attack of bronchial asthma Bronchial asthma is a chronic diseaseupper respiratory tract inflammatory, characterized by obstruction (constriction) of the bronchi and difficulty breathing, in particular, exhalation. The causes of the disease are not fully understood, the hereditary predisposition, poor ecology, malnutrition, frequent allergic reactions in childhood, obesity, smoking, parasites in the liver and intestines, dysbiosis and others are of great importance in the onset of the disease. People who are ill with this disease, and their loved ones, of course, are obliged to know how urgent care is, what should be done to remove the first symptoms. Otherwise, the person who started the attack may even die. But to provide assistance, we need not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills.

Symptoms of an acute attack of bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is accompanied by acuteattacks, in which the manifestations of the disease are sharply exacerbated. An attack of bronchial asthma is a serious enough and serious condition requiring immediate first aid, otherwise there is a risk of developing asthmatic status and the issue of hospitalization and professional emergency medical care in a hospital environment. Asthmatic status is an extremely dangerous condition of a patient with bronchial asthma, resulting from inadequate treatment of an acute asthma attack. The main signs of an acute attack of bronchial asthma:

  • Shortness of breath;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Extended and difficult exhalation with a whistle;
  • Whistling and buzzing rales in the chest;
  • Attack cough;
  • Heaviness and pain in the chest.

If you suddenly feel one of the symptoms,urgently call an ambulance or ask relatives to give first aid. Before the arrival of doctors with the patient should remain a man who can distract the patient. asthma attack

Precursors (aura) of an acute attack

The attack develops very violently, duringa few seconds, but it can be predicted by the characteristic signs that may appear shortly before the development of an acute attack, and sometimes for several hours or even days. So, this is restlessness, excitement, confused speech, obsessive movements of hands, feet, a feeling of fatigue, itching, irritability, sneezing, palpitations. As a rule, patients know about their condition in advance, as the attack occurs against the background of already existing bronchial asthma. Just because the attack itself almost never develops, most often it is caused by certain provoking factors.

The causes of an acute attack of bronchial asthma

  • The most common cause of exacerbation of the disease is allergy. It can be on sharp smells, tobacco smoke, on food products, on medicines;
  • Stress physical or nervous;
  • Chemicals and air pollution;
  • ARVI, accompanied by rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • Stress (tears, crying, strong negative emotions);
  • Sharp climate change, cold air and high humidity.

In people suffering from bronchial asthma,hypersensitive airways. An attack can cause even the smallest particles of an irritant in the air, which are unnoticeable to a healthy person. Therefore, relatives and friends of such a patient try to protect him from contact with household chemical products, sharp odors, tobacco smoke, perfume, etc. The patients themselves should also try to avoid places where there is an increased risk of an attack of bronchial asthma. It is also desirable to exclude stressful situations. The same applies to the consumption of allergenic foods, medicines, hypothermia and viral infections. how to relieve an asthma attack

What is necessary for first aid in case of an attack

In fact, only a few know howthere is an urgent help. If it happened that an acute attack all the same arose, it is very important not to get lost in the patient or his environment. For this house (with you on the road, at work) there should always be everything for relief of an acute asthmatic attack. What should be in the medicine cabinet for an emergency case of an attack is decided by the attending physician. In accordance with the appointment of the doctor, a mini-first-aid kit is collected, accompanied by a record of what and in what order it is necessary to use in case of an acute condition. This will simplify the task for relatives, relatives or people who accidentally find themselves in the event of assistance to the patient, and also help to avoid panic and inconsistency in actions. Remember that emergency care should be provided in a calm environment so as not to cause panic. As a rule, you should have asthmatics:

  • Inhalation canister with bronchodilator medicine, for the child - a spacer and bronchodilating spray;
  • Anti-asthmatic drug in tablets (suitable for this particular patient);
  • Antihistamine drug in tablets or in drops for a small child;
  • Hormonal preparation.

