natural antioxidantsEvery year there is more and more talk aboutpoor ecology, low-quality food, unhealthy lifestyle. And in these conversations, such a term as antioxidants is mentioned more and more often. Just a few decades ago, such a term was known only to a narrow specialist. Today, doctors know natural antioxidants and chemically synthesized ones. Soviet doctors were the first to talk about the use of antioxidants in medicine. They began to use them to treat various diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, as well as cancer. In addition, antioxidants are very effective in normalizing metabolic processes in the body, helping all cells in the body to function properly - they control the structure and activity of membranes.

The principle of antioxidants

The first thing you need to do is tellabout how antioxidants work. The word "antioxidant" is translated as "antioxidant". And this name was given to such substances for a reason, since they largely stop oxidative processes in the body. But oxidation is one of the most important destructive processes in nature, leading to destruction. In this case, the destruction of the human body. Remember what oxidation is? That's right - it is the rusting of iron, and combustion, and rotting of matter. But you should not immediately write off oxidation as a negative process. After all, it is oxidation that allows our body to receive the energy it vitally needs. The main sources of energy - carbohydrates and fats - enter the human body with food. Oxidative processes occur in the cells and energy is produced. In order to better understand how this process occurs, imagine an ordinary stove. You burn fuel, but you get light and heat. It is according to the same principle that oxidation of various nutrients occurs in the cells, which ensures the maintenance of optimal body temperature, the production of carbon dioxide and water. As a result of oxidation processes, bile acids, steroids and amino acids are transformed. If foreign and harmful substances enter the human body, they are also rendered harmless by oxidation processes. This phenomenon is also called tissue respiration. In some cases, the body can be affected by such negative factors as:

  • Abuse of alcohol, smoking.
  • The use of products containing preservatives and colorants.
  • Unfavorable ecological situation, the impact of radiation.

All this can lead to such a pathology asshifting the balance towards maximum oxidation and increasing the amount of free radicals. As a result, the work of cells loses its efficiency - various diseases arise, and the aging process of the body begins to proceed many times faster.

Varieties of antioxidants

Doctors distinguish two main types of antioxidants – vitamins and enzymes:

  • Enzymes

The action of enzymes is to convertfree radicals into hydrogen peroxide, which is much less aggressive. The body breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, which are so necessary for its proper functioning.

  • Vitamins

Vitamins work on a different principle.They prevent the very process of free radical formation. This happens because vitamins deprive radicals of the energy they need, as a result of which the entire chain reaction is slowed down. The most effective vitamins are E, P, A, C, K. Nature is extremely intelligent and has supplied many food products with these vitamins. And you should never forget about multivitamin complexes - if your diet is inadequate, you should consult a doctor who will help you choose the most suitable drug.

Some interesting facts about antioxidants

Today, doctors know very interesting information about natural antioxidants. Surely, our readers will be interested to learn about them:

  • The greatest amount of antioxidantsthe present day is found in some berries - cranberries, blueberries, plums, black currants and blackberries, dark grape varieties, in legumes - beans, beans, peas, nuts - walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts. Also it is impossible not to mention chestnuts, sea buckthorn, oranges and cherries. Equal to them simply does not exist.
  • The amount of food eaten is also directly affectedon the number of free radicals. In the event that a person constantly consumes more food than his body needs, free radicals are formed at a much higher rate than usual. This increase in free radicals is explained by the fact that the body, in order to process a large number of nutrients, must work in an enhanced mode.
  • The optimal balance of antioxidants in the bodysuccessfully fights against depressive states - even with the most severe depressions. Moreover - there are suggestions that antioxidants can help cope with even serious diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. Although with confidence about this you can not say.
  • In order for antioxidants to have the greatesteffect, their "collective" work is necessary. To the great regret, no artificially synthesized medicine is able to exactly repeat the groups that nature itself creates. Therefore, it is so important to carefully monitor the right and balanced diet.
  • Currently, there are more than a thousand differenttypes of free radicals. And scientists are constantly discovering new species. And almost all known antioxidants are struggling very, very successfully. Therefore, their role in the human body is so important.
  • Natural antioxidants are necessary for everyone withoutexceptions to people. But they are most relevant for residents of large cities, in which the air is polluted very much. Another category of risk is people systematically receiving high physical exertion.
  • Nature has provided its own systemstruggle against radicals. And the first few decades of human life, it works flawlessly and without failures. However, over time, her work is oppressed by the influence of adverse factors, which have already been mentioned above - ecology, bad habits, toxic substances. And it needs to help, in addition supplying the body with antioxidants.
  • Not so long ago, doctors reliably established thatBurns can lead to a sharp increase in the content of free radicals in the body. Therefore, those people who have encountered any burns - chemical, solar, thermal - need additional intake of antioxidants.
  • natural antioxidants

    Where to look for antioxidants?

    It was already mentioned in passing above thatNatural antioxidants are found in food products. Of course, of plant origin. Most antioxidants are found in plants that have bright pigmentation - for example, blueberries, beets, eggplants, black grapes. Such plants very actively prevent not only the aging of the body, but also the development of various diseases, including cancer. No less antioxidants are found in fruit juices - freshly squeezed, of course. Pasteurized juices largely lose their beneficial properties. Most antioxidants are found in citrus juice, as well as grape and pomegranate juices. Apple juice is a good oxidizer, and chokeberry juice is a powerful antioxidant that can fight cancer cells. In addition, a large number of antioxidants are found in green tea, red wines and cognac. In some cases, doctors recommend drinking small amounts of red wine and cognac. They contain a large amount of organic acids, pectin, vitamins, carbohydrates, mineral salts and amino acids. Wine is worth mentioning in more detail. It has the most beneficial effect on the body - it helps fight stress, normalizes the digestive system, controls cholesterol levels and stabilizes the cardiovascular system. But remember that you should never abuse alcoholic beverages - you can drink no more than 50 ml of red wine or 2 ml of cognac per day. Tea is rich in very useful antioxidants - flavonoids. And green tea is preferable. But if you still prefer black tea, remember that tea leaves have beneficial properties only in the first few hours. That is why doctors recommend drinking freshly brewed tea. By the way, this rule does not apply to green tea - a strong antioxidant. You can drink it even if it is not freshly brewed. And do not ignore the well-known garlic. Garlic is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, capable of coping with a huge number of different diseases. Are you faced with a common cold? Did you know that during colds the body produces a huge amount of free radicals? And garlic copes with them perfectly. Are you having problems with the cardiovascular system? And here garlic will come to your aid. Doctors recommend eating at least two cloves of garlic daily. It is most useful in raw form. However, if a person has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, garlic can be heat-treated. Of course, a small part of the antioxidants will be lost, but the benefit will still be incomparably greater. As you can see, an antioxidant is a faithful assistant and protector of the human body. Therefore, in no case should you ignore this valuable gift of nature. Do you want to maintain health and youth as long as possible?

