roasted cabbage with vegetables Cauliflower takes the leading placeamong other dietary products, since it is just a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. You can use it not only, but also for adults and children, healthy and sick. If you care about your health and the health of your loved ones, you simply need to include in your main diet dishes from cauliflower and cook it as often as possible. This will help improve the digestive system, the metabolic processes of the body will also return to normal, resulting in increased immunity, and life will play bright colors. Recipes of preparation of cauliflower are diverse. In the frozen cauliflower, all the nutrients remain, so it should be present on the table throughout the year. Choosing this magic vegetable in a store or on the market, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Cabbage leaves, tight-fitting heads, should be fresh and bright green. Inflorescences should be white, fit tightly to each other and be touchy to the touch. A lot of people are annoyed by the small black bugs that are present in the cabbage cabbage. With this trouble it is easy to cope by soaking the head in salt water for a while. Most of the insects will surface. The rest are washed out during further processing. Tartontic acid, found in cauliflower, prevents the formation of fatty deposits and is therefore necessary for people trying to lose weight. If you want to improve your skin and hair, you just need to eat this wonderful vegetable, because it contains a large amount of vitamin H. fried cabbage

Recipe for fried cauliflower in cheese batter

The following ingredients are required: 500 g (average head) of cauliflower, 50-60 g of hard cheese, flour - 3 tbsp. spoons, 3 chicken eggs, spices (basil, Italian herbs), salt to taste. Cabbage is sorted into inflorescences and falls into salted boiling water for 5 minutes, after which it is turned over to a colander. Then, beat eggs and pour on them cheese, grated on a medium grater. Add in this mass salt and spices (to taste). Inflorescences first need to roll in flour, then - in cheese batter. Further it is necessary to fry in a preheated pan before the golden crust appears. Serve to the table in the decoration of greenery and fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes).

Cauliflower in wine batter

Changing the composition of batter, you can vary the tastesfried cauliflower. For the wine batter you will need the following products: 3 eggs, half a glass of water, half a glass of white wine, flour - 150 grams, salt to taste and a pinch of grated nutmeg. Separate yolks from proteins and knead the dough using yolks, adding water, wine, flour, salt, spices and grated nutmeg. After that, whipped whites are immersed in the resulting homogeneous mass. Carefully mix everything and prepare for the frying process. It is necessary to heat up the frying pan with oil and, dipping each inflorescence in a batter, fry until golden brown. different ways of roasting cauliflower

The easiest way to roast cauliflower

In this way, cook fried colorcabbage can even a child or absolutely not able to cook a person. Kochan sorts out the inflorescences and boils in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes. Then it is thrown back to the colander or taken out with the usual noise. Then it is necessary to lay boiled inflorescences in a wide bowl, salt, pepper and sprinkle with two st. spoons of flour. It is better not to mix the contents of the bowl with a spoon or fork, it is better to do it by shaking, so it is important to take the largest bowl initially. It is necessary to warm up the frying pan with sunflower oil well (the butter should be about three-quarters of the glass) and spread the cabbage inflorescences on it. Fry until golden brown.

A recipe for cauliflower cutlets

Preparation of cutlets start from the main stage: cabbage forks need to be washed, broken into twigs and dipped in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. You need to prepare the ingredients: chicken eggs - 2 pcs, 6 tablespoons. spoons of flour, hard cheese - 50 grams, salt and spices - to taste. After boiling inflorescences should be turned over to a colander, then, as water drains, it is necessary to cut them into small pieces; to taste add salt, pepper, other spices. In the received weight it is necessary to grate cheese on a small grater, to beat up eggs, to mix, gradually adding a flour. Next, you need to warm up the frying pan, where you need to lay a tablespoon of the mass, gently giving an oblong shape to the cutlets. Fry them from two sides until the appearance of a crust. To the fried cutlets, laid out on the dish, you can add greens. In the following recipe, there are 2 ways. different recipes of fried cauliflower