First aid for an acute attack of bronchial asthma

If the patient, in addition to the main signsattack of bronchial asthma, there is a change in the color of the skin (pallor or cyanosis), the consciousness is broken, blood pressure rises, consciousness is broken, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible. Your help is the control of the patient's action and condition. In the event that the patient's condition in the event of an attack does not cause serious concern, you can provide immediate assistance on your own, having everything you need and instructions for action at hand. The patient should be completely at rest and do not panic. All actions should be calm and clear. Additional fright and fuss only exacerbate the dangerous state. What is the first emergency aid? The first thing you need to do is to release the patient from the shy clothes (take off your shirts, ties, etc.), help him take a comfortable position, which is easier to breathe and less pronounced pain in the chest. Most often, this position sitting on a chair, resting on the chest in the back, for convenience, you can put a pillow under your chest. The child can be laid in bed, in a convenient position for him. A little differently, there is an emergency for allergies. In the event of an attack in response to the effects of a known allergen, it is necessary to immediately stop its entry into the body. It is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh (not cold!) Air: open the window, window leaf. The patient needs to calm down and relax as much as possible, small children can be distracted by a calm story, a book and stroking the back. Then you need to use a balloon with a suitable bronchodilator, the so-called emergency medicine. Sometimes it is enough to make a couple of inhalations to remove the manifestations of an attack. It is recommended to use metered-dose inhalers at the very beginning of the attack and, in the absence of effect, repeat two inhalations after 10-15 minutes. For small children, a special device is used for this purpose - a spacer, a container in the form of a tube, with a volume of about 500 ml, where a bronchodilating aerosol is injected. Spacer is brought to the face of the child, one injection of the drug is inside the device, the child should take a few breaths (5-7) with an aerosol. Also, after 15 minutes, in the absence of effect, you can repeat the procedure. Abuse of a bronchodilator can lead to complications and negative effects on the work of the heart, so do not use bronchodilators several times, and if the patient's condition worsens or if there is no visible improvement, it is better to call an ambulance. If an acute asthma attack is triggered by an allergic reaction, it is advisable to take an antihistamine prescribed by the doctor, in a dosage, usually 1 -2 tablets. In the case of an easy attack, tableted anti-asthmatic drugs help, which are also often available for every asthmatic person. Sometimes it is enough to dissolve 1/2 of the pill at the beginning of an attack, in order to normalize the condition within half an hour. At the first symptoms of a beginning attack it is also useful to make warm hand and foot baths, with a water temperature of 40-45 degrees for about 15 minutes. It helps to relax, relieve tension and spasm of blood vessels. Often there are all kinds of recommendations of traditional medicine, such as onion compresses, iodine inhalations and canned massage at the time of an attack of bronchial asthma. In fact, the effectiveness of these methods is controversial, in addition, we should not forget about the danger of allergic reactions in asthmatics. Also, additional stimuli in the form of sharp odors or unpleasant sensations in such a serious condition will certainly lead to nothing good. Such help will result in another attack. If all the measures taken are ineffective, after 30 minutes you can take a pill of the hormone drug, also prescribed in advance by the doctor and in the first aid kit of each person suffering from bronchial asthma. If, despite all your actions, the patient's condition does not improve or even worsens, then hospitalization is necessary, urgently call for an ambulance. bouts of asthma

Preventing attacks of bronchial asthma

The main thing in preventing the emergence of acuteattacks - strict adherence to medical prescriptions, appointments and restrictions. Discipline of the patient is the key to successful prevention of exacerbations of bronchial asthma. Prophylactic recommendations

  • Regularly take an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed by the treating doctor as maintenance therapy outside the seizures;
  • A good therapeutic effect is achieved by physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, the courses of which are used during the remission of bronchial asthma;
  • If possible, the effect of unfavorable factors and allergens should be avoided, and stressful situations avoided;
  • Constantly temper the body and strengthen the immune system;
  • Timely treat chronic diseases of internal organs and systems;
  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • Systematically engage in respiratory gymnastics;
  • It is desirable to undergo special sanatorium treatment twice a year;
  • Normalize nutrition and work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • To lead an active lifestyle with daily walks in the fresh air.
  • A person suffering from bronchial asthma. always consult a doctor if the symptoms of bronchial asthma become more frequent and severe, if the attacks occur at night or the effectiveness of the drugs used has decreased and they have to be used more than before. If the asthmatics are sufficiently attentive to their organism, and also with the participation and understanding of their relatives, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of life and avoid frequent attacks of the disease, as well as the development of serious complications, even with a disease such as bronchial asthma. In addition, the level of medicine to date, the latest methods of diagnosis and therapy can stop the development of the disease in the early, easy stages, and sometimes completely rid the patient of unpleasant manifestations of bronchial asthma.

