And what people have not come up with toto eat tasty, but economically and healthily. Especially when it came to meat. To preserve its taste and useful qualities, our predecessors baked animal carcasses directly over a fire, without removing their skins. Then they began to coat pieces of meat with clay and bake them in the fire. Then the clay was replaced with dough, and the fire - with an oven. And finally, foil was invented. Of course, it was invented not for baking meat, but for other purposes. But cooks quickly appreciated and adopted this invention. And therefore, today, beef baked in foil is just one of the few dishes that are prepared with the help of magic metal paper. Let's learn this simple, but such a useful thing. Especially since:
- baked in foil meat has a taste of stew, and the smell of roast;
- cooking takes place without the participation of fat;
- Baked meat is juicier and more tender than boiled and softer roasted;
- this method of cooking is suitable for a diet menu;
- it's just very tasty!
Classic cooking recipe
So, having a regular oven (oven cabinet) in your kitchen and having checked the availability of foil, we prepare the following ingredients for beef baked in foil:
- Meat, better fillets - about a kilogram
- Carrots - half or whole
- Garlic head
- Salt - 2 tablespoons
- Black pepper - a teaspoon
Preparation:Clean the meat from films, wash and dry with a clean waffle towel. Wash, peel and cut the carrots into long thin bars (large strips). Cut the garlic cloves lengthwise into two to four parts (depending on the size of the cloves). Pierce the piece of beef on several sides with a long, thin and sharp knife. Push the carrot and garlic cloves into the punctures. Mix salt and pepper and rub the meat with this mixture. Take a sheet of foil, put the meat on it and wrap it tightly. Place the meat on a baking sheet and put it in an already preheated oven. When the characteristic "sizzling" sounds are heard from the oven, reduce the heat a little. Cook the meat for about an hour. The exact time depends on the size of the piece of beef and the tightness of the oven. This meat can be served hot or cold.
Portion beef in foil
The dish, of course, does not qualify as dietarypretends, but it will cope with the role of the "nail" on the festive table. However, such baked beef in foil is also suitable for a weekday dinner or lunch. Ingredients:
- About a kilogram of beef (veal)
- About a kilogram of potatoes
- A pound of champignons
- Half a glass of creamy cream
- Butter for roasting
- Spices (to your taste)
Preparation:Cut the meat into portions (like for chops). Cut the meat strictly across the grain, so that the cut has a characteristic pattern in the form of "curls" or uneven rings. Beat it, sprinkle with pepper and salt and quickly fry in a hot frying pan. As a result, we get almost ready beef with a ruddy crust. Fry the sliced potatoes in the same oil. First fry the chopped mushrooms, then pour in the cream and simmer until done. For each portion, take a sheet of foil, put the meat on it, then the potatoes, and mushrooms on top. Season each portion with spices, wrap the foil tightly, leaving a little free space inside. Bake for about 40 minutes. Serve on the table directly in the foil.
Tips and Secrets
Beef in foil will taste better if the meatmarinate in soy sauce, garlic, salt and olive oil beforehand. To ensure that the baked beef has a golden crust, unwrap the cooked meat and pour the melted juice over it. Put the meat in the oven for another 10 minutes. You can determine the readiness of the meat by the appearance of the foil. As soon as its folds begin to smoke and blacken, the meat is ready. While cooking the meat, you can safely do other things. Only about ten minutes before it is ready should you keep a close eye on it. Knowing how to bake beef in foil, you can easily prepare both a festive and an everyday dish. You will find something to make on the road or in the countryside. With sliced slices of this meat, you can make sandwiches, and with the leftovers - pizza, salad or pie. Go for it! We advise you to read: