Acupuncture is a very ancient methodtreatment of various diseases. This term also has a number of other names: acupuncture, acupuncture, reflexology, reflexotherapy. All these words denote one of the areas of traditional Chinese medicine, which is based on a certain type of impact using needles strictly in certain places - acupuncture points on the human body. There are a huge number of them. This method of treatment is based on working with these points. Many believe that if you act on them correctly, you can not only get rid of stress, speed up recovery or improve functional disorders in the body, but also completely cure many diseases.
What is acupuncture?
The roots of acupuncture treatment go deeppast. The following fact is reliably known that more than 5 thousand years ago in China, treatment by means of pressure on acupuncture points was already used. Over time, the technique of this treatment developed. Acupuncture masters passed on their skills and secrets from generation to generation. It should also be said that the development of acupuncture was greatly influenced by the philosophical and religious teachings of Ancient China. For example, Taoism. Between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD, this technique was the most popular among many residents of Asia. In Western countries, acupuncture spread in the 20th century. But, in connection with the development of traditional medicine and modern science, this type of treatment is considered only as an alternative. Our country became acquainted with acupuncture not so long ago, only in the last century.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is usually used when the effectdrug therapy does not help or helps partially. This is usually associated with diseases of the nerves, arthrosis, migraines, bones and joints. Acupuncture is widely used in the treatment of disorders of the central nervous system, for the treatment of impotence, and depression. This method is very popular in the fight against excess weight. Impact on some acupuncture points helps to cope with headaches and toothaches, high and low blood pressure, cough, fear, various osteochondrosis, frigidity, pain in the intervertebral discs and in the heart. There are several types of acupuncture points. Harmonious points are responsible for the systemic work of organs. Impact on calming points helps to put the functions of the nervous system in order. Stimulating points help to activate the body's energy. There are also special points. Impact on them is used in the treatment of various diseases. The principle of the impact of acupuncture on human treatment is based on the following statement. When a person gets sick, the connection between the unhealthy organ and the point responsible for this organ is broken. And if you physically act on this point, the connection between it and the diseased organ is restored and the body's functioning is normalized. The healing effect of this procedure, as experts say, can manifest itself both immediately and after some time. Acupuncture points are located in 32 zones on the human body. An ordinary person has about 1000 of them. The most densely populated points of the body are the ears, feet, hands and scalp. Reflexologists use about 150 active points in their work. The most healing and effective of them are only 10. In modern clinics, along with the traditional effect on acupuncture points with needles, they also use a laser beam, devices with thermal and magnetic effects. But this is already a method related to acupuncture, which is called acupressure. This method is the same as acupuncture, with the only difference being that there are no needles. And as a result, the risk of introducing any infection into the body disappears. By the way, acupressure is a subject in Chinese schools. The Chinese believe that every child should be able to help himself.
Arguments for and against acupuncture
It must be said that everyone has their own attitude towardsacupuncture is different. Some medical researchers claim that the effectiveness of this type of treatment is no higher than the placebo effect. That is, in simple terms, this method helps as much as patients and their doctors believe in it. They insist that it is not only ineffective as a treatment, but also unsafe. This acupuncture, like all invasive treatments, can lead to negative effects on the body, side effects and serious complications. Among them are such as, for example, bleeding, hematoma, pain, damage to nerves and internal organs, nausea, vomiting, infectious diseases, including HIV infection. If the needle is inserted into the skin incorrectly, the resulting involuntary muscle spasm bends it. It often happens that the needles cannot be simply removed from the skin. To remove them, you first need to perform a special pushing massage of the muscles around it. This procedure can only be performed by a highly qualified specialist in this field, observing all sanitary and hygienic standards. Only in this case can all negative consequences be reduced to a minimum. If you fall into the hands of people who know nothing about this, posing as acupuncture specialists, the outcome of this procedure can be fatal. Others claim the opposite. In some countries, acupuncture is actively used to treat many diseases. Among them are chronic ones, and even those that require surgical intervention. The World Health Organization has recognized that acupuncture has an effective effect on the human body. In 2010, UNESCO included it in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. However, at the moment, there is not a single reliable document that would confirm that acupuncture helped cure cancer or any other serious diseases.
Contraindications to acupuncture
As with any treatment method, acupunctureThere are contraindications. These include: acute infectious diseases, tumors, neoplasms, severe kidney disease, heart disease, sudden weight loss, infancy, intoxication, mental illness, drug addiction, acute pain of unknown origin, after heavy physical exertion, after running, after taking baths with hot water. Exposure to needles is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. It is not recommended for people with fungal and viral diseases, with chronic liver diseases, hypersensitive people with an increased pain threshold and nervous excitability.