reasons for the appearance of bartholinite What is Bartholinitis?Is home treatment possible, or is it necessary to stay in hospital? What is the disease, how does it progress? What studies are used to diagnose it, what tests are required to prescribe adequate therapy? These are the questions asked by those who have had to deal with the disease. It should be immediately warned: self-treatment of bartholinitis is dangerous to health. If the disease becomes chronic, it will be quite difficult to get rid of it. In most cases, chronic bartholinitis is treated with surgery, during which the gland must be completely removed.

What is Bartholinitis?

Bartholinitis is a purulent process,during which acute inflammation occurs in the area of ​​the Bartholin's gland outlet. The Bartholin's gland is an organ located at the entrance to the vagina, in its posterior third. The gland's function is to secrete lubricant to facilitate sexual intercourse. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the secretion secreted by the gland through the ducts, they begin to actively multiply. The fatty substance is a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic flora. During the active reproduction of pathogenic organisms, the outlet from the gland becomes blocked, suppuration occurs - an abscess. A tumor appears at the site of inflammation - a cystic formation, or false cyst. Sometimes it swells to the size of a chicken egg. The inflammatory process spreads very quickly. From the moment of infection until the onset of inflammation, which results in blockage of the gland, no more than 4-5 days pass. The disease most often develops on one side. But sometimes the purulent process begins to arise in both ducts, on both sides at the same time. Men do not have bartholinitis, since they do not have bartholin glands.symptoms of bartholinitis

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Most often, bartholinitis is caused by infections,sexually transmitted diseases, the so-called STDs. The causative agents of these infections are trichomonads, gonococci, chlamydia. But this does not mean that if there are no venereal diseases, then you can consider yourself completely insured against inflammation of the Bartholin gland. The causes of the disease include:

  • supercooling;
  • a drop in immunity for any reason;
  • thrush, or candidiasis;
  • getting into the duct of the gland of Escherichia coli;
  • surgical intervention;
  • non-observance of hygienic rules.

The occurrence of itching in this area is typical inin cases where intimate hygiene is not observed. And scratching the groin area can introduce an infection into the Bartholin gland. Inflammation can occur not only in a woman who is sexually active, but also in a little girl. You can understand that this is bartholinitis by the characteristic symptoms:

  • swelling in the labia;
  • her redness;
  • seal in the lip;
  • pain, especially in a sitting position, which can be either nasal or intermittent;
  • cyst formation or suppuration.

To the gynecologist for the diagnosis of bartholinitisvisual inspection and palpation are sufficient. No additional studies are required to identify the disease. The primary symptoms of the disease may be accompanied by secondary symptoms, which in their manifestation are no different from the usual picture of the course of purulent-necrotic processes in the body. General weakness, dizziness appear, the temperature may rise and the lymph nodes may enlarge. And not only in the area of ​​​​the abscess. Purulent diseases are terrible because the substances secreted by pathogens are carried through the bloodstream and can cause complications affecting literally all body systems: nervous, motor and others. If bartholinitis is detected in time - the prognosis for recovery is favorable. Complications can only be caused by a disease caused by gonorrhea. In order to determine the pathogen, the gynecologist must take a discharge for analysis. Treatment is prescribed based on its results.treatment of bartholinitis folk remedies

Treatment of bartholinitis

If the patient is in a state ofat home, he must observe bed rest and sexual rest. Effective therapy is prescribed only after the pathogen has been identified. Depending on the test results, antibiotic treatment is prescribed, which can be taken orally or by injection. Pain is relieved with anesthetics, which are administered internally or applied as pain-relieving ointments to the area of ​​inflammation. Along with antibiotics, baths with soda, iodine solution or compresses with various ointments, such as Vishnevsky or ichthyol, are prescribed. This is necessary so that the abscess opens. In this case, the pain will subside. If the cyst does not open itself, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention, which is carried out in a laboratory setting and under local anesthesia. After the purulent contents have been removed, therapy is aimed at the fastest possible healing of damaged tissues. It is strictly forbidden to open the abscess and squeeze out the contents on your own. There is a risk of infection spreading throughout the body. In addition, the functioning of the Bartholin gland can be disrupted. The use of traditional medicine recipes without antibiotic therapy is pointless. Herbs can be used after the acute process has been removed to speed up the healing of the affected area. In this case, baths with chamomile, oak bark, string and eucalyptus are effective. The wound will heal quickly if you regularly apply a compress of aloe or Kalanchoe juice to it. Treatment of chronic inflammation of the Bartholin gland is carried out in stages:

  • Thermal procedures, baths with herbs, compresses aimed at removing inflammation are prescribed.
  • At the same time, antibiotic treatment is carried out.

Usually the suppuration process can be stopped.In cases where this method does not help and inflammation occurs regularly, it is necessary to remove the Bartholin gland. In order to avoid relapse of the disease, it is necessary to take preventive measures. These include taking medications that increase immunity and observing personal hygiene rules. Despite the fact that the treatment of the disease is no different from the standard therapy that is prescribed for any purulent diseases, such as furunculosis, before starting treatment, you must visit a doctor. It is impossible to identify the causative agent of the disease at home, and without this, the treatment will be ineffective. If bartholinitis occurs as a result of infection acquired sexually, then you will first need to get rid of it.

