ampel plants Today we invite you to plunge into the beautifulworld of ampel plants. Beautiful, floral compositions hanging from balconies, colorful creepers creeping up the facade of the buildings, planted gazebos are all decorative ampels. Ampel in German means "hanging vase for flowers". Most often pots are used in various forms of pots, baskets, vases, etc. House plants and greenhouse flowers can be used to create beautiful compositions, and even some types of open ground bushes are suitable for this purpose. It has long become fashionable to use ampel plants for the garden, for the vertical gardening of suburban areas, and, of course, the ampels look very nice in the apartments. From ordinary room flowers, they differ only in that they have them on decorative walls-bars or high tables, but especially colorful appear flowering compositions, literally a waterfall hanging from the balconies.

Types of ampelian plants

Ampel plants are divided into three main types:

  • Ornamental-deciduous: asparagus, ivy, Tradescantia, saxifrage, fittonium and others.
  • Krasivotsvetuschie: dyushenyaya, hoya fleshy, fuchsia, columbine and others.
  • Ampellar succulents: apocractus oblate, zygocactus, cleansing and others.

This is not all the listed flowers, there are many more varieties of ampels.

Placing ampel colors

Ampelic plants, such as chlorophytum, ivy andnephrolepis, well get accustomed and look in wicker pots. Typically, the material for weaving uses a variety of: rope, cord, vine. Very attractive look at the ampels on the shelves or round serving tables. Especially convenient supports on wheels, because they can easily be moved from one place to another. In the summer it will be good to transfer the plants to the balcony or decorate them with the entrance to the country house in the country. However, when moving, consider the level of illumination for each individual plant species. For example, asparagus and saxifrage love sunny places, and ivy, philodendron and ferns prefer to stay in the shade. On the plot of land ampel plants are often used as a hedge, decorate with flowers doorways, porches, verandas. Often you can find decorative compositions of flowers in both parks and gardens. Suspended baskets are planted with lively streets. A special place in the design is occupied by balconies and loggias. Most often for this use hanging baskets. With their help, you can easily decorate the boring walls of houses or windows. For suspended structures, there are a variety of types of containers, including those made from improvised materials. The main requirement for the selection of colors for hanging baskets is the nature of their growth: they should beautifully hang from the basket, forming waterfalls of flowers. Many houseplants are excellent for such purposes, for example, fuchsia, petunia, sweet peas, ivy, nasturtium, chlorophytum, Tradescantia and others. The most unpretentious and "convenient" ampel flower can be considered a room begonia. Firstly, it grows rapidly, and secondly, it blossoms abundantly and, thirdly, is able to wait patiently if you forget to water it in time. Also, its virtues include a painless transplant, which makes it even more popular. It should be noted that in suspended structures there is good air circulation, so the soil in such containers dries quickly. Therefore, it is best to plant drought-resistant flowers in them (pelargonium ivy, petunia ampelia, verbena, pleasant odor, bideens feruleleous). When creating multi-level compositions, use differently shaped flowering plants. You can mix curly, carpet, bushy, sprawling and flowing plants, placing them in the neighborhood. On the edge of the tank can be planted carpet (porcelain, gazaniyu), and sweet peas, ipomeya or tunbergia perfectly form a falling veil. The top of the composition can be decorated with directly growing plants, for example, spicy greens. Such bushy flowers, like fuchsia or begonia, can grow both up and down. A nasturtium is ready to grow and the middle tier of the composition. Pay attention to the level at which your "flower basket" will be located. If it is below human growth, bushy or upright growing ampels will look good. And in highly suspended flowerpots the flowers of various shapes hanging cascade are colorful. ampel plants for the garden

Care for ampel plants in the apartment

Ampelnye plants unpretentious, and care for themdoes not require much effort and additional costs. Let us dwell only on some important points. Most kinds of ampelas come from hot tropical countries, but they can not endure direct sunlight. Therefore, place them near the window. Periodically turn the plant to a light source with different sides, in order to form a uniform crown of leaves and flowers. If you have flowers on shelves or decorative racks, then pick up lightweight plastic pots. It is necessary to have a thick layer of drainage, because excessive watering and standing water are much more destructive for these plants than over-dried soil. Drain the pallet of the remnants of water from watering. Note that the higher the flowers are to the ceiling, the less moisture in the air at this level. Therefore, do not forget to spray plants from the spray gun, and in the heating season, use an air humidifier or place containers of water directly near the ampel. Growing plants in a plant pot, it is necessary to hang it in such a way that you can freely check the condition of the soil and periodically turn the container with the flower from side to side. Important: hanging, the plants should not come in contact with other room colors. Otherwise, there is a high probability of infection of plants with pests from each other. Plants with aerial roots are demanding of humidity, so spray them more often. Keep in mind that drops from plants that remain on them during spraying fall into the soil, and therefore it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering. Another good means of moistening is a nearby wet moss. Despite the fact that for some types of flowers moisture is vital, it is also a favorable environment for fungi and bacteria. In order to reduce the risk of such diseases, add biochemicals such as Triodermin or Fitosporin to water for irrigation. ampel

Care of ampels in the open air

The most popular among garden ampelshave acquired petunia, fuchsia, pelargonium, ivy, nasturtium, verbena - all of them perfectly combine with each other. Ampeli in the street, in the garden, in the villa area is a great way for creative self-expression and manifestation of your imagination. You can try all possible combinations, move hanging baskets from place to place, combine incongruous, and still everything will look cozy and beautiful. For the cultivation of ampel plants in the garden, pendant structures and various baskets are also used. Especially magical appear blossoming compositions in such artistic capacities, as, for example, an old boot, a holey wicker basket, a broken cart and others. The ampel plant in the pot is the most unpretentious for keeping, it is enough to water it and periodically feed it. You will not need to weed, hoe your pet and fight the weeds. Of course, in the open air the soil dries faster, and therefore frequent watering will be required. This is the main condition for holding outdoor ampels. The larger the pot, the more often you need to water the plant. The best way to water from morning and evening. It is necessary to have a drainage and a drain hole in the pot. As a drain, you can use clay crocks, bark of trees and traditional expanded clay. The substrate for planting ampelian plants should consist of sand, peat and sheet humus. It is allowed to add organic compost. To accumulate moisture in the soil, it is not superfluous to add vermiculite or hydrogel granules. An important condition for the formation of a beautiful composition is the regular fertilizing of plants with fertilizers. It is best to purchase a complex fertilizer for flowering plants in flower pots. And, of course, do not forget to remove wilted flowers and withered shoots. Regularly check the plants for pests. Several times per season, spray with special insecticide solutions and shower, dousing the plant with plain water. As you can see, ampel plants are a great alternative for decorating your house and garden. It is difficult to find the same floral compositions, there are a lot of options for creating hanging designs. You just need to show imagination, catch fire and be inspired by the result. Once you create a colorful ampel, you will be subdued by its splendor, solemnity and creative simplicity. We wish you creative success in decorating the interior with the help of a floral "waterfall"!

