Different bags are needed, bags are all importantWe can talk about women's handbags for hours.For us, they are essential accessories that contain everything we need for everyday life outside the home. For men, they are a source of jokes and anecdotes. However, they themselves are not averse to using a pack of napkins, nail scissors or a clothes brush that we have pulled out of the depths of that very handbag. So, forgetting about ridicule, let's talk about these essential attributes. Firstly, they come in different varieties. Some are intended "for going out". As a rule, these are small models, slightly larger in size.This category also includes clutches and so-called "theatrical" models, decorated with embroidery, sequins or beads. Since they are the same size, they can fit a small wallet or even just a credit card, keys, a phone and, at best, there is room for lipstick. The second type of bags is used by women "for both feasts and for the world." Usually, such accessories are quite roomy, so that you can put a purse, cosmetic bag, comb, notebook, book or netbook, paper and wet napkins. In the bag of a mother who left the house with a small child, there is room for a couple of toys, a spare diaper, a bottle of water and a pack of cookies. The third category -.Most often, they have a rigid frame so that the papers do not get wrinkled, their size allows you to place an A4 folder inside. At the same time, they have compartments for a phone, writing instruments, business card holders and a laptop. The handles are usually complemented by a belt so that you can wear the bag over your shoulder. Models for business ladies are made of high-quality materials and decorated with embossing. The color scheme here is most often black and brown, but sometimes you can see red models. As a rule, blue and green shades are not used for such bags. And finally, travel bags. This can be a set consisting of a suitcase on wheels and a small trunk, which is attached to the handle, by which the entire "structure" can be easily moved, made in the same style from the same material. Many women choose elegant travel bags with internal pockets, where it is easy to fitand documents.Things in such bags will not wrinkle, so you can take your favorite dresses and blouses on a trip. A woman's bag is a necessary thing. Maybe not always practical, but without it, many representatives of the fair sex consider their image incomplete.

