pigment spots on the body Pigmented spots are a problem. familiar to so many people. Very many of them do not attach special importance to these spots and remember about them only if they occur in open areas of the skin. In principle, they are right - the pigmentation spots themselves do not represent any threat to human health. However, few people think about the fact that in most cases, pigmentation spots do not just appear. Especially if they appear in young people. In such cases, the pigmented spot may indicate that there are certain problems on the part of a person's health.

Causes of pigment spots

Of course, it's only the doctor who can tell you exactly why you have pigmented spots. But the general information you still will not hurt. So, let's understand the origin of pigmented spots.

  • Age changes in the skin

As already mentioned above, most often pigmentedspots appear in people with age. This is explained very simply - as the body ages, the internal organs, responsible for the removal of toxins, deteriorate. As a result, toxins begin to be excreted through the pores of the skin. As a result - pigmentation spots.

  • Hormonal changes

Young people are very often pigmented spotsappear as a result of a change in the habitual hormonal background. For example, a woman during pregnancy and / or breastfeeding, or in adolescents during puberty. And, of course, in people suffering from this or that disease, leading to a violation of the normal hormonal background.

  • Gynecological diseases

Women need to remember that oftenpigment spots indicate problems with the reproductive system - most often with inflammatory processes. Therefore, immediately go to the gynecologist - preventive examination never hurts. And the sooner the disease is detected, the less damage to the body.

  • Problems with kidney and liver

There were pigmented spots? It is not superfluous to make ultrasound examination of the liver and kidneys - a violation of their normal work also often leads to the appearance of pigmentation spots.

  • Exposure to ultraviolet light

Very often, pigmented spots appear in thelovers of chocolate skin tone. Whether it is a beach or a solarium - prolonged exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays can trigger the appearance of numerous pigmented spots. By the way, doctors recommend to avoid this - a number of studies suggest that ultraviolet radiation can provoke the development of skin cancer. appearance of pigment spots on the body

Species of pigmentation

Very many people and do not guess that pigmentation spots are not only darkening on the skin. Pigmented spots - this whole group, which include:

  • Freckles

Lovely speckles, giving the person a specialcharm and called in the people freckles, also refer to pigment spots. The number of freckles depends on the solar activity - the more ultraviolet, the more freckles. In the majority of cases, freckles are localized in exposed areas of the skin, which are exposed to the sun's rays - on the face, forearms and hands. Propensity to freckles, as a rule, is inherited.

  • Chlaozm

This term characterizes symmetricalpigmented spots that have delineated boundaries. In the cold season, these spots are almost invisible on the skin, but it's worth the sun to reach the human body, they acquire a very intense dark color. Such spots can be located on the legs and back.

  • Lentigo

These pigmented spots always have a rounded spotshape, and the diameter varies from a few millimeters to several centimeters. In most cases it is these pigment spots that occur in the elderly. If they arose from a young man - it's urgent to see a doctor. Almost always this is a sign of a serious illness. It is worth curing it and the pigmentation spots on the body will disappear by themselves.

  • Vitiligo

These pigmented spots are called, strictly speaking,it is impossible. In fact the pigment on these sites of a skin and does not suffice, therefore they have more light shade, than all other skin. It is especially visible on tanned skin. The doctors do not know the exact cause of this phenomenon to this day, but suggest that such spots appear as a result of endocrine diseases.

Methods for removing pigment spots

If the pigmentation spots do not let you sleep soundly,you can try to get rid of them. Of course, in the first place, you need to go to a doctor who will determine the nature of the origin of pigment spots and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment. And from already existing spots you can try to get rid of this:

  • Whitening products

Whitening masks and creams, in principle, givenot bad effect. But be prepared for the fact that the treatment will take you quite a long time - as a rule, not less than one month. And success depends primarily on the degree of pigmentation. However, remember that professional bleaching agents for too long to use are highly discouraged, since most of them contain a fairly large amount of mercury. Therefore, do not ignore the traditional means of bleaching the skin - they act no worse, and for your health are absolutely not dangerous.

  • Laser resurfacing

If you want to see an instant effect -go to a dermatologist. Surely you will be offered laser skin resurfacing, which in such cases is very effective. The procedure, of course, is not pleasant, so it is usually performed under anesthesia. As a rule, it is used for the face - pigment spots on the body should not be eliminated.

  • Chemical peeling

If you resort to such radical measures, you do notyou want to stop your choice on chemical peeling. Its essence is very simple - the pigment spots are treated with a special composition that bleaches them. As a rule, for this you need about 10 procedures. pigment spots on the body and the causes of

Folk remedies for bleaching pigment spots

If you decide to eliminate pigmentation spots on the bodyand face with the help of folk remedies, remember the main rule - try not to get the product on the skin around the pigmented spot. Otherwise, it will also acquire a lighter shade and there will be no sense.

  • Means with lemon

If the pigmentation spots are not too dark, you cantry to get rid of them with a sour cream and lemon mask. Grate half a lemon on the grater, mix with the same amount of sour cream and apply a thick layer on the pigmented spot. Leave the mask for about 30 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. Do this mask twice a day until the pigmentation spots disappear. If within two weeks the pigmented spots do not begin to turn pale, try using pure lemon juice. It is enough to lubricate them with pigment spots two or three times a day. As a rule, in a month they become practically invisible. One, but - people with sensitive skin can become irritated, so they need to lubricate the treated area with any moisturizer.

  • Means with hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide of hydrogen will help in those cases whenlemon juice was powerless. But be careful - if used improperly, there is a risk of damage to the skin. Strictly adhere to the preparation formula and do not do the procedure more often than recommended. And most importantly - if after the procedure you feel discomfort or redness and / or rashes appear, do not use this remedy anymore. The simplest means is a compress with hydrogen peroxide. Slice gauze napkins of small size and pour the peroxide into a glass or plastic bowl. Dampen the napkin, attach to the pigmented spot and leave for 15 minutes. The gauze dries up quickly enough, so change the napkins on time. Such a procedure is sufficient to conduct once a day, but not longer than two weeks in a row. If during this time, the pigmentation spots do not disappear, you can repeat the entire course again, but before doing this, do a one-week break. Another very good remedy for pigment spots is a curd mask with hydrogen peroxide. For its preparation you need one hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese and several spoons of hydrogen peroxide. Mix them so that you have a creamy consistency, attach to the pigmented spot and put a gauze pad on top. The duration of such a compress should be at least 30 minutes. Do it enough once a day, before bed. In most cases, it takes two weeks for the pigmented spots to turn pale. If necessary, if you do not have undesirable symptoms, you can continue treatment for about a month.

  • Tincture of parsley

If pigmented spots do not intend to give up,you can try to "hit" on them with tincture of parsley. For its preparation finely cut five tablespoons of fresh parsley, place it in a glass bottle and pour 100 grams of vodka. Insist parsley should be in the refrigerator and not less than 7 days. Then add another 100 grams of clean cold water and shake well. The resulting tincture, you should grease the pigment spots as often as possible - ideally 5-6 times a day. If you have sensitive skin, it can begin to peel off. Solve this problem quite simply - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, lubricate the skin with a baby cream without any additives. Treatment should not last longer than one month.

  • Gentle means

If the pigmentation spots are not very pronounced,you can start fighting with them with the simplest means, which act most gently. Observe the state of pigment spots - if in a couple of weeks they did not start to lighten, go to more "heavy artillery". As practice shows, a very effective means is the most common yogurt. Of course, not in the event that the pigmentation spots on the body - you will just be uncomfortable. but to eliminate them from the face you can try the usual compresses. Dilutely moisten the yogurt folded several times gauze and attach to the pigmented spot for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure at least once a day for at least two weeks. No less effective is fresh cucumber - grate it on a fine grater and put in the refrigerator for an hour. Then apply the resulting gruel to the pigment spots and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with water. It is best to do this procedure before going to sleep - in the morning your skin will please you with its condition. And remember the main thing - if you do not eliminate the very cause of the appearance of pigmented spots, their re-occurrence is inevitable. We advise you to read:

