delicious soup recipes in a multivariate Soup from time immemorial is the most satisfying dish,which not only regains strength after a hard day's work, but also warms in cold weather, and will supply your body with the necessary elements and vitamins. In most cases, soup means a dish in which the main element, additional products is present and there must be a broth. However, this description does not always correspond to what can be found on the table, and recipes of a dish strongly contradict our traditional idea of ​​soup. Today, cream of soup, fruit soups and even soups-purees have become very popular. And even in this classification many can find shortcomings. And if in ancient times soups were cooked exclusively in Russian stoves or at a fire, now there are recipes for cooking on a gas stove, in an oven, in a microwave oven and in a multivark. The last option is the least time-consuming. However, it makes you think about when and how to lay down the necessary components. After all, the cup is only one, and the proper timing for cooking each ingredient is the key to a tasty and nutritious meal. But cooking soups in a multivarque does not limit you in any way in using other types of dishes. So, for example, you can easily use your favorite frying pan or saucepan for roasting. For boiling vegetables or cooking broth, you can take a separate pan, bucket. Nevertheless, all recipes assume many options. And you can prepare a dish by the one that you liked best.

Recipes of different types of soups in a multivariate

In the multivarquet, hot soups are usually prepared,based on broth, for example, borsch, kharcho, soup, mushroom soup or ear. The result of cooking is in no way dependent on what kind of consistency of soup you are going to prepare - cream, mashed potatoes or ordinary soup. soup in a multi-barrel with croutons

Cooking soups-mashed potatoes in a multivark

As the name implies, for hiscooking is necessary to grind the products that make up the soup. Everything from meat to vegetables should have a consistency of puree. Modern technology allows you to do it quickly and easily. You just need to thoroughly rinse all the ingredients, clean them and cut them to the size that allows them to enter the cup of a food processor, meat grinder or blender. All this can be used to make mashed potatoes. But do not forget that in order to prevent your equipment from breaking down, too solid products must be cooked or roasted. Essential element of soup-mashed potatoes are milk or cream, so in order that it does not sour almost immediately after cooking, it must be boiled. Well, we should not forget that for the stomach only soft, tender food can not be very useful. That is why to such soups served toast, toast or crackers. The first are cooked in a frying pan with the addition of oil, the latter - without oil, and the others are roasted in the oven.

Preparation of pumpkin soup in a multivariate

To prepare this soup, the following products are required:

  • carrot,
  • pumpkin,
  • bow,
  • cream,
  • potatoes,
  • garlic,
  • butter and vegetable oil.

Cooking method: After cleaning and cutting vegetables, they must be fried in butter. Before sending them to the multivark, pour oil into it and reheat it. Then you need to put it on the "Baking" mode, where they should be cooked for about 15-20 minutes. After that, we rearrange the multivark in the "quenching" mode and leave it for an hour. After the specified period of time, we take out all the contents and grind them in a blender. In puree, pour in the cream, stir. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little boiled water into it and boil again. When serving dishes sprinkle the soup from above with herbs and do not forget to decorate it with croutons. recipe for soup kharcho in the multivark

How to cook a soup kharcho in a multivark?

There is a widespread view thatnow it is impossible to cook a real Georgian soup harcho, because, according to some information, its recipes have been lost or kept from outsiders in secret. But despite all this soup kharcho can be cooked even at home. Contrary to the general misconception that the kharcho is prepared only from mutton, the very name of it in Georgian means "soup of beef". It is important that the meat is rather fat, experienced chefs recommend even taking meat on the bone, since it contains enough fat. Another important feature of this soup is that its ingredients must include such ingredients as spices and spices, walnuts, as well as tkemali plums, which adds an already sour taste to the fragrant soup. Due to the inaccessibility of this product in all parts of our land, since the acidic tkemali grows only on the territory of Georgia, it is accepted to replace it with tomato paste. It gives both acid and is easily accessible. However, the inhabitants of Georgia will never allow themselves such a replacement. They have always been cooking kharcho exclusively on the basis of tkemali or dogwood. That is why during the fruiting season, the plum is trying to collect and store in time for the winter, drying the plum pulp in the sun, after knocking it down into large cakes like pita bread. The resulting dry cake, which in no way lost its flavor properties, is called clapping, and sometimes recipes can contain this particular product, and not specifically a plum-tkemali. So, in order to prepare a soup kharcho in a multivark, you will need:

  • meat (preferably beef) - a pound,
  • 2 carrots,
  • 2 onions,
  • 3 potatoes,
  • 2 large tomatoes,
  • 2 Bulgarian peppers,
  • salt, pepper to taste,
  • a glass of rice.

All the products are prepared - mine, clean andcut. Then fry in the multivark for 20 minutes meat in the "baking" mode, after that add the onion, pepper, carrots, tomatoes, after 5 minutes each ingredient. And all this together we extinguish for another 20 minutes. Then we lower rice and potatoes to the multivark, switch to the "quenching" mode and, depending on the capacity of your unit, we set the time - about an hour and a half. Then you can add all the spices and flavor enhancers. Salt should not be added immediately, but 15 minutes before it is ready. As soon as a signal sounds that the dish is ready, you can add a bay leaf to it and warm it for a couple of minutes. When the jar is served to the table, it is necessary to squeeze the garlic head into a bowl of soup. rassolnik in the multivark

Soup rassolnik in the multivark

In order to prepare a rassolnik, independentlyfrom the way he prepares, you need salted mushrooms or cucumbers. These ingredients are the main ones in such a dish, which used to be called kalya. In contrast to what is offered today's recipes, it was added chicken and caviar. Now, there are a lot of all kinds of recipe rassolnik, which also includes pickled cucumbers. To prepare a pickle in a multivarka the following products are needed:

  • 2 - 3 salted cucumber,
  • meat of chicken - no more than 500 gr,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 onion,
  • 3 potatoes,
  • 3 tomatoes,
  • pearl barley,
  • Bulgarian pepper,
  • spice.

So, most of the products we do not have too muchsolid, so they can be crushed in a blender directly in raw form - these are tomatoes and sweet peppers. Pearl barley should be washed and soaked for at least 1 hour. Cucumbers finely chopped or rubbed on a grater. After this, all the crushed products are pawned into the multivark and filled with hot water. The rassolnik is also preparing an hour and a half in the "extinguishing" regime.

Sauces for soups prepared in a multivariate

So, having prepared the soup, you need it somethingfill. This will require a sauce, which can also be prepared in a multivark. By the way, it is with the help of this device that you can prepare a sauce-base, in which you can then add anything and use it every time with a new dish. For such a universal sauce we will need:

  • 2 onions,
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour,
  • root of parsley,
  • 2 tbsp. meat broth,
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter,
  • celery root,
  • lemon acid,
  • spice.

All vegetables and greens chop and fry 10 minutesin the multivarker in the "baking" mode, add flour and fry for another 5 minutes. Fill all with broth and stew for 1 hour. At the end of the cooking season with spices and salt. Pour well and add oil.

