warts on the foot Wart, wherever it appeared, does not pleasenobody. And the emergence of a wart on the sole is a catastrophe, because it causes severe pain when walking. That, however, and not surprising, because the wart is pressed by the entire mass of the body. And the larger the wart, the stronger the pain. Sometimes they are so strong that they turn walking into a real test. If you do not want to be a Mermaid from a fairy tale, for which her every step along the sushi was like walking on the tip of a dagger, you must get rid of the plantar wart. And the sooner you do this, the better - do not wait until the wart becomes too large. First, there is no need to endure acute pain, and secondly, the smaller the wart, the easier it is not to get rid of. Most often, warts are chosen for themselves by the support points of the foot - those places on which the main pressure of the body occurs. As a rule, these are pads of the fingers and heels. And the main insidiousness of the wart lies in the fact that it can begin to grow not on the surface of the skin, but inside - as a result, a callus is formed. It is easy to guess that in such a case, trying to get rid of the wart independently is not only useless, but also dangerous for your health. wart on the foot

Causes of warts

Wart on the feet, as, indeed, and on anyother parts of the body, develop due to the human papillomavirus. Doctors say that the virus infected a huge number of people - at least 70% of the world's population. Of course, this does not mean that all people who are carriers of the human papillomavirus have any warts. As long as the immune system functions normally, the papilloma virus sleeps peacefully in the body, not manifesting itself at all. But it is worth the immunity to give the slack, as the virus is activated and warts begin to appear. Therefore, the best prevention of the occurrence of warts, including on the soles - is, of course, strengthening immunity. To be infected with the human papillomavirus is quite simple, since it is very widespread. Most often there is a direct transmission of the virus - from person to person, sometimes even with the usual handshake. But the household transmission of the virus also occurs very often - for this it is enough to contact the sick person with the surface on which the virus is located. Shower, floor gym, the bottom of the pool, other people's shoes - all this can cause human infection. By the way, very often the papilloma virus goes hand in hand with fungi. If the skin has at least the slightest cut or microcrack, one touch to the infected surface is enough to allow the virus to easily penetrate the human body. The incubation period can vary greatly - from several weeks to many years. Its duration depends solely on the human immune system. And when it weakens - there are warts - one or more, depending on how fast the papilloma virus multiplies. Despite the fact that no one is immune from plantar warts, doctors allocate so-called risk groups - categories of people who have a much higher probability of occurrence than everyone else:

  • Teens

In adolescence, a turbulenthormonal reorganization, therefore during this period the work of the immune system is weakened. And considering that teenagers, as a rule, visit various sections, go to physical education classes at school, the probability of infection increases at times.

  • Pregnant women

Very often, with such an adversity, as plantarwarts, women face waiting for the birth of a child. This is explained simply - during pregnancy, any future mother without exception reduces immunity, so that the body can bear the child.

  • People who are active in sports

With this category of people, too, everything is simple - theyvery often attend sports halls, undress in common locker rooms, wash in the common shower. And since people with ideal immunity are very few, the human papillomavirus does not sleep.

Signs of plantar warts

It would seem, what are the signs? Well wart and a wart. But no - plantar wart people are very often confused with an ordinary callous or natoptyshami. And they realize that they made a mistake, only when they try to cut off the wart - blood drops appear instead of the expected transparent liquid. Therefore, it will be superfluous to know how to distinguish a wart from corns. It is not difficult to do this if you evaluate the nature of pain. If you have formed a plantar wart, pressing it will give you a sharp pain on the sides of the build-up. And if the pain in the middle of the build-up - most likely in front of you is the most common corn. Although in the event that the wart is very large, it is very difficult to pinpoint the localization of pain, since almost the entire foot will ache. And one more way to understand whether the wart is in front of you or not is to examine it carefully. The plantar wart will have a round flat shape with clearly defined margins. The color of the wart on the feet is usually a fleshy or dark brown hue, and in its center there is a slight blackout - there are blood vessels that feed this very wart. wart on the foot

Treatment of plantar warts

While plantar warts are small, they arerarely pay special attention, not to mention specific treatment. The wart can be on the sole for a long time - sometimes several years and in rare cases disappears on its own. But most often this does not happen - the wart gradually grows and starts to cause painful sensations. But this is not the most unpleasant thing: if the human papillomavirus is activated too much, other warts will start to appear, sometimes merging into a group. It is quite natural that in such cases the treatment will be much more complicated. And you will not manage without it, because otherwise the constantly increasing pain will deprive you of the opportunity to walk normally. Plantar warts are the most stubborn of all, so be prepared for the fact that the treatment will require a lot of effort from you and, most importantly, patience. Of course, you can get lucky and you will get rid of the warts on the foot from the first time and in a short time, but more often it takes quite a lot of time. Important! People suffering from diabetes mellitus should treat warts on their feet solely under the strict and unceasing supervision of the doctor. The same applies to children, adolescents and the elderly - no self-activity! It is very difficult to predict how their body will behave. Although, strictly speaking, the control of the doctor during the treatment of plantar warts will not hurt anyone. Scars that can remain on the surface of the skin after incorrect removal of the wart are often painful, and getting rid of them is quite difficult. Therefore, always treatment of warts on the feet should start with the most gentle method - you will always have time to move to radical measures. For today in an arsenal of physicians there are following methods of excision of plantar warts:

  • Cryotherapy

Behind such a beautiful word lies the usualfreezing of warts - most often liquid nitrogen. The plantar wart is treated with liquid nitrogen using a special applicator. Under its influence, a blister with a watery content forms very quickly around the wart. Approximately within 7-10 days, the dead layers of the wart will exfoliate, another week will heal the crust formed at the site of the wart removal. During this procedure a person can experience pain sensations of moderate intensity, and even the blister is quite painful. But scarring practically never remain - certainly, only in the event that the doctor has correctly calculated depth of a frost. Therefore it is very important to choose a really experienced specialist.

  • Cantharidin

Cantharidin is a substance that is inthe Spanish fly. A liquid solution treats the plantar warts - there are almost no painful sensations. After about 12-24 hours, blisters appear at the treatment site. They must be treated with iodine and a sterile bandage applied. At this stage, pain can tell about yourself, but not very intensely. The dressing should be changed every day, until the moment when the dead wart of the crust appeared on the spot. It is recommended that the wound be treated with salicylic alcohol whenever it is bandaged. If the wound does not heal within 7-10 days, immediately go to the doctor!

  • Laser Therapy

One of the most common methods todaytreatment - laser therapy. Using a laser beam, the doctor carefully removes the wart, in place of which there is only a light pink spot, the color of which will soon equal the rest of the skin. Rubtsov most often after laser removal of warts on the feet does not remain.

  • Electrocoagulation

The essence of this method of wart removal -exposure to its blood vessels by high-frequency electric current. As a result, the wart loses its nourishment and dies very quickly. The method is good for removing small warts. If they are large, the risk of scarring is high.

  • Surgical excision of warts

This method of removal is the most traumatic. The doctor uses a scalpel to excise the body of the wart, and then impose the necessary number of stitches. To this method for today doctors practically do not resort. First, it's a painful experience. Secondly, the risk of infection of the wound is high. Thirdly, there are usually rough painful scars. After the doctor removes the wart, he will prescribe a special antiviral therapy that will help to eliminate the root cause of the problem - human papillomavirus. If a person does not receive such treatment, sooner or later he will have a new wart on his legs. And "this song is good, start over again." In addition, one should not forget your immune system. You remember that you can be infected at any time and anywhere? And we can not guarantee that a person who has recovered from the papilloma virus can again pick it up. And for this virus to not activate in your body, your immunity should be strong enough to contain it. We advise you to read:

