barcelona attractions Spain - these are extraordinary landscapes, good andsympathetic people, the best world museums, ancient monuments of architecture; and the roads here were laid by the hands of the ancient Romans. One of the main tourist pearls of the country is the capital of Catalonia - Barcelona, ​​located just 120 kilometers from the French-Spanish border. It is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, considered the most important commercial and industrial center. The fact is that the port of Barcelona is among the ten most busy in Europe. The capital of Catalonia attracts tourists not only with clean white beaches, but also with architecture, history, it is famous all over the world for its cuisine, music, fashion. Who has not heard of the unsurpassed architect of Gaudi, or has he seen an incendiary passionate flamenco? To see the main attractions of Barcelona, ​​to feel its spirit, to enjoy unsurpassed in its beauty landscapes and to taste Mediterranean food, it will take a lot of time. The favorite destination of most visitors is the boulevard called La Ramba, which divides the area of ​​Catalonia and the local port. It is here that the true atmosphere of today's Barcelona reigns. A crowd of brightly dressed passers-by, a lot of fruit and flower stalls, expensive restaurants with fine cuisine and courteous staff, galleries, cafeterias, street musicians and mobile theaters - visiting La Rambou, you will see everything that is filled with the life of modern Spaniards. If you want to return to the past and plunge into the past, go to the Gothic Quarter. Here you will see buildings from the Middle Ages - small labyrinths, as well as dark gloomy streets create an atmosphere that can not be conveyed in words - it needs to be experienced. Spain is a country of art and museums, of which in Barcelona there are more than forty. The most visited of them is the Picasso Museum, which displays the works of the Blue and the Pink periods of the artist's works. As for architecture, the great Antoni Gaudi forever glorified the city, having built a unique Cathedral of the Holy Family. Naturally, this is not all the world famous landmarks of Barcelona, ​​which, believe me, are worth it to be seen. attractions barcelona spain

Sights of Barcelona

Hearing the word "Spain", the first thingyou remember - it's flamenco, guitar, Gaudi, a huge port, the busiest in Europe. The national pride of the inhabitants of the country is precisely Barcelona, ​​because the whole of its historical center, made in the Gothic style, and many other monuments of architecture are still intact here. One of the main attractions of the city is the largest cathedral of St. Eulalili in Catalonia. It was built on the site of the ancient sanctuary of Jupiter and together with three palaces - Casa de L'Ardiaka, Casa delbe Canones and Degas - is a single ensemble. Barcelona is rightly considered the architectural miracle of Spain, whose attractions attract crowds of tourists every year. This is a kind of open-air museum, where, along with the Gothic creations of the Middle Ages, there are experimental buildings made in the Art Nouveau style. Here, the modern trends in art and the ancient masterpieces of Gaudi and other great architects are harmoniously combined. Barcelona is divided into ten administrative districts, and its main attractions are concentrated in three of them: the Old Town, Montjuic, located on the slopes of the hill of the same name, and the Eixample. The first locals call the Gothic Quarter, and it is considered the historical center of the Catalan capital. As for Eixample, this area was founded in the XIX century and represents a kind of "collection" of Gaudi's works. To explore the most interesting places, enjoy the marvelous beauty of the city and visit its museums, there will be few weeks. The heart of Barcelona is Plaça Catalunya, from which the main street and concurrently a local landmark named La Ramba is heading to the sea. This boulevard is the border between such neighborhoods as Gothic and Raval. Around the square, interested tourists will find many more unusual places worthy of attention: here is a monument dedicated to Columbus, Marset and the National Palaces, as well as the Exhibition Center and the Dracasset shipyards - the creation of medieval masters. Naturally, this is not all that can and should be seen in Barcelona, ​​where many other historical and architectural monuments are concentrated:

  • The highest place in the city is the mountain called Tibidabo;
  • the "cucumber" tower Agbar;
  • the indescribable beauty of the Great Royal Palace;
  • one of the most popular and rich trading platforms - the Boqueria market;
  • Monastery of Montserrat;
  • House Amatler, which is the most outstanding representative of the Art Nouveau style;
  • Do you want to see what a small copy of Barcelona looks like? Then go to the park "Catalonia in miniature."

Connoisseurs of creativity Gaudi will find in the city a lotinteresting, but those who prefer a more active holiday, can visit cafes and restaurants that are famous for their Mediterranean cuisine, or dance flamenco in one of the local clubs. A fascinating sight is a port specially rebuilt for the Olympic Games, held in Barcelona in 1992. Creative artists are encouraged to visit the museums that the capital of Catalonia is so proud of: the National Artistic, Picasso, contemporary art, historical, and also dedicated to FC Barcelona - to the local football club, one of the world's grandees. More and more tourists attract Spain every year. Some go here to enjoy a truly European service, sunbathing on white sandy beaches, master flamenco, taste local cuisine. Others are attracted by the cultural and historical heritage of the country: the architectural creations of Gaudi, magnificent temples and Gothic cathedrals, unmistakably recognized throughout the world. barcelona spain attractions

Gaudi and his influence on the architecture of the city

The capital of Catalonia is a true treasury of the worldculture. Its priceless architectural masterpieces, as well as numerous museums annually attract thousands of visitors from different countries. Over its centuries-old history, Barcelona has evolved from a small military settlement to one of the largest cities in the Mediterranean. Here developed, improved and created many great artists, but the greatest influence on the appearance of Barcelona was provided by Antonio Gaudi. His unusual and unmatched projects, known far beyond the borders of the country, are the hallmark of the city. The legacy of the genius is a set of original buildings: the houses of Batlló, Calvet and Mila, the Sagrada Familia temple, whose construction is not completed to this day, as well as the beautiful palace of Guell along with the park adjoining it. This is not all that was left behind by Gaudi. One of the main attractions of Barcelona, ​​representing the flight of thought of a genius, is the Sagrada Familia. This masterpiece of architectural art Gaudi devoted almost all his life. When he was instructed to manage the project, the man was barely 31 years old. At first, F. Villar was in charge of the construction of the church, but later he was transferred to Antonio, who by that time from an unknown architect turned into a unique master with his own unique style, now called "modernist" specialists. The work of a genius was especially influenced by Arabic architecture, Gothic art, and European baroque. The initial project, developed by Villar, Gaudi completely redesigned, changing it beyond recognition. The architect dedicated most of his life to this temple, simultaneously building the Park Guell and the houses of Batllo and Mila. However, he never managed to complete his great construction, tragically perished under the wheels of the tram. First of all, work began on the facade of Christmas, which was partially completed during the lifetime of the author. It is believed that Gaudi was afraid to cause shock among the townspeople with his project of Passion, frankly telling about the cruel crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Therefore, its construction was temporarily postponed, but resumed in 1954, when the master was no longer alive. The final outline of the facade of Christmas acquired only in the second half of the XX century, and in 1964, they established an original highlight. Being in health, the architect built next to the church an unusual in its form and design church parish school. According to his idea, it should have been exceptionally temporary, but the building still pleases modern tourists and local residents. Barcelona can not be imagined without the Sagrada Familia, it is one of the symbols of the city. However, as if he really looked today, if Gaudi remained alive and managed the project himself, no one knows for sure. The fact is that part of his notes and drawings were burned during the Civil War. The construction of the third and largest facade of the temple of Glory began at the beginning of the new millennium. Twelve towers of the cathedral symbolize the apostles of the Lord, the apse will be crowned by a tower in the form of a dome, dedicated to the mother of Christ, and over the cathedral itself, according to the architect's idea, a 170-meter tall central lamp with a cross should rise. Gaudi wanted all the residents of Barcelona to be able to fit in the church, which is probably why the works are being carried out to this day (they are planned to be completed only by 2030). It is impossible to ignore another great creation of the architect - Park Guell, which was designed by the order of a Spanish entrepreneur named Eusebi. Returning from the UK, he decided to build a country residence for himself and his family. Who, if not Gaudi - a man with an extraordinary imagination and creative scope - could translate his idea into reality? Thus, in 1990, the master developed a project according to which the park should be located away from the city, beyond its borders. However, over time, Barcelona expanded, new buildings, streets appeared, the number of inhabitants grew, so today it is practically the center of the capital of Catalonia. Extraordinary beauty of the main gate of the park with lodges like a marvelous scenery for a fairy tale film. A ten-meter tower, painted in a white and blue cage, against the backdrop of a bright sun seems like a piece of sky. Despite the fact that the idea of ​​the architect was never fully realized, the recreation area created by him is a real work of art relating to local attractions.

Seaport of Barcelona

The Port of Barcelona is the largest transport hubBy the way, it was here that the royal family met a famous expedition headed by Christopher Columbus. One of the most important achievements of local authorities was the restoration of the sea facade of Barcelona, ​​which was conducted in the process of creating in 1992 the infrastructure for the Olympic Games. This zone, actively built up by all kinds of warehouses and factories in the era of the industrial boom, was now "turned to the sea face." The port, consisting of three parts - trade, yacht and cruise, - equipped and modernized with the latest technology. To date, it takes up to a million tons of different cargo arriving from all over the world. In addition, annually a lot of tourists come to Barcelona on cruise liners. Yacht port called Vell, located opposite the historic part of the city, is the focus of entertainment and shopping centers. If you want to visit the most popular of them - "Maremagnum" - walk along the "Sea Boulevard", designed in the light of the newfangled design trends. This place attracts tourists and locals who prefer an active lifestyle, here are restaurants, cafes, play complexes and shops. If you came to rest in Barcelona, ​​be sure to visit the Old Port, which is famous for its "Aquarium", by the way, the largest in Europe. It represents the most significant collection of the underwater flora and fauna of the Mediterranean. Here you will not see the usual small glass "boxes" with fish. In the 80-meter transparent tunnel, which is laid along the very bottom of the largest round oceanarium, the most beautiful inhabitants of the sea depth have found their shelter - there are more than four thousand of them. Particularly breathtaking is the sight of sharks tearing their prey and threateningly clawing their jaws. To date, the Port of Barcelona is one of the most equipped, developed and modern in Spain. The annual turnover of its trade is more than 17 million tons, and the main imported goods include oil, wheat, coal, and cotton. As for exports, it is represented by olive oil and cork bark. Come to Spain for only two or three days - a complete frustration, because you will need at least a week to get acquainted with at least one half of Barcelona's sights. If you are limited in time, visit the most significant places: the colorful Ramblas, the Sagrada Familia, the Palace of Catalan music - they make Barcelona attractive.