Preparation of cauliflower in the oven

Method one. For this recipe you will need: cauliflower - 1 kg, about 150 g of any hard cheese, bread crumbs - 3 tbsp. spoons, 1 large head of onions, garlic - 3 teeth, flour - 2 tbsp. spoons, half a liter of milk, parsley, to taste - salt, pepper, spices. After the inflorescences are washed and boiled, cabbage is spread on the heated frying pan and fried in vegetable oil until light golden. At the end of frying, add salt, pepper and spices. Separately fry finely chopped onion and garlic, after which carefully add flour, carefully removing lumps, then add milk, stirring constantly. The mass should thicken on the eyes, after 2-3 minutes. boil should be removed from the fire. When the mass cools, it must be passed through a sieve. Roasted cabbage "hides" on top of the resulting thick sauce. Grated cheese is mixed with breadcrumbs and chopped greens, and then the resulting mixture sprinkles roasted cabbage with sauce. The frying pan is placed in a preheated oven for 170 ° C for 30 minutes. Then the cabbage is cut into portions and fed to the table. Method two. Thanks to this recipe, the dish is airy, fragrant, prepared very simply and quickly. Ingredients list: 2 small cabbage forks, 4-5 chicken eggs, 200 ml of milk or cream, 50-70 g of any hard cheese, herb and salt to taste. Everything is reproduced in the same sequence: the fork is washed, disassembled, brewed, reclined into a colander. The form in which the cabbage will be cooked, is greased with vegetable oil, then it is laid down with a layer of inflorescence. Eggs are beaten with milk, salt and spices are added to taste, then the resulting mass is poured into a cabbage mold. Next, rubbed on a fine grater cheese, the dish sprinkles only one-fourth of the whole cheese mass. After that, the baking dish is sent to a preheated oven for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 170 ° C. After 30 minutes. The shape is removed and the contents are sprinkled with the remaining cheese. Then it must be put back in the oven and wait for the formation of a ruddy crust. cauliflower with greens

Recipe for fried cauliflower (without cooking)

This recipe excludes the process of boilinginflorescence, due to which the dish acquires an unusual taste. This is sure to appeal to fans of fried mushrooms. Necessary ingredients: large fork of cauliflower, one onion, 2-3 cloves of garlic, spices, salt and vegetable oil for frying. Cooked inflorescences should be placed in a heated frying pan with oil and for 5 minutes. fry, stirring well. Then you should add salt and spices to taste, and beforehand chopped onions and garlic should be put in the pan after 5 minutes. and fry for 2 more minutes. It is important not to allow the onion to acquire a golden color, it should just soften. You can serve the dish both hot and cold. Inflorescences here do not lose their elasticity and crunchiness, they can be compared with corals, they are perfect as a snack or decoration of another dish.

The recipe for an omelette with fried cauliflower and tomatoes (without cooking)

You need to prepare the following products: small head of cauliflower, 3 cloves of garlic, onion, spices and salt to taste, 3 eggs, 1 large tomato, greens and sunflower oil for frying. After the forks are broken into small inflorescences, it must be fried in a frying pan for 5 minutes, then add finely chopped onion, garlic (plates), herbs and salt. Next, you should move the cabbage and put the tomato cut into rings, which is fried on both sides and poured with a beaten egg. Then the frying pan is closed with a lid and a slow fire is put. If the surface of the omelette remains moist, you can turn it gently. In the last turn, finely chopped greens are added. This recipe with cauliflower is often enjoyed by bachelors, as this dish, in addition to the simplicity of cooking, is characterized by a variety of tastes: garlic adds spicy, cabbage note is shaded by a juicy tomato. This omelette is fried 10 minutes. If you add cream or sour cream to the eggs, the taste will become completely different. You can try to add tomatoes to the Bulgarian pepper or canned peas. With the help of cauliflower, you will not only be able to lose weight, but also bring the work of all the systems of the body to normal. This magic vegetable is also able to inhibit the formation of cancer cells.

