under water flows more gently andnaturally, under the influence of water, the tissues of the perineum soften and become more elastic, thereby reducing the risk of tissue rupture.
However, leading obstetricians and gynecologists provide compelling counterarguments, talking about the opposite side of underwater birth:
- There is a high risk of giving birth underwaterasphyxia of the newborn, or, in simple terms, the child can choke. Normally, this risk is very small, since all newborns have several interesting features. Firstly, from the moment the first labor contractions appear, the fetus begins to produce increased hormone prostaglandin E2, which provokes breathing, since when the diaphragm stops working, the blood flow to the brain increases. Secondly, all babies are born in a state of acute hypoxia, and the state of hypoxia provokes swallowing, not breathing movements. Therefore, in the first minute, the newborn does not inhale unless forced to do so. This is what supporters of water birth count on.
However, very often these rules do not work andthe baby makes breathing movements even before the body is fully born. And this is fraught with pneumonia at the very least, and in the worst case, the newborn will choke.
- Another risk factor is the development ofHyperthermia, both in the mother and in the fetus. This can happen if the temperature of the water exceeds the temperature of the mother's body by more than 2 degrees. This can result in serious complications, such as, for example, uterine bleeding in the early postpartum period.
- During water deliveries, there is a riskthe occurrence of such a formidable complication, as water embolism. Embolism is the penetration and circulation, together with the current of the blood of foreign substances, for example air. In the case of water embolism, water that enters through the walls of the uterine cavity, which in time and after the departure of the aftertaste is a continuous wound surface with naked injured vessels, penetrates into the vessels and can cause blockage, which, in turn, can lead to the death of the mother. This threat is recognized even by ardent supporters of births in the water, do not lose sight of this possibility and leave the water before the birth of the afterbirth.
- In two hours water begins to activelyto multiply bacteria and E. coli, so there is a high risk of infection of a woman giving birth and, as a consequence, the development of various postpartum complications, such as acute endometritis or endometriosis.
Childbirth in the sea, dolphins of the obstetrician
Birthing at sea is another variation of "water births", which first appeared in the 80s. In essence, birth at sea is no different from birth in a pool, has all the advantages and disadvantages of regular births, but the risk of infection increases. In addition, birth at sea can cause hypothermia of the body of the woman giving birth, since the water temperature is significantly lower than body temperature. In the last few years, a new type of birth has appeared - birth with dolphins in water. For Russia, birth with dolphins is still an extraordinary rarity, however, in Europe this practice has already become quite widespread. Supporters of such births in water with dolphin obstetricians tell interesting scientifically proven facts. Scientists - oceanographers have noticed a curious thing. When in contact with people, dolphins choose children when choosing an "interlocutor", if there are no children, then women. And dolphins treat pregnant women with special trepidation and warmth. Moreover, a dolphin can accurately identify a pregnant woman from several women, even if she herself does not yet suspect that she is pregnant. The same researchers claim that regular communication between a pregnant woman and dolphins has an amazing effect on the course of pregnancy, the birth process, and the further development of the child.
- Ultrasound produced by dolphins favorablyaffects the fetus, helps its correct development. Cases were recorded when the condition of the infants suffering from intrauterine hypoxia was improved, and the children in the wrong presentation turned to the head literally a few days before the birth.
- Those women who have had births with dolphins, unanimously describe the extraordinary ease during childbirth and the almost complete absence of pain.
- All the babies whose mothers were born withdolphins, possess a number of unique features. Such children have an unusually high level of IQ, an ideal psyche and harmonious physical development. In addition, these kids are almost never sick.
Who is categorically opposed to waterbirth?
Before making a final decisionPlease consider several factors. There are several groups of women for whom this type of birth is strictly prohibited, as it can most likely lead to the death of both the mother and the child.
- Women who have a narrow pelvis. By giving birth at home, they risk losing a child in the event of complications requiring immediate caesarean section.
- The above also applies equally to those future mothers, in which the child is not in the head preposition - home births in the water can lead to a tragic ending.
- Pregnant women who have a history ofplacenta previa. As a rule, in this case, delivery is possible only by caesarean section. Otherwise, with a premature detachment of the placenta, which is unavoidable in her presentation, the child will die from acute intrauterine hypoxia, and her mother's life will be threatened by bleeding.
- Also at risk are all women suffering from various chronic diseases.
If you are in one of the risk groups, the maximum iswhat you can afford is giving birth in a maternity hospital, under the supervision of specialists who, if necessary, can provide emergency medical care. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the most precious thing you have - the life of your baby. Please note that our team maintains a neutral position and does not encourage pregnant women to make any decisions. This article is for informational purposes only. We recommend reading: